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Everything posted by LaceyLou

  1. I'm pretty sure one of the hundreds of pages in Project 2025 lists getting rid of the infrastructure bill as a goal. But of course, Drumpf has never heard of Project 2025, right?
  2. Not to mention that being a white male doesn't necessarily mean there won't be any consequences for you-I suspect, based on what I've learned so far about Project 2025, that many will be shocked at how they will be impacted.
  3. True, I definitely remember a lot of complaints about our "uncool" parents. Of course, now I remember them as doing a lot of decidedly cool things when they were younger, making US the ones that are dweebs. 😉
  4. Interesting. I wonder if having older siblings (in my case, the oldest is 17 years older than I am) has an impact on most people. I was definitely influenced by their taste in music-so I like a lot of stuff from the 60s and 70s.
  5. Evidently Gen X is being called out as the 'worst generation.' This of course is nothing new. Other times we get lumped in with Boomers, even though the first batch of Gen X was partly known for being born in a time when there weren't as many babies being born. Isn't that the exact opposite of what 'boomers' were named for?
  6. I know that and you know that... it just appears that a whole bunch of Democrats aren't thinking very clearly.
  7. I'm wondering if there's a chance for a change in plans for a VP... one who will feel comfortable with stepping in as President if it becomes necessary (similar to the 1944 election).
  8. Just you and me against the world
  9. Generation wars. Boomers vs. Millenials. Millenials vs. Gen Z. Gen X vs. whoever. Sigh.
  10. Just like Sinclair Lewis wrote....
  11. People are still telling me 'it can't happen here.' Time to read Sinclair Lewis again.
  12. If you're going to correct my grammar, at least make sure you're right. That is all.
  13. Perfect weather this morning-not too hot, not too windy, not too humid.
  14. LOL. Let me guess: he's a "nice guy." And is that a ring on his left ring finger?
  15. This is true-I mostly heard this in the aftermath of the '16 election.
  16. CA seems like it would have the best chance of succeeding on its own. As for NH. HAHAHAHA! I guess I'll find another way to visit Ogunquit.
  17. Welcome back! I was thrilled when I found the new place.
  18. 2FA is what got me locked out, I changed my phone number but neglected to update it on my FB account. Add to that I was using my nickname, which many don't recognize as coming from my 'real' name. My official name is literally on the account, too, but it didn't matter. Although it does show that 2FA works, so there's that.
  19. Social media. After a year and a half, I finally managed to get into an account I've been unable to access. I have to wonder if the powers that be arbitrarily decide if/when people are who they say they are, because I took the same exact steps..... I should probably start collecting emails, and get off of that thing.
  20. And now RIP America is trending on the platform that was formerly known as Twitter.
  21. OK, I lied. I AM surprised. Now how do we best do the work to ensure he doesn't become an Ex-ex president?
  22. Will they be joining the electric car graveyard that currently (or previously, that was a while ago) houses the Saturn electric cars?
  23. Yes, this is just how a lot of his supporters feel. And that makes the whole thing even more disgusting.
  24. That's what's nice about cooperative education and/or internships. You get experience, and are able to help pay for school with the salary you make. It also helps you figure out pretty quickly whether or not you'll be at least recently happy with the path you chose.
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