Strictly speaking just for covid on an individual level, there's no reason to be that worried about you or your family. But collectively it looks like it's going to crash things in our hospitals which are already at a breaking point. The people that work there have been at this for 2 years. They really cannot take much more. I wish there was a way to make that point known to everyone. They can't have cameras in there to show what it looks like to see a lot of people on ventilators and ECMO machines. This is where we are now prior to Omicron. Yes the data suggests it might not be as bad as previous waves but it's not a sure thing as we don't know enough about who it has hit. The speed of Omicron is the dangerous part. Given where our systems are now an exponential growth of cases, even at a lower severity, could put us back to field hospitals and parking garages, etc. The next 3-4 weeks could be disruptive. I'm anticipating some virtual things as more people test positive and have to quarantine, or just simply have a cold(covid) but are not tested but staying away.
I'm not saying I know what the answer is because I don't see how it's avoided at this point. If you've had your booster then you'll pretty much be fine. But a lot of people didn't and even a small % impact of severity will put a big stress on our hospitals.
I'd avoid things that can lead to injury more than I would crowds. You might not have any place to go.
Prior infection as a defense against Omicron is looking to be useless, as could be the J&J vaccine.