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Everything posted by oblong

  1. I'm sorry but the left needs to realize that they won't find a perfect candidate for them that will also win elections. Stop litigating 40 year old battles. Her point on Reagan was to highlight the changes within the GOP today.
  2. For awhile Cobb lived at the Detroit Athletic Club, when he was having marital problems. I think that's neat considering his statue is just a few hundred feet away.
  3. I wonder if there's anything to draw from cases where the 4 women rule together? Granted we don't think that with men but when one of the 4 has her politics....
  4. She gave the speech from Wyandotte. We had specific reasons to stay in Dearborn when we moved 11 years ago but Wyandotte would have been our second choice.
  5. then they cook it well done and use steak sauce
  6. Vulfpeck released their new album yesterday, along with a concert where they played it. So far this is my favorite but I admit to a bias towards Joe Dart and his bass.
  7. That's depicted in once upon a time in hollywood. Manson goes to the house and asks for Terry.
  8. Owning the libs takes priority over anything in the Bible.
  9. they all fled from here. Either they are casually admitting defeat or lack the skills.
  10. I wanted to love I walk the Line when I saw they were making it. Joaquin sounded perfect for the role. I like the movie. I watch it whenever I come across it... but I give it an 8. Phoenix made him seem like a crazy mad man who would snap at any second. Cash was gentle. They did his first wife wrong too.
  11. Didn't view it. Watched episode 3 of White Lotus. It finally got going, I was about bored with it. Then I watched the SNL Vault channel...
  12. Dems should set up their own town halls and have a delegate on stage and put a cardboard cutout of the chicken GOP rep next to them.
  13. Now the term they are using is "price movements"
  14. the whole "keep politics out of this thread" thing isn't a rule so much as a self regulated thing. The people who participate in this would like it that way so if you do engage in political talk be prepared to be yelled at by them or ignored. It can be a blurry line when you have major policy shifts that will affect the markets. There is a line but I can't define it and we don't have to know where the line exists to know it should be there.
  15. I remember when Kenny Rogers died right before COVID shut us down and someone said that was the most “know when to fold ‘em” thing ever.
  16. OUTIH is clearly becoming one of my favorites ever... Pulp holds a special spot so it may not ever top that but I find so many new things in it every time I watch again. It's so genius.
  17. I think we will watch it this week. Tarantino had quite the stable for his Manson clan in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, which she was a part of. Dakota Fanning Margaret Qualley Austin Butler Maya Hawke Lena Dunham (already famous at the time so doesn't count in the theme of what I'm doing here) Sydney Sweeney
  18. But I don't think the goal is to say he was a great guy but that he wasn't a monster. We don't need to specify what a bad person he was every time his name comes up. There were people trying to get his plaque taken down at Tiger Stadium. Speaking of that, there was a story that someone took it or it was unaccounted for. The same plaque is outside Comerica Park near the entrances to the offices, by the player/staff parking garage.
  19. I won't tell you it's impossible. The way his wacko cabinet was just rubber stamped tells me there's no courage among today's GOP. I envision scenarios like the FBI and even the military trying to seize ballot boxes. A showdown between a state national guard and our military with him trying to nationalize one or more of them. Military firing on protesters. Assassination attempts on leading dem leaders, with pardons to follow. You are right, the evangelical supporters of his see this all as the prophecy so yeah.... they're on board totally.
  20. I admit to there being some biases at play here.... this author has made the rounds at certain institutions that might color the goal of what he's trying to do (google his name if you like to see what I mean) and Cobb being a Tiger could mean I want to exonerate him. But I think I'm on solid ground with my expectations. Cobb's a southerner during that time. Al Stump agrees to write a book. He's a drunk gambler with debts and a chip on his shoulder. Cobb dies. He writes a sensationalist book. People pick up on that and over the decades it becomes conventional wisdom and people like Ron Shelton and Ken Burns elevate to pop culture so that Ray Liotta as Joe Jackson tells us "nobody could stand the sonofabith" in Field of Dreams. Show me that he desrved the reputation he has/had as it relates to his contemporaries to justify what was said about him that isn't sourced from Stump or Burns.
  21. and I do remember chas pushing back on this narrative so I look forward to what he has to say 🙂 I like the approach that the author claims he used. I'm very open to the idea that the myth we've been handed down for decades wasn't true. I don't know that anybody's really refuted him or defended Stump with more evidence. Are there cases where Cobb made insenstive comments, by today's standards, towards blacks? Maybe. But we have that for a lot of people at the time. Harry Truman, LBJ.... it's not to make them appear as good people or to excuse it, but maybe Cobb doesn't deserve the extra scrutiny. He was a southerner during a sensitive time... but his family also had progressive roots when it came to racial issues. Later on he said blacks should get to play MLB and that Willie Mays was the closest player to himself that he was. There's photos of him at the field in Hamtrack where the Detroit Stars played. To me if you want to charge someone with being a jerk and racist then you need proof. And maybe I'm misremembering what chas said at the time but I recall his argument being the lack of proof that he wasn't. Which to me is backwards. You can't expect people in the 10's/20's/30's to explicity refute charges made in the 60's/70's/80's.
  22. Charles Leershan wrote a book about Cobb not too long ago and his point is that he just wanted to write a fresh book about him since all we had were books written a long time ago. When he did his research he found lack of evidence, and in some cases, direct contradiction to previously held claims and beliefs. In one case in a book (not Al Stump's) he is said to have fought with a bellhop and a butcher, who were black, and that is proof that he was racist. But this author searched further.... and those guys were white. Al Stump was the source of a lot of what we "know" about him and then Ken Burns ran with it. A lot of what he wrote simply wasn't true or there is not one shred of evidence to support it and plenty to contradict it.
  23. The "type of guy" is entirely subjective and up to the voters entrusted to vote to decide for themselves, whether it's the BBWAA or the various people on the commitee for each ballot. But that's kind of irrelevant. It doesn't apply to Rose. Baseball's HOF decided that for their institution that anybody on MLB's inelgible list is not fit for their institution. The Hall of Fame is not part of MLB. It's a non profit with their own governing body and their own rules. Even if Manfred removes Rose from the ineligible list, it would be up to the 16 people who decide who goes on a ballot and the other 16 people who would vote on that ballot. It's entirely consistent and appropriate if a voter says "I know he's eligible but what he did is still wrong and I'm not voting for him". He commited a crime against the insitition he is being considered for. That is not "off the field". It's within the game itself. It was "between the lines". Rob Manfred cannot put Pete Rose into the HOF any more than you or I could. There's no mechanism where "baseball" puts him in without a vote. As a non profit they have to follow their rules or they risk lawsuits, from donors, for not following their own rules. By donors.... that is not just groups that give them money. It's people who buy annual memberships. That's a lot of people.
  24. The scary thing is… for all the bluster about a third term… the fact he can’t run again has made him more dangerous. He never cared about people. He doesn’t need votes anymore. He doesn’t need to please the base. Yeah all those potential maga fans who are pissed off… what are they gonna do? Flip congress? The house yea. But then what? You think another impeachment would draw in 20 GOP senators? His approval rating is meaningless in practical terms. Republicans in congress won’t flip on him in a meaningful way.
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