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Everything posted by digitalpigsmuggler

  1. Freaking E-rod and his no trade. Sucks the Tigers are going to lose him most likely for nothing. The Tigers could not find an east coast to unload him. It almost makes you think they did not even speak to the guy knowing he had a no trade.
  2. Zylstra waived after knee injury. Beat writters reported that Jameson William is having drop problems. He also got into a fight which is no big deal.
  3. Laporta disappeared during camp. None of the beat writers seen him get injured. But none of them also saw him walk off. He was out there for the first hour. Could have just been rest or he had to be somewhere.
  4. Another Biden failure
  5. Two tiered justice system https://dailycaller.com/2023/08/01/trump-judge-firm-boies-schiller-flexner-hunter-biden-burisma-tanya-chutkan/
  6. https://theathletic.com/4738683/2023/08/01/mlb-trade-deadline-mets-orioles-yankees-tigers/
  7. Detroit Tigers Rumors - MLB Trade Rumors Dodgers interested in E-Rod. As are Rangers, Rays, Reds, Phillies and Diamondbacks
  8. They sure do. You just can’t really afford to live like you were before’: Here’s how Americans are feeling the strain of inflation https://thehill.com/business/3857773-you-just-cant-really-afford-to-live-like-you-were-before-heres-how-americans-are-feeling-the-strain-of-inflation/
  9. Lulz, actually it is the gas they buy or the groceries they are purchasing at the supermarket.
  10. Iran sex tape scandal: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-66349073
  11. Russia repels major attack near Zaporizhzhia as Ukraine resumes 'intensive offensive' https://www.wionews.com/world/russia-repels-major-attack-in-south-as-ukraine-resumes-intensive-offensive-619791
  12. https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2023/07/28/shocking-poll-crime-is-still-a-major-voter-concern-bidenomics-not-working-n567670
  13. https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-july-27-2023
  14. There has been no break through. Russian defensive lines are doing what they are supposed to do. Elastic defense. It isn’t even the main defensive line. Ukraine has lost western made equipment for yards of progress.
  15. Minor gains, also keep in mind this isn't even the main defensive line of Russia. https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-july-26-2023
  16. Russia-Ukraine war live: Kyiv’s Zaporizhzhia push unsuccessful, says Putin https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2023/7/27/russia-ukraine-war-live-overnight-air-attack-targets-odesa-port
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