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Everything posted by LaceyLou

  1. According to some people I know online, my neighborhood was burned to the ground by BLM and Antifa. I'm glad they let me know, because I was completely unaware of this.
  2. I certainly wouldn't put it past Drumpf to ignore child labor laws, or to put his non-favorite child to work. That said, putting any of his kids to work wouldn't exactly go with the image he was trying to portray to the public.
  3. I remember reading some time ago that at some chains, schedules are generated by computers, and that a lot of employees often found they'd been scheduled to work until closing (often as late as 1 am), and then to open (often as early as 4 am) the next day. When I was younger I wouldn't have minded doing this once in a while, if there was a great need (and I did a few times), but it's not really something that is good for your health if it's every single week. I believe workers at one chain referred to this as "clopening."
  4. Bunions. I have a bad feeling I'll need an operation, and I actually don't want to have to take the time off from work. Should I ask for something I can do from home? I haven't decided.
  5. I'm probably not the best person to ask about NH, I grew up there and couldn't wait to get out, LOL. Not enough services, not enough opportunities, and lower pay. If you work in MA, you do still have to pay income tax (though not as much as if you were a resident)-and all of the nice things in NH aren't all that far if you live in MA. I guess it depends on what you like.
  6. LOL. I've heard more than a few people say they want to go to NH for lower taxes, and don't believe me when I warn them to look up the property taxes where they're looking. Those who look up the rates tend to stay in MA and thank me.
  7. I'm still waiting for payment for being a paid protester!
  8. Man, I hope the new year brings you better things.
  9. Agreed. Rents are definitely going up fast, at least where I am. But yes, it might be worth it if you can find a place that is well-maintained, especially if it's in a convenient location. It never hurts to ask what you can get for it.
  10. Agree, they help my building run smoothly for sure.
  11. Can anybody recommend a good present/tip for concierge and maintenance staff? How much is appropriate?
  12. My pet peeve: pockets, or rather the lack of them. I wish it was possible to search for a winter coat based on how many pockets it has.
  13. I'd recommend Rte 7 in VT, and Rte 2 in Western MA. Just be warned that there are hairpin turns in Western MA-unlike my part of the state, which is pretty flat.
  14. I'm sad to hear she's gone. She was my favorite First Lady.
  15. People who, after being asked multiple times if they want to see a show, then ask in a hurt voice after the rest of us make plans: "Why didn't you ask me?" Sigh....
  16. I'm pretty much over furniture that comes in a flat box that means looking at fuzzy pictures of pieces labeled with numbers and/or letters. I had to take apart my trash can cart 3 times yesterday, because the pictures weren't clear and I don't seem to have the eye normal people have that allows them to instinctively know how to put things together. I did finally get it together, only to find that the trash can Amazon suggested pairing it with doesn't actually fit. It might be time for me to get in touch with somebody who will build a custom desk/entertainment center. No matter how much it costs, it'll be worth it.
  17. Love that show! During the '20 election they ran it here all day, which was wonderful.
  18. I saw that too. Sigh... It's too bad the Wakefields couldn't keep it private. He seemed like one of the ones I'd like to have on my team, not just for talent but for personality, too.
  19. Every time I see a post like this, I think of the part of Life of Brian where one of his 'followers' says that people must 'follow the gourd!' And as funny as that movie was, it's not what I want to picture as my government.
  20. I'm so sorry! You're right, it's never enough time. Both of you are in my thoughts.
  21. That awkward moment when I realized that if I had a yard, I'd be yelling at people to 'get off of my lawn!'
  22. I found an oldie but goodie on the Tube: The Great Escape. Am watching it now.
  23. I'm seeing a familiar user name as our newest member.... is that our TTF from the old board?
  24. On that note.... the sound that my cat Logan makes when he sees a bird through the window is priceless. It's a cross between a chirp and a purr. ...so now you know I can't be trusted. 😉
  25. I don't disagree, actually-the crying emoji is because I agree. I'm lucky to have a better than average health plan, and wish that more people had access to this kind of care.
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