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Everything posted by oblong

  1. things will always be "normal" when the GOP wins. When the Dems win we will get chaos as people like Pence and Romney, who still adhere to the old ways of dignity, get pushed out of the party for the kooks who run things today. People who enjoy the kooks are kooks themselves who probably walk around in **** stained underwear and haven't seen a dentist in 23 years and haven't had 'consensual sex' since they raised the age of consent in their state from 14 years old.
  2. The VP is enthusiastically performing her role to a member of the opposting party with grace and dignity and excitement. You want a striking display of differences between the two parties? You got it here. And you'll get it later today when they certify the results without incident.
  3. give him a break.... his religion probably forbids it.
  4. Racist old man afraid of black woman.
  5. Minor nitpick, you have the Wings behind a year in the 86-87. They made the Campbell finals in 87, then again in 88 in the Goose Loonies series. 87 was the year they came back from 3-1 against Toronto in one of my favorite playoff experiences ever.
  6. UNless it's Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert.
  7. It’s one reason I never want to go back in the office. I am not exaggerating either. I count having to take a **** one major advantage of being at home vs in the office. Normally I’d have to walk around to one of our 4 bathrooms on our floor to find an open stall. That could be 5 minutes there and back. Then the time you spend wiping and cleaning up. At home it’s could be over in less than 2 minutes.
  8. I bought a Biobidet elite 3. That was in 2021 so I’m sure they have newer models. It’s not heated. Pretty easy to install. It’s an attachment to your existing seat. I recall having to buy a new seat because they give you these spacers to make the seat even with the toilet bowl edges as the bidet lifts it up an inch or so. Our existing seat wasn’t flat on the bottom so they wouldn’t fit. That was the only complication. I was able to do it myself and am not Mr Handy. I have bought travel bidets (like an accordion type device) from Tushy so I am sure their stuff is good. I only went with my model because that’s what was in the condo in Florida.
  9. We went on vacation in 2021 and the condo had them. Before unpacking my suitcase I ordered the same model from Amazon. I got one just to make sure I could do it. The. I ordered the rest. I’ve convinced several friends since to get them. I have no idea why they didn’t take off sooner here. It’s not just cosmetic. They are healthier in terms of both the “ick” factor and for our shoulders and back as we age. My wife recommends for her patients who have shoulder surgeries. think about it. You are changing a diaper. You get **** on your wrist or arm. Would you just wipe it with a dry towel and carry on?
  10. Doesn’t the infrastructure around dealing with it matter too? When you have plenty of warning and it looks to be a multiple day thing along with it coming on the end of a break… just relax and stay off the roads. Save it for people who really need to get out and let the workers do their job. On that note I have always wanted to be a plow and salt truck driver clearing the roads. Having to get out at 2-3 am to ride around for 7-8 hours helping everyone else get around sounds tantalizing.
  11. “Nobody wants to see this”. That also is what he said about disabled and disfigured vets being out in public.
  12. and was fired from his job.... so.... is that an admission that Kash Money Patel shouldn't get his job? Looks that way to me.
  13. and still base much of their Bible and beliefs on what priests and other Catholic leaders decided upon 1200 years ago.... but many today consider Catholics not real Christians.
  14. Friday Day Drinking rules
  15. Kamala Harris on January 6th gets the honor to do something that only Al Gore (2000), Richard Nixon (1960), Hubert Humphrey (1968), and John Brecinridge (1860, a 4 way race) have done. Preside over their own electoral defeat for President. Nixon's words were eloquent, as you'd expect.
  16. some snowflakes can't handle criticism of the dogma.
  17. The rapture is huge in the fundamentalist world. At least it was in my circle. I was never on board with all of them... just listened and went through the motions while often silently muttering "bull****" to myself a lot of times. I'll give an example of the pettiness. i was told at various times that interracial marriage was bad. Not by itself bad, but God wanted us to be apart, that's why he built mountains and rivers. We're going against his will. Blacks are fine though. Beards are wrong. You look like a hippie and counter culture. What do I see now when I come across these folks on social media? Beards. Interracial marriage. Yeah it's great. I'm glad they came around. But at what point did they decide that stuff was ok? Don't they have to account for all the crap they foisted on us? What about the other dogma? When there's indoctrination going on what is the filter? I'm still unsure about alcohol. Before it was very wrong. But I see the occassional wine glass out there.
  18. Yeah, John Nelson Darby. https://www.knowingjesusministries.co/articles/is-the-rapture-taught-in-the-bible/ This is just one site that talks about it. This is relatively new to me. I saw a post about it on a social media account I follow, centered around people like who grew up in the fundamentalist world but later sort of rejected that. Still Christian based but... not crazy. Then I started doing research on it.
  19. we're connected but only within our bubble and on our terms. Think about sports bars. Even 15 years ago it wasn't uncommon for me to meet up with friends at a bar somewhere to watch a game on a big screen. Now we've all got big screens and we can text and post to social media, and meet up on sites like this one. Why would I need to go out and spend money and worry about drinking and driving?
  20. not questioning the concept of the dead and living Christians being taken away. But the context as it relates to a Tribulation. That's the part that was invented in 1830. The second coming and the rapture as been taught, are not the same thing.
  21. so something that was never taught for almost 2 thousand years is invented by a guy who publishes the first study reference bible, based on woman's thoughts after putting herself in a trance, and now you have a "left behind" cottage industry based on fear. Once again some in modern Christianity reduce it's benefits to being in the right place at the right time. In the Thesseolonians piece, Paul was talking about a christian reunion in general, not a precursor to a tribulation. It's the Second Coming...
  22. I haven't watched a Wings goal on repeat that often since Kane's last year in Chicago.
  23. Did you know the Rapture was invented by a preacher in the mid 1800's? It's not in the Bible.
  24. Mike Johnson is a weirdo religious nut. The kind who blame women for being molested or raped. Not a good dude.
  25. and they could do it in 2020 when they didn't run the executive branch. One side lost 6M votes, the other side gained 3M votes. 3M fewer people voted. 3+3=6.
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