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Everything posted by digitalpigsmuggler

  1. Hronek is 25 and has shown the ability to improve. I don't think this is the fleecing people think it is. I love Stevie. It makes sense as the Wings can easily replace him. But Hronek isn't a terrible player. He is a young guy with upside.
  2. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-bakhmut-drone-attacks-c0e33e89b027c3604f585166a349c457 Looks like Bakhmut is finally going to fall. China meeting with Belarus. That is an interesting development.
  3. Hoping someone falls in love with Richardson.
  4. https://www.transparency.org/en/countries/ukraine Ukraine is corrupt as hell. But people get shouted down if you mention this.
  5. Zelensky and his cronies are trying to cover up a major corruption scandal in Ukraine – what role is the US playing?
  6. https://www.rt.com/news/572291-german-army-cannot-defend-minister/
  7. Why does Russia have to be an adversary? The US would be better served interweaving Russia and Europe to create economic dependence on each other. But that failed miserably.
  8. Why does it matter. Maybe I am an AOC type. I do like big booty latinas.
  9. Way to much for Larkin if true.
  10. I'd like to see the lions trade down at 6. A lot of depth at CB. All are pretty close after Witherspoon.
  11. https://www.the-sun.com/lifestyle/7515337/harry-meghan-evicted-frogmore-cottage-king-charles/ Hahaha Evicted!
  12. Would Like to see Tork turn it on. He has to show something to avoid AAA.
  13. Evidence? no doubting you. But Ukraine throws out some lofty numbers of KIA Russians. Most analyst think they are inflated. It is also hard to tell, fog of war and all that.
  14. At least it is meaningful hockey in March for a change!
  15. Wonder if Packers have interest in a QB. If they move on from Rodgers, they seem to be going all in on Love.
  16. Lightfoot was terrible. Joke of a mayor.
  17. Don't trust Goof long term. Not event a little. He has played half a season well in 4 years. That is it.
  18. Go Tigers! Ready for some baseball.
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