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Everything posted by oblong

  1. I also love The Hustler. Newman is one of the few actors nominated twice for an Oscar for the same role. Bing Crosby, Peter O'Toole, Al Pacino, Cate Blanchett, Paul Newman, Sylvester Stallone. I love the ending of The Hustler when Eddie tries to leave but George C Scott tells him he owes him money and then Newman goes on his rant. The way Gleason says "you better pay him Eddie" gives an indication he's been down this path himself. I also like the subtle yet important difference between Gleason and Newman. Gleason gets his drinks with ice, Eddie doesn't. Then Gleason goes back and freshens up, ready to pounce on him. It took me a two viewings to appreciate Color Of Money. Gleason was originally going to be in it but he decided not to as he thought it would be a gimmick and not fit in with that story. He was right
  2. I won't share a scene from Slap Shot because I can't think of one that's appropriate but I watch this montage from Color Of Money all the time. The other great one, even better than this, is the Werewolves of London scene but that's mostly about Cruise and Scorcese's awesome direction and editing. He totally deserved the Oscar for this, it wasn't a career award, especially when you consider the other nominees. This is a great movie that I suggest you revisit. You get Tom Cruise right before Top Gun. He's raw.
  3. ah the blue marble photo. Nice touch. I appreciate that. Someone said ChatGPT got Temu'd.
  4. The fact that Bregman hasn't signed yet, with anyone, and it's almost February tells me the Tigers are not being stupid.
  5. He made a layup with nobody following him.
  6. I am not betting real money, just a $100 buy at the beginning in “fantasy” type betting league. You get $10K in funny money for college and pro football but the top 10 win real money. Mid season I jumped from 40th place to 7th now simply by doing parlays where I pick the winner, against the line, and the over/under. I make no claims on being smart about it but with my 55% success rate overall it helped me move up. The math works out.
  7. There are many ways to serve. The military is but just one of them. You can organize food drives. You can deliver food. You can volunteer in your church for functions. You can coach. You can be involved in other youth activities. You can visit nursing homes. Even some jobs that pay remedial wages but are tremendously impactful I would count as ways of serving, like those in schools or social work. I won’t obviously criticize members of the military but I’m not going to kiss their ass either just because of that service. Same with cops and firefighters. I have known to many who are bad people to just automatically grant that to them. They have to earn it like everyone else.
  8. And simply being in charge. He wasn’t THE boss in those other cities.
  9. In fact it makes them look worse to me. They should be held to a higher standard since some think they should get special treatment. Most do not feel that way.
  10. I have a name for people who cover up affairs simply because they are “soldiers”. I won’t share it here because asterisks are boring. service doesn’t absolve being a jackass.
  11. After the other day it won’t be Episcopalian. They are too liberal. The trouble is the fundamentalists are not a united entity. At least in terms of religious dogma. A lot of them don’t think Catholics are real Christians. And a lot don’t think some fellow Protestants are real Christians.
  12. And it’s not our problem to solve. He and his supporters said the would do it and they aren’t or now admit it’s hard.
  13. Despite my participation here I’m going along with Eddie. If I have the news on and they cut to a story on him, I change it. I don’t engage in person anymore. My social feeds are generally purged. I muted some like minded folks who feel the need to send every heather cox Richardson essay. (3 friends do this with the command “pay attention”. All I can do is vote every election and perhaps give money. But we aren’t changing anybody’s minds. My vote doesn’t count more if I have online screaming behind it. It counts just the same as the guy around the block who thinks JFK Jr is still alive.
  14. The only justifiable position is because of the 10 player limit a voter wants to help a borderline player with totals, assuming the guy like Pujols doesn’t need their vote. Otherwise the focus on first ballot or unanimous is silly. A guy with 75% is just as much of a HOFer as the 100% guy.
  15. For a long time there was confusion on when players were eligible. DiMaggio wasn’t even a first ballot guy. The voting process wasn’t as laid out as it is today.
  16. Trump and his voters are what I call barber shop people. If you’ve been in an old school barber shop you kkow what I mean.
  17. I would have thought being a smaller voting community to pick these ballots and then vote on them would help. The last ballot from his era had the likes of Albert Belle, Schilling, Bonds, Mattingly. It was the year they put in McGriff. I dont know if they will put those guys back on or try for others to get a chance. It's the "contemporary" era ballot. Do they figure "Ok, you had your chance. Time for someone else to be considered".
  18. Lou didn't even make the ballot the last time. If he doesn't make it this year I doubt he ever will. He gets a lot of love but will it be enough?
  19. Pro life marchers are only interested in shaming women for what they think is an immoral lifestyle. It’s about control.
  20. I’m glad the Tigers aren’t bidding against themselves.
  21. he could be a member of congress.... or even better... defense secretary
  22. I think that person is playing a game.... like "look how silly it looks when we try to control people's bodies"
  23. This is a bad week in history for NASA as the Apollo 1, Challenger, and Columbia incidents occurred during this window. Today is NASA's Day of Remembrance for fallen Astronauts. It includes tributes to those who died prematurely, not just in a spacecraft. Several died in plane accidents. 2 of them (See and Bassett) were the crew of Gemini 9 and they crashed into the building in St. Louis where their spacecraft was being built. Their backup crew was right behind them and they safely landed after making a turn to try again b/c of weather. when they landed they didn't know what happened. People ran up to them asking "Which ones are you?" because they didn't know yet who the victims were. At that time Astronauts flew T-38 jets all over the country instead of commercial to save time and money in addition to staying sharp with flying time.
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