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Everything posted by oblong

  1. Surprise surprise… trumpies have reading comprehension issues. If it don’t fit on a meme or bumper sticker then it’s too much info to process for their feeble brains.
  2. You don’t have to use a Bible. Most people do. Some people used a Koran and some Trumpies lost their shit over it… thinking their swearing in wasn’t legit. religious teachings should never be the basis for a law or ruling. The best example I can think of in recent times is gay rights.
  3. I wonder if they are getting tested daily? I assume that’s why we saw a rash of breakthroughs in the nhl and nba the last 2 weeks. Asymptomatic overall. And especially hockey players…. Being on the ice and sweating so much. they exhibit symptoms all season. How many times have you seen guys blow snot rockets on the bench or ice.
  4. Yet I still have that “non partisan” friend who only posts about the market when it goes down.
  5. That’s wrong. And it’s going to be a big reason why we see cases rise. Everyone thinks it’s the other people. My wife told me today she has 5 co workers out with COVID. The younger ones. She made a comment and I said “well we went to the movies yesterday. We went to two family parties over the last 2 weeks that we know had unvaccinated cousins there. Can’t really judge can we?” my son is going to the orange bowl…. As long as their flight isn’t cancelled. But I’m thinking…. a guy who spent several hundred on a flight, a ticket… you wake up dec 29 or 30 with symptoms. Is that guy going to say “well I guess I’m not going”. Doubt it. The college football playoff could be super spreader events.
  6. Back then they really did fear the pope and Rome. They literally thought Catholics were not real Christians. Not all Protestants but the hard core Baptists and people like that. Today I have the position has softened to simply theological differences vs good and evil like it was back then. there are degrees of religious devotion that people display and I think it’s fair to ask. Most people who go to church just go to church or temple or mosque and that’s that. They went to the denomination they grew up in or married into. Then there’s the level where you put verses on signatures and quote a holy text for justification for something. I don’t know if Scalia or Barrett do that. I don’t pay attention.
  7. Right. The problem Kennedy faced wasn’t anti religion. It was Catholic bigotry among evangelicals, the very same lot that today are joined at the hip politically with many Catholics due to abortion and other culture wars. MLK Sr even publicly said he wouldn’t vote for him until bobby for Jr out of jail in the south. “MLK Jr’s father is a bigot eh? Well we all have fathers don’t we?” They don’t fear Rome like they used to because they help out with abortion. They can also jointly play up the “the world went to hell when they took prayer out of schools” canard.
  8. Depends who’s kids
  9. The flu shot doesn’t prevent you from getting the flu. It helps you fight the infection. Just like COVID it goes a long way to keeping you out of the hospital. The key difference, said from March 2020 onwards because of idiots like Dr Drew… COVID is asymptotically contagious and a lot more contagious than the flu. That’s why it would never be “just like the flu”
  10. The only issue I saw was frozen potatoes. I went on Thursday afternoon and the shelves were bare. So I had to peel and cut. Also heard of cream cheese shortages.
  11. Typically food and beverages are not included. A friend has a suite at LCA and he told me the prices for food. I don’t blame him for keeping it simple. The suite is for employees so they can get their own beer.
  12. Wife told me about a patient in their 40s that died. An overdose combined with COVID. Family wanted an autopsy but balked when told of the price they’d have to pay since it’s not seemed necessary. Their primary concern was whether they’d say died of COVID or something else
  13. I love how the self appointed gun expert here is telling us that a loaded gun pointed in the direction of two people not ten feet away is “not pointed at anyone”. Sorry. You have zero credibility now when it comes to gun issues.
  14. Mine wasn’t made in China.
  15. Here’s a well regulated member of our militia and member of Congress pointing a gun at another person at the range.
  16. My dad had a brain tumor the year I was born. It affected him the rest of his life susceptible to strokes. Also did something mentally with memory and comprehension. He was fine but I know it bothered him. Lived to be 82.
  17. Sanctity of marriage.
  18. Waffle House for hurricanes. yankee candle for COVID.
  19. We were stressed about how to get my youngest special needs kid boosted. His first two shots were done at Ford Field. It took 3 of us to hold him down while the head doctor there gave it to him. They couldn’t have been more accommodating. luckily a friend of ours owns a practice and she had some Pfizer’s set to expire last Saturday. She gave us a few did my son and 2 family members who hadn’t gotten around to it yet.
  20. Your post looks like it was written with information dating from April 2020.
  21. “We” aren’t doing anything. Individual businesses are making independent decisions that they feel is best for their staff and customers. Free market stuff. Live and let live. Nobody is forcing them to do that. Either patronize them or not. Don’t whine about it like a Karen.
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