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Everything posted by oblong

  1. I aways liked Dirty Laundry then I found out Henley wrote it to criticize the media for asking questions about a young girl overdosing at his house.
  2. Regarding living here... I think the sport and the time the person played matters. A lot of the Tigers from the 80's stayed here. Rozema, Petry, Bergman, Wilcox, etc. Why? Because they found themselves in their late 30's, with not the kind of money to retire on. But they had a bit of fame and connections so they got jobs. Sales reps, etc. When they played they didn't make the kind of money that permitted you to live anywhere in the country you wanted, even having two houses. It also matters when your off season is. Hockey players often stuck around but I bet many of them grew up in MN or Ontario so this is nothing new to them. It's nice in MI during the off season for hockey. Basketball and baseball players, the merely "good" players, are now getting a level of contract that's far and away better than their peers in other sports.
  3. That's interesting, I didn't know you could do that. I avoided that bundle becaus I don't care about ESPN.
  4. You are correct in both circumstances. The optimal solution is for you to hold out your phone to either offer it to them or make it very obvious for them to help you by showing where on the screen you would touch. Then if they feel the only way to do is to take possession of the phone is to first ask, then hold it like an egg so that they can demonstrate that you won't run away with it or try to look at your photos 🙂 LIke hold it by their fingertips towards you. I have to do that a lot at Walgreen's with prescriptions.
  5. Dumb Dumb and his President the Space Boy are trying to claim credit for "rescuing" the "stranded" astronauts on the ISS. That's not how it works. They were not stranded and the plan to get them home was in place since last year. Another false claim.
  6. I'm not a fan of the 6:40 start times. I feel too rushed to get there. I didn't think I would like the pitch clock and rules but I quickly forgot about it so I guess I can't say anything. Given that times are around the 2:36 mark I think going back to a 7:00 pm start is fine. It matches Red wing games and those are in the middle of winter. Those start around 7 and end around 9:30. Feels strange still going to a "night" game and leaving when it's daylight out which happened a lot this year at Comerica Park. The Tigers are going back to 7 pm start times during the May-August stretch for Friday and Saturday games.
  7. I'm about the same age as he was when he was the 'old' guy on Friends. Damn.
  8. Besides that is a hockey name.
  9. Is she dumb or playing a part? I know some people talk slow and you can't judge b/c of that... but with her....
  10. One of the Challenger Astronauts was Ron McNair. As a kid he tried to check out books from the public library in Salt Lake City but it was segregated and they wouldn't let him. He refused to leave and eventually the police came. They finally let him get the books. The library is named after him now. He got a PhD in Physics from MIT.
  11. I saw a reel that identified the seminal moments for each generation: Boomer: Moon Landing Gen X - Space Shuttle Challenger (they originally had Stock Market Crash of '87 but I disagree) Millenials - 9/11 Gen Z - Global Finance Crisis Gen Alpha - Covid There's a great doc on Netflix about Challenger and the faulty decisions by management despite what Thoikol was telling them.
  12. I don't hold it against them either. There is a fine line between "POTUS won, they get to decide their cabinet and the Senate advises and consents." Save the objections for the extreme cases like Hegseth and RFK Jr. There has to be some specific disqualifying factor other than "I disagree with her and think she's a nutjob".
  13. Put another way, he has to show that voters in a swing state will accept a gay man who is married with kids. I like him a lot and he's qualified for Governor, Senator, and POTUS.
  14. Unless they are on the younger side and want to live an urban lifestyle, I suspect most players live in gated communities, or other subdivisions with large houses. So the city itself isn't an issue. It could be weather. It could be location to other family. It could be a desire to have one home year round instead of shuffling families across the country for a few months. I don't know Bregman's situation but I don't discount the desire to see the kids in April, May, Aug, Septmeber when they are in school. It's one of those "all things being equal" kind of things I suppose. Is it the primary consideration? No. But it can be a signifigant one.
  15. I guess it's hers if she wants it. But does she? She could be in a position to make some good money in the private sector I suppose but this is as much of a sure thing as we've seen in MI politics. I can't read the article but MI has a deep bench for Democrats and this is a good move for Gary to step aside and let them grow. That's leadership. Duggan's throwing shade at the democrats too. I saw a blurb yesterday.
  16. To put into practice... would the Tigers have had a better record if you remove Tarik Skubal and replace him with Bobby Witt Jr? I don't think so. It's an extreme example because for a lot of the season the SS slot was so bad but I think it's a good illustration.
  17. The best position player comes to bat 4-5 times a game. Even during a hot streak he will succeed 2-3 times at best during that game. Even then, you have to rely on others being on base, or doing their own success or hope for a HR. Otherwise a hit by itself does you no good. A top pitcher will impact over half the game time. This isn't basketball where a top player is involved in the entire play. I'm ignoring defense.
  18. yes I remember that family dollar incident very well. They took her further east near Southfield fwy, to the wooded area by the train tracks and shot her. It was pouring rain and I drove by there around that time. Haunting. That whole Westborn mall is a ****hole. I go to that Kroger only if I need a few things that I can carry in a basket and the other places are closed or it's something I can't get. they have ton of self checkouts. The arab population has really migrated in Wayne County to the west. Huge population growth. Dearborn Hts might be a higher % than Dearbown now. Then further west into Westland, Garden City, and Canton. Canton especially since they have newer construction homes and subdivisions. We could have a culture clash between them and the Indians. They themselves will joke that 'we're taking over'. They say it in a way that they move to get away from their fellow people, but then they follow.
  19. I've seen videos online, Michigan Lonyo area, and Outer Dr/Michigan, at the Kroger there.
  20. He was released from prison but still under supervision. He wasn’t totally free. Nothing about the headline is incorrect unless people don’t know how to read.
  21. Sick, dumb, white, and poor. they want to turn us into a red state ‘Murica.
  22. I know this is repeated info from the other day but today is the anniversary of the Apollo 1 fire. They died on the luanch pad during a plugs out test of their hardware. Plugs out means everything is wired up as it would be for a launch. They were having serious communication problems (among many other issues), the last meaningful thing said was Gus Grissom: "How are we gonna go to the moon if we can't talk between 3 buildings?!?" This fire led to many changes in culture at NASA and their contractors and many feel without their sacrifice we would have never landed on the moon because it forced them to change. Something bad would have happened a mission or two later, they would have missed the Kennedy Deadline, and motivation would have ended after that. Gus Grissom was a favorite among NASA, both management and crew (despite what you saw in The Right Stuff movie) and would have been picked to be the first man to walk on the moon if such a thing would have been possible. There was a reason he was to command the first Apollo mission. Ed White was a tremendous athlete, barely missed making the Olympics in hurdles. Strong as an ox and a good family man. Made America's first spacewalk. After his death LBJ insisted on having all 3 funerals at Arlington but Ed wanted to be buried at West Point, his alma mater. After some government hack pushed back on his widow during a phone call fo arrangements, Astronaut Frank Borman got on the phone and said "This is Frank Borman and Ed's going to be buried at West Point" and hung up. His wife never got over the accident, she had bad feelings before it happened, and she committed suicide years later. Roger Chafee never flew into space but he did fly photo missions during the Cuban Missile Crisis. He was smart and Gus picked him so that meant something.
  23. They are just afraid of smart people. Intelligence is "woke".
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