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Everything posted by oblong

  1. and given Trump's celebrity and name recognition before he became a politician it wil remain to be seen whether any movement toward him from these groups is transferrable to other GOP nominees. Traditional rules don't apply when he's involved. Is it him or is it the GOP? I'm skeptical of analysis and monday morning QB before the new term even begins. We don't now what the dems need to do yet. Too early for that.
  2. I'm not bothered HInch only finished third. They were the 3rd wild card. An 8 game improvement. KC was the 2nd WC and had a 30 game improvement and Vogt's team won the division and they had a 16 game improvement. It's not a travesty.
  3. Voting was done before the playoffs
  4. I quit pop about 10 years ago. I first gave up coke then diet. I lost more weight when I quit diet. Was totally addicted. I would get a 20 ounce after lunch and would feel the sensation immediately. More so than any booze or cigarette ever did. the only time now I ever have it would be in a mixed drink at a wedding or whatever.
  5. I’m still using it but I find myself unfollowing accounts each time I go on there. Basically anything political except for certain right leaning people whose opinions I still value as a sanity check. I also still find value in some of the entertainment based people and such. But I’m limiting my engagement. I think I replied once to a post since the election.
  6. Mrs McMahon…. Vince’s wife is in the running for Education. I mean… par for the course.
  7. I know this is nothing new to all of you but I wanted to see it for myself... going back to just over 2 years ago in 2022.... 29-6.
  8. I follow a lot of NASA sites on X, so far only their main account has transitioned to Bluesky, they've only made one post 6 days ago. Will be interesting to see waht they do given how ingrained they are with Elon. For reference on X, there's a NASA history page, a Johnson Space Center page, all the satellite centers like Glenn, Armstrong, Langley.... as well as some of the astronauts themselves. Will they be told not to do that by Elon?
  9. saved them the hassle of signing him to a one day contract.
  10. I turned off full access in my iphone settings for Google Photos to my photo library... but then when i go to google photos, I can't view them with that turned off. They require full access to my photo library on icloud for me to be able to view photos that they are storing?!? Oh, I can view their memories and faces and places and other compilations they've created for me but just not the regular picture roll. One strange thing I noticed which is either neat... or frightening. They do a collection based on faces. One of my lifelong friends is featured and it has the various photos of her and I from the last 10 years... and also a picture I took of our 4th grade class picture, the ones with 30 people in it. It freaking recognized a 51 year old woman from a tiny picture from 1983!
  11. Not sure if this is a peeve or what... but I have a gmail account i use for internet stuff, like subscriptions and news sites, etc. It's only purpose is that. I tried to use it to register so I could read and I realized my account was locked due to size limits. Turns out Google Photos (Which I didn't know was a thing), syncs up with iCloud photos. So I deleted a bunch of videos and pictures from Google Photos. Last night I went to show a picture from October to a friend, and it's gone. When you delete from google photos, it also deletes from your icloud. There's no way around it. I had to go into my trash bin and recover hundreds of photos from this summer and fall, and a bunch of videos from the last 10 years. I spent 15 minutes looking for a way around it.... you can't turn it off. Yes, there is a 'sync' feature in google for Apple but it's just for "Favorites". I could try deleting the google photos app but I think that has to be done on every device. What a crock of ****. I'm already backing up to the icloud. All to get me to pay google for more storage?
  12. yeah Tork has spring training, early spring training, to show something. Basically Harris will operate with the idea that no decision will be made or not made because they already have Spencer Torkelson on the team. He won't block any acquisition. That's probably true for everyone on the team outside of 4 guys.
  13. Rodney played for 11 ML teams over 17 years. The first 7 of those were with the Tigers, then he played for 4 teams for 2 years, then 6 for 1 year.
  14. McConnell is one guy I would bet on over Trump. Guy has balls of steel and has LBJ level craftsmanship in terms of senate manipulation.
  15. The entire movement is based on strange logic.
  16. And what was the crime? If someone got excited for an outlier poll that’s on them, not her. Did it cause any harm or effect?
  17. Yeah my wife is a year older and went thru it. The 2nd made her tired. I planned it around my half marathon this fall and will wait until after the holidays. I got a bunch of time off so I don’t want to waste it on that.
  18. I’m due for my shingles.
  19. Thinking some more after having a couple of old fashioneds, too much beer the last month, and was considering lame ducks. Disclaimer, I know with Trump traditional rules don’t apply. But presidents entering a 2nd term are not as powerful as they are the first time. House members are thinking of their election in 2 years. Many senators are thinking about the future too. Trump is old, could die anytime. He can’t run in 2028. Politicians begin thinking about the next term immediately. The days of hanging on to Trumps every word and tweet are over. We’ve seen this movie before. I’m beginning to think all the crap they talked about doing will not happen. We will see from congress what we saw in the house the last 2 years. I’ve got a small hope brewing that we will have a **** show in terms of entertainment but nothing will really change. Barking but no bite. but maybe it’s the bourbon talking. Who knows.
  20. Yea I was sore there too. I wasn’t that tired…. But did go to bed earlier than normal. Could have been placebo as I do get up at 5 am and that was the week of Tiger playoff baseball and all the other games so….
  21. I had them both at the same time. Not one **** but two. No issues other than being tired for about 12 hours. Not sure if that’s what you mean.
  22. I wonder why the DOJ didn’t pursue charges against Gaetz?
  23. My aunt and uncle recently moved from their house of 30+ years to a one bedroom apartment to be closer to their grandkids and all that. Watching them get rid of crap inspired me to do the same. I got thru one phase. I'm only 51 but its a great thing to do for your kids because having gone through it with cousins and aunts and uncles.... my mom lives in a flood area and has gone through several catastrophic events that helped clean things out but still.... My next step is my tools. I'm not Mr. Handy at all but over 28 years of being on my own I've accumulated so much from my own and from uncles and my dad. I'm getting rid of it and buying new stuff, just what I need. I don't need 3 circular saws which I have now. Don't need a grinder. Don't need 3 weed trimmers. Don't need a half dozen socket sets, all of which are missing something.
  24. The GOP senators are shell shocked. They will play lip service and they may give cover to Murkowski and Collins or someone else for this or that, but only if they have enough votes. If the senators push back then Elon and the Ruskies will get involved and whip them into shape. They aren't going to want to give the impression there is trouble in paradise. The days of relying on good people are over. All we can hope is ineptitude wins the day and the clock runs out before anything to drastic happens. Nobody with a government job with an (R) after their name will save us.
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