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Everything posted by LaceyLou

  1. She's either incredibly naive or forgets how many times we've heard this from her.
  2. I recently re-read a Dave Brandstetter mystery in which one character rails against rights for people with disability, claiming that 'now they make the rules for everything!' I remember thinking when I first read it that it wasn't the kind of thinking that would ever catch on. I was quite naive in those days....
  3. Soy is woke.
  4. Parts of VA could end up uniting with DC, which will then become a state.
  5. VA can join at the same time much of the Northeast becomes Canadian-I don't know if PA will want to join or not at this point.
  6. I wonder how long it'll be before my job, as well as many coworkers, is history? I hope that Canada and the European Union is watching, and ready to take on the research and our many talented researchers. Didn't Vance say that college professors are 'the enemy?'
  7. While true, even small steps in the right direction help.
  8. I'm guessing he didn't share this kind of belief with her before they were married. He sounds like yet another person who sold his soul for power.
  9. The sin of empathy
  10. While I hope it doesn't come to this, I'm thinking French Revolution level of violence. I was thinking of Hunger Games, but have never seen it and so can't compare.
  11. And it also isn't a man in a miniskirt who's even now deleting all sorts of accomplishments women have made from certain government websites.
  12. They might very well be seeing an 'uncut' version that's actually edited to make her seem as bad as possible.
  13. From the looks of the screenings going on for government workers, that has already begun.
  14. I keep wondering how long it will be before we see rivers start to catch fire again. (and I agree, Rubio is pathetic)
  15. I'm actually surprised T's ego hasn't kicked in with Musk getting all the attention. Does Musk have the infamous 'golden shower' pictures or something?
  16. According to my brother, one of Musk's Minions is a freshman at Northeastern University, where he teaches. ...and I'm pretty sure that my alma mater has a few embarrassing alumni...
  17. I've seen several posts on SM urging people to freeze their credit. Thanks, Elmo!
  18. "I don't care if it's unconstitutional, as long as he's doing things I like!"
  19. Also as is written on the bottom of that screen shot: El Salvador has agreed to take in deported criminals, and not just Salvadorans. For a fee, of course....
  20. And perhaps work to install a similar system in as many countries as he can? Sigh... I don't understand this kind of thinking, at all.
  21. I was thinking along the lines of the French Revolution. It's a scary thought.
  22. This comes as a shock to no one. Maybe the vote is close?
  23. I think as long as he's making money or that there are people gushing over him, he'll see it through. Unless of course Elon gives him the boot and completes a coup somehow. As for the others in this admin? Judging from his first term, we could probably have a running bet as to how long each member will end up lasting.
  24. And New England as well.
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