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Everything posted by oblong

  1. I am pretty sure I have some in a box and have plans during the break to go thru all of it. If I come across them will send you one. Stay tuned.
  2. I thought Larish would be good. I had nothing to go by other than he looked like a ball player was supposed to look at the time. Kind of lanky.
  3. CDC says omicron is 73% of new infections last week. Given the rampant spread we’ve seen in sports since they test all the time it makes me really wonder if we’ve all been exposed already?
  4. Such a horrible story. From what I have read nobody wants that sentence but it’s mandatory from idiot laws. Hopefully the Governor intervenes and commutes it.
  5. I think this is a great summary.
  6. He then took it back to the store and got money back for it. Told the guy he borrowed it from “something happened to it. Don’t know”.
  7. Evangelicals believe Israel is going to be the HQ for the rapture events. That’s why they are so concerned with Israel. It’s not the people. The place. Much like they don’t consider Catholics real Christian’s they think US Jews are not real Jews.
  8. He’s never been afraid of Trump. He used him more than the other way around.
  9. MIchigan with 2/3 the population of Ontario has had twice that number consistently for like 6 weeks. My wife’s best friend was going to come over for a visit, haven’t seen her in 2 years. Not now.
  10. Wonder what impact this will have on college and NFL going forward. NHL has postponed a game already due to positive cases.
  11. Yes. I fault no vaccinated people for getting on with their lives to some degree, although I think some that I know, are overdoing it.... like hosting 6 parties in his new house over the next few weeks for various groups of people in their life. We can't delay the inevitable but it could have gone a lot better than it will if more people had gotten the vaccine. Flu season is another great point as a challenge since they didn't get a great sample for our shots this year due to there not really being a flu season to base it on.
  12. elite? That's redundant.
  13. Did Mark Aguirre get the Juan Gonzalez skin treatment?
  14. Strictly speaking just for covid on an individual level, there's no reason to be that worried about you or your family. But collectively it looks like it's going to crash things in our hospitals which are already at a breaking point. The people that work there have been at this for 2 years. They really cannot take much more. I wish there was a way to make that point known to everyone. They can't have cameras in there to show what it looks like to see a lot of people on ventilators and ECMO machines. This is where we are now prior to Omicron. Yes the data suggests it might not be as bad as previous waves but it's not a sure thing as we don't know enough about who it has hit. The speed of Omicron is the dangerous part. Given where our systems are now an exponential growth of cases, even at a lower severity, could put us back to field hospitals and parking garages, etc. The next 3-4 weeks could be disruptive. I'm anticipating some virtual things as more people test positive and have to quarantine, or just simply have a cold(covid) but are not tested but staying away. I'm not saying I know what the answer is because I don't see how it's avoided at this point. If you've had your booster then you'll pretty much be fine. But a lot of people didn't and even a small % impact of severity will put a big stress on our hospitals. I'd avoid things that can lead to injury more than I would crowds. You might not have any place to go. Prior infection as a defense against Omicron is looking to be useless, as could be the J&J vaccine.
  15. Saw a thing where the terms of service on Trump's new anti censorship media thing include an item about not disparaging "us", meaning the owners of the site.
  16. obviously not funny that people died but still....
  17. Spent the early morning reading some things and it's a mix of doom and gloom and it'll be over quick. The antibodies that prevent infection are diminished with Omicron. It's also highly contagious. Basically it's knocked us back a level of protection. If you had a prior infection and one dose, then take one of those away. If no infection and 2 doses,then you are back to one dose, etc. The thinking is it's going to sweep through and we'll all probably get it. The fact our nation is so poor with at home rapid tests will make this worse. South Africa is supposedly already seeing deep declines after 3 weeks. Our nation doesn't sequence to the level other countries do and we are piss poor at at home testing. I might buy some tests. The responsible thing would be to test yourself twice a week if you are around others.
  18. Dominion's goal isn't money. They want the emails of the Murdoch family. They don't want to settle where nobody admits fault. They want the definitive proof exposed and in public that Fox knew what they were promoting via their hosts and guests was wrong.
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