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Everything posted by digitalpigsmuggler

  1. People are quick to point fingers. But folks did the same thing as Nordstream. Ukraine was almost certainly behind that. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2023/jun/06/russia-ukraine-war-live-dam-near-kherson-blown-up-by-russian-forces-ukrainian-military-says
  2. Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/05/world/europe/nazi-symbols-ukraine.html
  3. WA's first director of equity was fired after saying she didn't trust Mexicans because they could choose to be white, among other indiscretions https://www.theblaze.com/news/mexicans-karen-johnson-fired-equity#toggle-gdpr
  4. I think you mean head of state. Even then we tried with Fidel. Because: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_assassinations_by_the_United_States
  5. Every NATO country should be spending 2%. As we have seen there really is no such thing as too big of stockpiles once war breaks out.
  6. I mean people are free to shop where they want. The left melted down over the my pillow guy. If folks don't want to spend their money because of someones political positions that's their right. Stuff like this isn't cool.
  7. Literal Terrorism if you don't shop at target
  8. Transgender ‘mother’ appears to feed newborn baby with milky substance he claims secreted from his nipples after taking hormones https://thepostmillennial.com/transgender-mother-appears-to-feed-newborn-baby-with-milky-substance-he-claims-secreted-from-his-nipples-after-taking-hormones
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/26/russia-ukraine-war-at-a-glance-what-we-know-on-day-457-of-the-invasion
  10. Pentagon overvalued Ukraine money by $3 billion says report No one notices 3 billion. Incompetent. https://americanmilitarynews.com/2023/05/pentagon-overvalued-ukraine-money-by-3-billion-says-report/
  11. Oh, So That's Who Americans Will Blame for a Debt Default https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2023/05/25/more-americans-will-blame-biden-for-a-default-poll-n2623702
  12. Depending on what estimate you look at its 20 to 30 percent of Ukraine they hold.
  13. So much for the great training
  14. China faces a new Covid wave that could peak at 65 million cases a week https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/china-covid-second-wave-xbb-variant-omicron-rcna86171 I guess the fear mongers will have to dig out their masks.
  15. Ukraine is losing 10,000 drones a month to Russian electronic-warfare systems that send fake signals and screw with their navigation, researchers say https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-losing-10000-drones-month-russia-electronic-warfare-rusi-report-2023-5
  16. Ukraine sent about 50 men dressed as Russian militia, in a few vehicles and one tank into the villages on the outskirts of Belgorod. https://canadafreepress.com/article/ukraine-sent-about-50-men-dressed-as-russian-militia-in-a-few-vehicles-and-one-tank-into-the-villages-on-the-outskirts-of-belgorod
  17. German Investigators Find Nord Stream Evidence Points To Ukraine https://summit.news/2023/05/24/german-investigators-find-nord-stream-evidence-points-to-ukraine/
  18. Representative Jackie — are you here? Where’s Jackie?” the president asked from the podium, peering futilely about the room. “I think she was going to be here,” he added. Biden had released a lengthy statement mourning Walorski when she died in a horrific car crash. The likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely,” Biden told reporters — one month before the insurgent group seized control.
  19. Sense you love abortions so much, how many have you had?
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