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Everything posted by LaceyLou

  1. I'm pretty sure they've stopped caring about pesky things like that, if they ever cared at all.
  2. I copied this from the Auschwitz Memorial Facebook page: 22 February 1943 | Sophie and Hans Scholl & Christoph Probs were executed by guillotine in Germany for their public resistance against the Nazi regime. They were members of White Rose movement called for active opposition to the Nazi party. Hans, a medical student at the University of Munich, was 24. Sophie, a student of biology and philosophy, was 21. Christoph, a medical student, was 22. Their activities started in Munich on 27 June 1942, and ended with the arrest of the core group by the Gestapo on 18 February 1943. At great risk, the White Rose group conducted an anonymous leaflet and graffiti campaign that called for active opposition to the Nazi regime. In total, the they authored six leaflets, which were multiplied and spread, in a total of about 15,000 copies. They denounced the Nazi regime's crimes and oppression, and called for resistance. In their second leaflet, they openly denounced the persecution and mass murder of the Jews. In their attempt to stop the war effort, they advocated the sabotage of the armaments industry. “We will not be silent. We are your bad conscience. The White Rose will not leave you in peace!" "For Hitler and his followers there is no punishment on this Earth commensurate with their crimes. But out of love for coming generations we must make an example after the conclusion of the war, so that no one will ever again have the slightest urge to try a similar action" - a fragment of the fourth leaflet.
  3. And women. A lot of the people being fired are women.
  4. My previous rep (Lynch) has always done a lot of town halls-including virtual ones. My current one (Pressley) has a lot of exposure without doing a lot of them-she's more likely to show up at local protests.
  5. So much for the buck stops here.
  6. Please take New England, too! That way we can all still meet in Ogunquit every summer.
  7. I keep on thinking of the skit from To Be Or Not to Be.... with Mel Brooks as Hitler singing "All I want is peace-a little piece of Poland, a little piece of France...."
  8. I've been thinking about this for the past few days and.... I don't think T is planning on bringing in Canada as a 51st state unless/until it's established that it'll vote the way he thinks they 'should.' My spidey sense is telling me he's more likely thinking of it as becoming Lebensraum for 'real Americans' only. I have no idea how he would go about doing this, and frankly I hope I never find out.
  9. Ugh. Even a lot of people who initially were against congestion pricing now say that it has worked surprisingly well-less congestion, safer streets for pedestrians, and a faster trip for those who have to drive there. I knew it was toast when the governor of NJ begged Drumpf to intervene.
  10. Am I the only one who keeps hearing the song "Git along little dogies" whenever I see DOGE?
  11. Unfortunately, I think all forms of transit are going to become more dangerous. And some forms, such as what's left of rail and buses, might end up disappearing completely. I hope not-but I'm not seeing much support for transit with Democrats, let alone Republicans.
  12. True. I've met my share of people who tell me to stay out of certain places 'for my safety' who don't realize I live in the very place they're telling me to avoid. They've only seen/heard about 'certain people' who are in the area.
  13. Unfortunately, based on studies I've seen this appears to be the case. While a lot of the 'Karens' of the world have been shown to be nasty people, I'm guessing a lot of them are fed up because of years of people who constantly keep repeating their pitches no matter how many times they say they're not interested. And yes, after a few times our frustration IS going to show.
  14. Speaking of these 800 numbers.... I recently had to change cell phone providers, and had to be on a phone call in order to complete activation of a second line. Of course, during this call I was offered 'multi device protection.' I said no. The rep then continued to tout the advantages, and I said no again. He started to continue to try to convince me and I said, yet again, NO. Several days later, I got an email welcoming me to guess what? If you guessed the device protection plan, you're right. So I had to contact them again, and jump through all of the hoops to cancel a service I repeatedly said no to. UGH. I think we should start a pool, and those who guess correctly as to whether or not I'll be charged anyway will be the winners.
  15. Wellness farms? Sounds more like reeducation centers. I'm pretty sure that's why he says they'll 'reparent' them.
  16. Of course! (really it's a way to establish a state sponsored communication system)
  17. If not, I think it might be soon. Is a government buyout still on the table?
  18. Be careful of sharing TikTok videos-evidently the one with the woman claiming to be getting $2500 in food stamps is a parody account. LOL.
  19. To this day my oldest brother calls Tupperware "Suckerware." And it feels like Amway has been around forever.
  20. I also get tired of people constantly posting about selling things like Plexus, Scentsy, and other things like that. I don't say anything for the same reason (though I will snooze or unfollow the ones who post nothing else.
  21. Chocolate everywhere, and I can't eat chocolate. I wish I could find a blondie that didn't have chocolate chips.
  22. Is he also using a child as a human shield? And yes, while I wouldn't say I want our former allies to boycott us, I think it's the right thing for them to do.
  23. Sounds like somebody's repeating what everybody around him is saying. And I wouldn't be surprised if Musk honestly doesn't understand that little kids will do exactly that.
  24. I've worked in both academia and industry, and there are definitely good things about industry-typically you'll get higher pay, better benefits, and it's a lot easier to get a lot of the day to day things (pipet tips, reagents, etc), without having to jump through a series of hoops. The biggest benefit of academia, for me, is that it has been a lot more stable-followed closely by being able to work around a diverse group of students, researchers, and technicians. In industry, I was laid off 3 times in 5 years, whereas my last couple of jobs I've been at for 15, and 5 years respectively.
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