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Everything posted by LaceyLou

  1. In the 90s, I went on a date with a man whose parents grew up in Nazi Germany. I don't remember his exact words, but he said something along the lines of Adolph's accomplishments making him proud to be German. We did not have a second date.
  2. This, plus it's going to take years to undo the damage to a lot of the departments that the Drumpf administration gutted or put people in place who would have liked to see that department eliminated. Don't even get me started on the damage that is yet to be seen as a result of weakening of safety/environmental laws and/or lack of enforcement of those laws. I understand that regulations often are opposed by business and manufacturing groups, and yes, the economy is important (in fact, natural resource programs often have economics courses as a requirement). I happen to believe there's a way to have a healthy economy without destroying the environment.
  3. Honestly, based on what happened with the EPA and NPS service in '16-I expect that Drumpf and company will be happy to see the most talented people leave: unless, of course they happen to be willing to bow to him.
  4. Did one of his kids write that? They got his nasty spirit, but there are too many complete sentences for it to be his post.
  5. The only thing that would surprise me would be if Drumpf were to go on national television, renounce his wealth, public life, and lying ways-then spend the rest of his life in a monastery upon taking a vow of silence. (I can dream, can't I?)
  6. FWIW, a quick look at the Newsweek link also led to links where Halperin is predicting (hoping?) that Drumpf will win. I agree Newsweek isn't what it used to be.
  7. This. The absolute worst thing that could happen would be for people to jump on something that later turned out to be a deliberately dangled false story.
  8. I personally think he deserves this... should be a reminder to others to not get too involved with Drumpf's legal issues. https://www.npr.org/2024/10/22/nx-s1-5161612/rudy-giuliani-defamation-lawsuit-watches-apartment
  9. Most likely he likes the idea of being able to deal with generals who disagree with him, and I think I don't have to tell you how Adolph often dealt with those generals.
  10. I saw that-pretty incredible to have his dream come true.
  11. I'll be surprised if Harris wins there to be sure. That said.... if her campaign's efforts help turn out more voters I think that makes it at least possible, and as you said, only hurts Cruz.
  12. We definitely had fun-even though we were broke we'd either pool our money together or find free stuff to do. I can't imagine doing that work, and living on $6 an hour now.
  13. This. Closing a restaurant at the end of the day is the hardest work I've ever done-and at the end of a shift at a coffee shop I could have stuck my arm in water and gotten a decent brew. At least the job I work now pays well and is fairly stable. My body's still complaining more often than not.
  14. Also... I saw a social media post suggesting Democrats are looking for people to phone bank in Nevada. Anybody know if this is real?
  15. In all seriousness, I blame The Apprentice. He should have had a show called something along the lines of "4 Bankruptcies and Counting." I'm too lazy to look up the exact number right now.
  16. Let's see if I get this straight.... he works 15 minutes at a McDs that's closed for the occasion... and uses it to mock Harris's experience working there years ago? Sad part is it will probably work in his favor.
  17. I remember hearing shortly after his underlings took the punishment that the newspaper who first broke the story was going to gut the department that did the research work to do this... I believe it was Maddow, and she urged people to subscribe to their local papers to try to preserve these types of investigations. Sadly, I believe not enough of us did this.
  18. And yet.... recent history tells us that he absolutely will get away with it.
  19. I agree. And yet.... they keep doing it.
  20. I'm getting the opposite of unicorns, puppies and rainbows via email, from various fundraising sites. I haven't donated because I have no idea which, if any of them, are legit-also don't want even more emails than I'm already getting.
  21. Good point. It also takes away focus from issues.
  22. Years ago I watched a documentary about how once the Plague era ended, those who survived ended up becoming more prosperous. I definitely would prefer a different way to reduce the population.... And I would guess people are having fewer babies because it's hard for them to take care of their own financial needs, let alone those of children.
  23. OK, I'll admit I didn't read/listen to those... LOL. I did read books like Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee for fun, which people found strange.
  24. I'm pretty sure I don't want to know why the towel is there.
  25. TBF, people thought the same about me since I was much more left wing than most people I went to school with. 😉
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