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Everything posted by LaceyLou

  1. And... it's common for victims to not come forward, or to come forward decades later-for the reasons you've listed. And ugh... am I the only one seeing the Drumpf ads on this page? I'm also getting pro-Deaton pop ups.
  2. Admittedly, I don't know very many MAGAts. One of the few I do, however, has posted that the judge put illegal voters back onto the rolls. UGH.
  3. That is pretty much exactly the tone of the emails I keep getting. I'm already a nervous Nelly and they don't help. These groups don't listen to feedback, either. Occasionally a 'win red' email goes through and they're even worse, so there's that.
  4. Boston. You're looking at Boston Common and can just see Charles River in the distance.
  5. When I got my real id this past summer, I had to have my birth certificate, SS card, and a copy of 2 bills with my address on them along with my old license-granted, it was because my old license had a different name (in MA you can put any name on your license as long as it's not to commit fraud so I had added my nickname), but that's still a lot of ID to have to chase down. From what I've heard, there's talk of making requirements such as having your current ID match your birth certificate exactly in order to vote, which would make it a nightmare for anybody with a legal name change-including women who take their husbands' names. It seems like there are a few wrinkles that are going to be difficult to iron out.
  6. Yes, and sniffing kids' hair, too. It's mainly the attitude... that women are oversized children who of course need the guidance and firm but calming discipline from men. It doesn't always mean literally patting them on the head, though that's a stereotypical dismissive gesture that's seen with children. TBH it's best to keep your hands to yourself with people you don't know very well.
  7. Earlier today I saw a report (is it weird from the WP?) that editors of the LA Times resigned after owners blocked their endorsement of Harris. Is it possible that Bezos is doing the same thing? I'm wondering if and how we can work to rebuild the 4th estate, consisting of media not owned by multi-billionaires and/or RW groups.
  8. The view from my rooftop....
  9. I remember seeing some ads in '16 in which people who had done work for him told stories of not being paid, even though he used the places he'd finished for them that were supposedly 'not up to par.' Unfortunately I don't think they had much, if any, impact. Instead supporters chose to believe that the work had been subpar.
  10. SMH. McConnell has been part of the problem and was a strong ally of Drumpf's. I wouldn't be surprised if he still votes for him in 2 months. I lost respect for people like him and Graham when they turned around and became his staunchest supporters. https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/23/politics/mcconnell-trump-gop-new-book/index.html?iid=cnn_buildContentRecirc_end_recirc
  11. True. What's interesting is people from the northern part of the Midwest and those from upstate/western NY are often pitted against one another, even though they have a lot in common. I still roll my eyes whenever I hear somebody refer to people from the Northeast as 'elites' even though most of us are hardworking people struggling to make a living-just like the people in the rest of the country.
  12. I've been watching a lot of old television shows and movies while on medical leave. I'm struck by how women were often portrayed as being adult children needing the guidance and calming presence of a man. It's very subtle, but I'm sure girls were influenced by them. I also shudder to think that I used to sing along to a song that began "I'd rather see you dead little girl than to be with another man."
  13. I would say for the most part upstate NY is not part of the Rust Belt. Western NY (especially cities like Buffalo) I think could be included.
  14. Right now, neither. If Republicans are indeed voting for Harris in enough numbers, I suspect we won't know until Election Day.
  15. It could be that they are also trying to get out the vote for candidates for the House and Senate. Both candidates will have an easier time if at least one is controlled by their own party.
  16. "I don't want to do those jobs, because it's my choice. Everyone else who doesn't want to do those jobs is lazy!"
  17. Good point. It took a while for me to switch jobs (I'm talking years) before I found my current position, and it was because of concerns about my age (okay, they didn't come outright and say that but as a manager I'm trained to reword questions to make them about whether or not a person can physically do the job)-and that was five years ago.
  18. As many have found, it's not always easy for a US citizen of limited means to emigrate. I have a skill that's needed in Canada, but I'm old enough and weird enough that they might not want me there.
  19. Drumpf has already said things that suggest that he'll pat women and girls on the head and say 'there, there, you're safe now.' Um, no.
  20. Depends on how it's done. In the short term it might be if one of the steps is forced labor. And unfortunately a lot of decisions are made on short term consequences. Will it come to this? I'm not sure-though our history: slavery, camps for Japanese Americans in WW2, treatment of Native Americans, etc. suggests that it's not out of the realm of possibility. In the long term... it absolutely would be horrible for business because they'd have to compete for a smaller labor pool.
  21. I agree-the most recent elections in the Netherlands and in Austria show that there may be trouble brewing there. I honestly don't know if I'd be in danger or not. I do worry about my nieces, and about my colleagues from Central America. I personally think people like my colleagues make our country stronger, and that a country in which women are able to make a contribution outside of the home is also a stronger country.
  22. It's not the only, or even the most important reason I'm considering it. That said, for many it also depends on if it's safe to stay. There are an awful lot of people in Nazi Germany who were killed because they could not leave or did not realize the danger until it was too late. Unfortunately there were people who fled only to have those countries fall to the Nazis later, which is why it's important to choose a destination carefully. Some can and do stay and fight... others who are in immediate danger have to leave or be killed, and it is not stupid for them to do so.
  23. I'll admit I've looked into leaving, only problem is I'm not sure where I can go since I'm not rich. Also some of the trends I've seen in Europe, even with my casual look at international news, is cause for concern.
  24. That hits the nail on the head. And... yet another example of somebody who doesn't seem to understand the role of the VP.
  25. Yet another reason to make sure people get out and vote. We know that it is often the people who are swayed by bad information that go out and vote, while the more informed people become discouraged and stay home.
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