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Everything posted by oblong

  1. That’s what happened to Ashli Babbit and she took a bullet on Jan 6.
  2. I don’t think Carter would have done that. But he did have a state funeral so I am interested in knowing if having one means protocols be followed. Nixon did not have a state funeral. Neither did Truman. He planned for one but Bessie changed it after he passed away. There’s a photo of LBJ paying his respexts and he died 3 weeks later, leaving us with no living ex presidents.
  3. Yes. Especially relative to other catchers. I think he suffered in voting because later in his career and after we saw some very good catchers like Bench and Fisk and Munson, Carter, etc. and he played in an offensively depressed era. Not unlike Trammell with Ripken as a peer then later you get Nomar and ARod and Jeter redefining the position.
  4. He's on the fringe of prosperity gospel in my opinion: Wealth is an indication of someone's spiritual worth. Poor people must be doing something wrong in their lives and if they'd just pray more (and send money) they'd reap the benefits.
  5. My Amazon Photos app does a "this day in history" kind of thing and 4 years ago I took some screen shots of tweets where a guy made the case for Chet Lemon and the HOF. He's got a decent argument. Not saying he should be in but given the amount of attention others get I think he should also be in those discussions. He was better than we remember relative to the other CF's. Start from the bottom picture. I couldn't control the order.
  6. He got dropped off the ballot the first year, which I think was just an oversight by the writers as it was a heavy year and many writers just don't like to vote for too many people. That hurt him as he then didn't get a chance to at least get into the 40% on the regular ballot. Trammell was dropped in 2016 and voted in 2018 on the committee. Lou could have had a similar outcome. He gets lots of love now and I will be pretty surprised if he doesn't make it. Of course it all depends on the select few who decide who goes on the ballot, then the group who votes. I assume that's how they still do it. I haven't checked since they went down to just two era committees now. He needs 12 of 16 votes.
  7. 26 year ago today TV changed forever.
  8. it's the new strategy of the right. Any time there's something going on, look for the first woman or minority involved and suddenly it becomes a DEI thing. The racists are now empowered to be racist again. They don't have to hide in the shadows. As if the world would be completely safe and cool and calm if we'd just have left it to the straight white "christian" men. "You can't even smack a woman on the ass in the office anymore since all this woke and me too bull****..."
  9. Yeah it's wrong that Lou isn't it but that doesn't mean Sabathia shouldn't get in. If Lou isn't on the next ballot he's eligible for then it's a real travesty. He should have been on the last one. The contemporary player ballot is set for December of 2025 so I'm suspecting Lou to be inducted in July of 2026.
  10. Some people just can't wait to hate on a black woman.... it's their first reaction to anything. Very telling. You learn about people during tragedy.
  11. Charlie Kirk was whining about having to watch ASL interpreters. In case you wanted to be reminded of the depths of maga depravity.
  12. "There's this bar downtown, and in walks a polack, a jew, and a ni-"
  13. Ford and Carter agreed to do each other's eulogies. Ford died first. So now Ford's son Stephen is reading what Jerry would have said had Jimmy died first. Good stuff.
  14. The folks are saying that Mize and the Tigers sette on $2.34M deal.
  15. Dubya's girlfriend Michelle isn't at the funeral. Obama's flying solo. He and DJT were chatting it up, smiling. I wonder what they talk about.
  16. What about the Weather Channel? I have stayed up late watching that during things like Hurricanes. I haven't been around for these last two events.
  17. But they're not bigots and racists though... remember that.
  18. what do you expect from Apartheid boy?
  19. It's horrific....
  20. When I did my colonoscopy prep that side of things was a piece of cake because of the bidet.
  21. Can't wait for there to be a fire in Dexter and they blame the "democrat mayor of Detroit"
  22. I'm pretty sure Skubal is aware of his own injury risk. He's not a dummy. Athletes at his level don't just sit around and listen to what their agent tells them while they drink champagne and bang hookers and do coke all day. The player makes the decisons, not the agent.
  23. I subscribe to the PJ O'Rourke theory (A conservative from the times when it actually meant something) that any bill or policy named after a person is probably bad bill.
  24. It's to get people riled up and make them bitch and complain about his idiocy then they can say "see, you all have TDS" so that when he and his people actually do the crazy stuff and people get riled up and bitch and complain it gets lost. "The left, they never shut up"
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