Any drama geeks out there? I recommend Theater Camp. It's a fun movie, and I can think of a few on here who will appreciate the captions at the end saying what happened to the main characters next.
ETA: There were lots of people in line waiting for Barbie to begin, and many were there to see both Barbie and Oppenheimer, back to back (both sold out). Even though Barbie isn't my thing, it's pretty cool to see people getting so into it.
Who or what is Jason Aldean? Or maybe I don't want to know because I'm one of them city people?
(actually I grew up in the country, in a town that was probably way smaller than wherever he's from, and that's how I know that people in small towns are neither better nor worse than anybody else).
The less than perfect lawn is actually a healthier lawn... and one way to prevent grass from turning brown in the event of a drought is to let it grow longer. Don't even get me started on overuse of pesticides and herbicides.
It seems as if no matter when I go food shopping, there are always a bunch of people unpacking new inventory, and blocking half of the aisles, as well as many of the spots where the stuff I need to buy happens to be.
Gotta love first world problems.
As popular as I know them to be....
Why oh why do so many channels have Christmas in July movies? I suppose if they were actually good I wouldn't much.
How can I miss the season, if it won't go away?
The books The Warmth of Other Suns, and Caste (both by Isabel Wilkerson) also do an excellent job of describing this. I wish I could say my city was better... unfortunately I cannot.
Just waiting to see who will attack first... on the plus side, Logan is learning that there are at least a few people who aren't so bad. He will now accept pets and is my latest example of a Purr Monster.
Once I found out when I was already struggling with a sinusitis attack that I had no Sudafed left, so I dragged myself to the closest CVS who informed me they didn't have the 24 hour one and that I should go to another one. I asked if they could call one of them to see if they had it in stock (so I wouldn't waste my time-keep in mind I was in a lot of pain) but they refused. Luckily the supermarket had it in stock, and for quite a bit cheaper. Needless to say I'm glad the hospital where I now work has a pharmacy that sells a lot of the basics.
Honestly I'm okay with the change, although I preferred the April start. I'd rather not have it stay dark until 9 am in the winter, and I'd also rather not have it get light at 4 am in the summer.
I do struggle a bit after DST starts, but on the whole I think it's the best option.
I'll admit I thought of getting the high deductible plan paired with an HSA (contributions can be carried over), but am more than a bit worried that ridiculous amounts of paperwork will lead to not being able to use my own money for any health care costs.
Come to think of it, opening day here is at the end of March... okay, I hate the local team but still. 🙂
It's good you live in the western part of the time zone... I like dark evenings so being on the eastern part suits me well. The only saving grace of winter for me? The grey late afternoons. I guess I'm part vampire.
(and I agree about thunderstorms)
March is my least favorite month, on average. No holidays off, weather can't make up its mind between snow, rain, and mud, and the start of DST tends to throw me off, for some reason.