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Everything posted by LaceyLou

  1. It's a little unsettling to me that there are women who believe they should be told who to vote for by their husbands (or fathers, for that matter).
  2. In recent decades, the GOP has been successful in convincing men that Democrats are anti-masculinity, if not outright hostile to men (particularly white men). Perhaps if Democrats start circling back to the mantra of the 90s often attributed to women at the time, "it's the economy, stupid," they can find ways to remind men that a lot of their traditional staples (labor, education, etc) are also beneficial to men.
  3. This makes me think of some of the pro-Taliban women I saw interviewed years ago. I wonder if they realized then what their fate was going to be once they got their wish? It's similar to the story of the trees voting for the axe, which had to be one of them because its handle was made from wood. ETA: second story doesn't appear to fit... maybe Stockholm syndrome instead? I still think there's truth to the quote.
  4. To all Republicans who are condemning the rhetoric from the MSG rally: are you really only noticing that Drumpf is a racist now? Where exactly have you been for the past 40-50 years? This is who he is. This is who he will always be.
  5. That would explain the off-color sex related jokes, too. I personally expect better from people, not just white men, but sigh. We've already found that Drumpf can get away with stuff others have not. Remember when Kerry made that stupid comment about people with less education getting stuck in Iraq? He was roasted for that-rightfully so-but from Drumpf it's said to make him 'tough and telling it like it is.'
  6. Evidently, Drumpf's strategy wrt Gaza: campaign that Harris is behind Israel in places with higher Muslim populations, and that she is behind Palestine in places with higher Jewish populations. All this while promising to block any refugees from Gaza from entering the country.
  7. This, and we also support summer and afterschool activities for youth, so that they can learn teamwork and leadership skills.
  8. I agree with you. One thing to keep in mind is that MAGA portrays Biden and Obama as 'the far left.' More specifically, the 'far left' is anybody who disagrees with Drumpf-so in their eyes it's almost impossible for the Democrats to NOT be overrun by them. You and I both know this isn't true, of course.
  9. Yes, I'm definitely hoping that this strategy becomes less and less effective. The suburbs and even the exurbs are changing, as more and more people are priced out of the city (here anyway).
  10. They're trying to play on the fears that suburbanites are supposed to have-of inner city residents, Puerto Ricans, etc. in the hopes of scaring more people into voting for them. Sadly, I believe this has often been effective.
  11. Love the contagion emergency kit....
  12. Wow, just wow. I've been known to watch Maher, but yeah, a lot of times I feel cases like this completely negate any good points he makes. I suppose he could be egging her on in order to show how silly she looks, but even if that is true (unlikely, IMO) I'm pretty sure it flies over the heads of anybody who believes her. My guess is he's an entertainer, looking for the controversy in order to rile up viewers.
  13. I don't want to sign in/create an account, but I already know that even though I would have been considered a mainstream Democrat in the 70s, I'd be labeled as far left today.
  14. And yes, it's the made up culture wars that cause so many problems.... think the myth of the feminazi and/or stories of children having gender changing surgery in their schools. It's not hard to find people online who think the Democrats want to exterminate white, heterosexual males or ban cows. As for immigrants... many of us who are now considered 'real' Americans were once part of a group that was marginalized. I'm of Irish and Scandinavian descent, and both of these were definitely considered lower than the more established groups.
  15. I can't disagree with anything you say.
  16. This is true, and I'd be lying if I said I was completely at ease during those times. Honestly, I first thought of moving to another country in the 80s, but stayed because all of my family was/is here. I regret not going-if for no other reason than that I'm unlikely to get a chance to even travel now. I feel as if every year we're faced with rotting infrastructure, cuts to already struggling transit, never-ending increases in housing, healthcare, and education costs... not to mention cuts to education that causes already struggling parents and often teachers to buy basic supplies every year. And this is in Massachusetts, which is considered true-blue. Lack of pensions, having to save up for healthcare and retirement starting in your 20s, these are just two of the costs that eat into people's paychecks. And while the gains we made in past decades to get cleaner air and water are holding for now, protections that were in place are in danger if not already gone and we're in danger of going back to earlier pollution levels. Trickle-down economics took decades to get us here, and it's going to take time to reverse it. Sigh....
  17. TBF, 2012 Romad had a much better candidate to vote for. While I didn't vote for McCain or Romney, I wasn't in fear for my country if they won.
  18. If that's true then there's yet another thing Drumpf is going to get away with. 😞
  19. I'm picturing a Sinclair Lewis type scenario, in which they elect WIndrip but end up disposing of him.
  20. I wasn't sure about the best place for this. I'm curious to see what others think. https://www.thebulwark.com/p/bezos-kills-washington-post-endorsement-guardrails-falling
  21. Exactly. 'they let you do it' because they're afraid of getting something even worse.
  22. The timing makes sense to somebody who is concerned that a predator is about to be put into a position of power, especially a position in which said predator will be evaluating policies concerning sexual assault and consequences of sexual assault on victims.
  23. Sadly, we're only just beginning to realize this, and it's only because most of us never came forward and were ashamed to tell anybody. It's very sad to hear how often it happens to little kids-and one common thing I've heard from people is that the abuser is, more often than not, a 'pillar of the community' who can do no wrong. It's one of the few times I honestly wish I was as alone as I used to feel.
  24. Or worse, we're told that we should feel flattered. "Why can't you women just take it as a compliment??? Plus IIRC, he also bragged about being able to walk in on half-naked pageant contestants, who couldn't say anything because he owned it.
  25. Good to know. It is kind of funny that the ad is saying that we need to 'beat Harris and the billionaires.' Huh?
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