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Everything posted by oblong

  1. You mean, be a bigot. No thanks. We're not sellouts.
  2. Ms Vance looks scared. Melania looks like Caitlyn Jenner.
  3. Remember the Trucker caravan when they all got lost and were going in circles?
  4. She should have been Ashlii Babbitted
  5. But he has shown support to the hard right political party in Germany and he's from South Africa.... People are responsible for their actions and we are free to interpret them in context. Considering his crazy ideals it's not out of whack to accuse him of that.
  6. I noticed their security in the driveway of the Ford building across the street.
  7. Yep. that became the Tiger Plaza after Ilitch bought the team. I remember yelling "Screw you Bo!" at Schembechler watching him walk in. I live near the Lions facility and drive by quite a bit. Nice cars. But it's now the Meijer Performane Center.
  8. all I remember about him is he flubbed a fly ball in RF in a game in which Weaver was close to a no hitter or perfect game. I think it was the 8th inning. Not an error but a play that should have been made.
  9. So I assume those blue lives matter flags will be coming down? I’m confused.
  10. I’m not angry either. I’m laughing. Come see me. I will buy you a beer. The stand, if it’s open, is right at the top of the stairs.
  11. I’ve told plenty of people at baseball games over the years to shut up when they are being vulgar. I’m in section 216 if you want to try me. I’m there most Fridays. It’s usually frat boys with foo foo drinks or guys wearing camo hats that smell like weed complaining that they can’t smoke in the stadium. I will buy you a beer after.
  12. Wonder what the right to life people in DC tonight have to say about this? They’re probably drunk right now and sexually harassing the waitresses (and waiters for the closeted ones). That happens whenever those folks show up.
  13. It sure sounds like you are defending people with vulgar signs. If you like I can go back and show you where. You got your panties in a bunch and promoted attempting violence against me for calling them out. it is interesting to see how certain people react here when a certain demographic is rightfully attacked, yet they pretend to be “apolitical”. We see what’s going on.
  14. I wonder if they took the new guy around the areas where his people rubbed **** everywhere? My question is was it intentional or just the result of nature from being unclean people? Like do they do that everywhere they go? I know it’s always touch and go with indoor plumbing and toilet paper with these people. does pointing that out also make me arrogant or elitist?
  15. I guess it means you are “arrogant” or “elitist”.
  16. They would have a heart attack from having to get off the couch. I could take them. I had some training. If making fun of people with vulgar signs makes me elitist or arrogant then what does it make you in defending them? They are scum. Trump and his supporters have no class. They are the ashtray of America. You can sell your souls if you thjnk it will make you richer. There’s a word for that.
  17. I wonder if all the white trash in Michigan and Ohio and Indiana will have the class to take down their **** Joe Biden flags now? Or is that too much to ask? They could sell the material and get dental work done. Or buy deodorant.
  18. Reminder that we are back to having a whore as First Lady.
  19. Military service provides no moral high ground and honorable service members don’t brag about it either. You sound entitled.
  20. There’s an ignorance to history. Like Trump needs a guidebook. Anyone foolish enough to think “he wouldn’t have done that unless Biden did it first” deserves to lose their money.
  21. I obviously won’t go so far as to say I am on Trump’s side but I actually am rooting for him to rip off all of his fans and supporters. He can have all the money he wants. He’s too old and feeble to really enjoy it. I’m sure my quality of life right now is higher than his and he's too selfish to leave it to his kids.
  22. I’m sure the object of the coin does but I don’t care. They probably are already loaded. But it thousands of maga heads take a bath it makes it worth it. It’s what you voted for. Now own it.
  23. Congratulations. It’s been about a year since I started really thinking about this. Something about turning 50.
  24. I am also a total Lions bandwagoner. I admit it. But I root hard as some close friends and my old tiger season ticket partner are lifelong fans with season tickets. I asked him once “if you could pick one, Lions Super Bowl or Tigers WS?” He claimed he couldn’t say but I think he was being polite. that game hurt and I couldn’t really find a Tiger analogy from recent times. Maybe game 4 of the 2006 WS. Game 2 of the 2013 ALCS did too but…. Its just game 2 im sorry Lion fans. I can’t pretend my sadness compares to yours.
  25. I hope they come out with a new coin every week and all the maga-idiots keep buying and keep losing. They don’t deserve their money.
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