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Everything posted by LaceyLou

  1. We lost Greg Kihn this week also. I used to drive my family crazy because I listened to The Breakup Song for hours at a time.
  2. I'd rather stay put the entire year, too. Honestly I don't mind if there's some snow, as long as it's a walkable place with everything I need within walking distance or at least accessible by transit. (I've been told that this goal of some to make more '15 minute cities' is a plot to control people and force them to stay in one place, so there's that)
  3. I never found her to be unlikable-she's far less reserved than many of the people I grew up with. For me there were other candidates whose views I liked a bit better. Once they were gone (which was pretty quick, IIRC), I got behind her.
  4. I guess I find the "Trump was an unknown" hard to believe. He was well known in the tabloids for 40 years, and had multiple bankruptcies. And while I never watched The Apprentice (which most likely saved him from yet another financial disaster), I suspect a lot of people knew him from that. I hope that your son fully recovered.
  5. Just curious... is there a reason you don't mention who you voted for in 2016?
  6. Exactly this. Similar to the "well I didn't get my first choice candidate, so now I hope the candidate who is against most if not all of the issues I claim are important to me wins" I heard from people in 2016.
  7. In all honesty, I get that having children changes one's perspective, and maybe can concede that physically giving birth can change perspective in a different way. What I can't agree with is that this is the *only* perspective that is valid.
  8. I've run out of likes for today! I wanted to expand on this with a mantra I once heard: Stop. making. stupid. people. famous.
  9. A lot of the drunks I've met started drinking because they understand what's going on.
  10. Yes, very good post. I really hope you consider writing a book someday.
  11. FTR.... I have always liked a lot of Sander's positions. I just wonder how people who claim to want him for President would prefer a Drumpf victory over somebody who is far closer to him in policy stances.
  12. I had the pleasure (?) of knowing several 'Bernie Bros' in 2016, and they seemed more interested in getting 'revenge' (for what I don't know) against Clinton than in defeating Drumpf. There was even one coworker who pointedly said that as a white man, he 'didn't have to worry about anything anyway.' As for Sanders, if he wants Harris to win, wouldn't it be more productive for HIM to speak forcefully about how much better she will be for the working class, and everything that the Biden administration has been working on for almost 4 years?
  13. I'm going to go ahead and admit that I never read the book, so I can't say whether or not he sounded like a bad guy. I think we've all seen what people will do and say in order to gain and hold on to power-this has always been the case but has become more obvious in the age of social media.
  14. I guess somebody could try to explain to him that some people want to try to leave the world a little bit better-not because they expect to get something out of it, but because they have empathy and kind hearts. Then again, I suspect that whole concept is foreign to him.
  15. Simple. It's okay when a man does it. In fact, it means that he's unselfish and frees him up to serve his constituents without the distraction of a wife and children.
  16. This-especially since there are plenty of people who would love to have children, but are unable to. It's pouring salt in already painful wounds.
  17. One thing I do know is that I'm glad I shelled out a few extra bucks when booking hotels so that they'd be refundable.
  18. Sadly, I think that there are a fair number of people who agree with this. The trick is to turn out enough voters to outnumber them. (from a childfree, crazy cat lady)
  19. They're already saying that she's just as responsible for 'genociding' Palestinians as Genocide Joe. In other words, they're passing the torch, too.
  20. Have the wealthy donors who threatened to withhold donations to vulnerable Democrats if they didn't call for Biden to step down agreed to resume donations again?
  21. Seems like this is similar to what happened in the '44 election, except that I suspect FDR's health/prognosis was far worse than Biden's. Also not sure that the strategy they used then would work today, thanks to technology and multiple leaks around the WH.
  22. Is anyone else trying to travel this weekend? What a mess. I was lucky, though-I managed to get my money back from the airline and the hotel. Sounds like others did not.
  23. I personally like to learn about different religions and/or beliefs, and have had interesting discussions with people who are in the Boston area here for their mission work. If they want to pass laws requiring me to follow their religious beliefs and practices-that is when I object.
  24. Speaking of ad campaigns for charity... ASPCA's extra long ads showing a series of neglected, shivering dogs (with the occasional token kitten and even more occasional token horse) to sad carols while an even sadder narrators begs people for money makes me never want to give them money. St. Judes and Shriners also have the extra long ads, but at least they often show positive outcomes.
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