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Everything posted by LaceyLou

  1. Now the Red Sox can go back to losing again.
  2. I'm mean enough that I'd enjoy that...
  3. Yes. And the legislature had decades to codify it. That's one thing that will need to be addressed seriously if we get Roe vs. Wade back.
  4. Yes-many are exhausted and tired of having to keep fighting to keep the same rights. This is, of course, exactly what our opponents want, so that we'll give up.
  5. Sad but true. She used to be a serious person involved in many health, environmental, and safety issues. Now, not so much. Of course, as some of the comments say, where's Tulsi Gabbard?
  6. I'm not Italian, but can I join you anyway?
  7. Umm, my life is actually better than it was 4 years ago, although that has little to do with who's in the WH. And, gee, perhaps the reason many women are depressed and anxious is because they're realizing that they're going back to being second class citizens, with less bodily autonomy than corpses?
  8. And evidently Nazis got a lot of ideas for racist laws from segregation laws in the US... according to the book Caste. And let's not forget about Operation Paperclip, which brought a lot of Nazi scientists to the US to keep them from going to the USSR.
  9. Wonderful! Hopefully you have many happy years together.
  10. That was a truly great movie.
  11. True. No more purity tests-that is how we got Drumpf in the first place.
  12. He's so evil that even **** Cheney won't vote for him.
  13. That's interesting. I often hear (and picked it up myself) 'no worries' as a response to an apology to assure others that no harm was done.
  14. I'm in an awkward generation that grew up to address people formally; your boss would never be Bob or Jane but Mr. Smith or Mrs. Jones, for example. For younger people, 'you're welcome' or even 'my pleasure' sound too formal and stiff, so they go with 'no problem' or 'yup,' which sounds rude to many people. FWIW, I always liked that a former neighbor of mine would respond with 'of course.' Speaking of informality, I think the topic of automatically addressing people with a nickname has come up before. Not only is my nickname not what most people shorten my name too, but I really hate what they shorten it too. When it doubt, address people formally, until somebody says otherwise.
  15. We'd love to have you in Massachusetts, too!
  16. Walz spoke to the same firefighters group yesterday and got a much better reception, I'm happy to say.
  17. This would have been about 10-15 years ago, but I remember reading that many people who came of age when Reagan was President lean farther to the right than others. Not sure what happened in my case... to say I was never a fan of Reagan is an understatement.
  18. I get those emails too. So much money, yet here anyway there's a chain of for-profit hospitals that is going bankrupt-and we've had to struggle to keep much-needed hospitals open. Sigh...
  19. With all the troubles that family has had-including one I couldn't in good conscience support today-I always felt that they were trying to improve the lives of those they served. SMH.
  20. Hey, if G-d will make sure, then Drumpf supporters shouldn't bother to vote, right? Seriously, this is what should convince people to get together and make sure he doesn't get back in-and then go back to fighting for other causes. Put on your own mask first so that you can help others with theirs.
  21. I saw a copy of this in a bookstore today. Is this Vance's favorite book?
  22. Hopefully the Harris team is reviewing those debate moments and preparing. Gabbard really is (yet another) piece of work in the circus posing as a political campaign.
  23. I don't know how much of this is real, either. Since he's being used to appeal to GenZ voters (I assume), it would be best to remind young voters that he will not be affected by things such as Project 2025 the way they will-other than that point it's best to attack the message and not the messenger.
  24. We lost Greg Kihn this week also. I used to drive my family crazy because I listened to The Breakup Song for hours at a time.
  25. I'd rather stay put the entire year, too. Honestly I don't mind if there's some snow, as long as it's a walkable place with everything I need within walking distance or at least accessible by transit. (I've been told that this goal of some to make more '15 minute cities' is a plot to control people and force them to stay in one place, so there's that)
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