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Everything posted by oblong

  1. it's really not complicated why we have inflation and I don't see how you can blame a politician for it or what you can do to solve it other than take money away. People have built up cash reserves from not doing anything for almost 2 years. Many were given stimulus money that didn't need it and it's sitting in savings accounts and being used on things like vacations and home improvments, etc. Things that were put off in 2020 are now being done in 2021 and they've got 2 years of savings plus stimulus money to do it. Also employment is at low levels so more people are working and more are spending. What exactly are the critics suggesting be done? Millions of people are making independent decisions to spend money they've saved up. That's why we have inflation. Should we pass a law that you can't buy anything?
  2. I don't believe in any conspiracy with JFK. From a forensic point of view the evidence supports the injuries occurring as portrayed from bullets in the stated direction. Technology has proven that. It's been proven that a person can do what was done with the gun Oswald used. Oswald got the job at the depository before JFK even planned to go to Dallas. Oswald was a nut who hated everybody in power. Regarding any files not being released... there's a very simply reason why that is. During the course of all the investigations into the CIA, mafia, etc. etc. there could be info about informants that need to be protected, for reasons having nothing to do with JFK. Someone might simply still be alive that wasn't expected to be so they are waiting for that person to die. Yes, I believe that JFK and his family were involved with the mafia,especially Joe Kennedy, and there's secrets. But as for the asssassination itself.. there's nothing there. The Ruby stuff is nothing too. If Jack Ruby was going to kill Oswald on that Sunday he sure took his time getting there. The only reason he was able to was because Oswald asked for a sweater to wear over his plain white T shirt so they went back up to get it. Ruby was running errands all morning and stopped at the police station, which he did often as they came into his strip club. He didn't want Jackie to have to go through a trial so he snapped and shot him since he was right there in front of him. He wasn't "silencing" anyone.
  3. This morning Fox was all over the Smollet stuff, still talking about their Christmas Tree tragedy, they dubbed it America's Tree by the way, and they were complaining about Titleist rejecting certain personalized descriptions you can get on their golf balls, something about encouraging a golfer named Brandon. I took a picture of whatever it was on my screen
  4. It was an insurrection. They legitimately thought that on January 6 events would occur that would have prevented Biden from being declared the winner. They thought it was going to happen. That's why they had their "party". It was a tailgate for a game they expected to win.
  5. Anyone watching Hawkeye? I'm digging it.
  6. For real... We need more social workers, counselors, etc. People trained in detecting this kind of thing. But to do that we need more of them and to get more of them we need to pay the field a salary to attract people to it. That means raising property taxes in Michigan. Our millages have consistently been voted down. I have a social worker friend. Got her master's from UM, one of the top schools in that field. He started out in debt and has made under $50K a year for the last 25 years. For most social workers it's poverty level wages. So this is the result. What a great recruiting tool for more teachers. Become proficient in firearms and spend all it takes to do that. Don't forget the gun and ammo. Study psychology and in particular the kind of thing that would make you spot a killer. Learn the field you are going to teach. Learn how to teach..... I'm sure I am leaving out a lot of it.
  7. the rona is scared of business people. It knows they are too important to kill. It only goes after the poors.
  8. Someone’s crazy uncle is off his meds again and been watching Fox all day. Surprised we didn’t hear about the tragedy of their tree.
  9. I like him on the broadcasts too.
  10. For C-MO's grand slam I remember AJ Pierzynsky standing right in his spot at home plate, not budging, for the celebration. Bumping into guys. That's why I like him. He didn't do anything wrong. He's got a right to be there. For Pudge's HR we were with friends in Windsor having a cookout listening on the radio. We went nuts. It was August. For my birthday that year, which was game 4 of the ALDS, my son made me a card with #9 and #28 on it. I still have it. I got a Tigers road jersey that I've worn to 90% of games since then.... probably going to retire it this year. It still fits but getting worn out.
  11. The only big moments I can think of are: Sanchez breaking Lolich's record for K's Sanchez's near no hitter (these two happened 2 weeks apart, I was lucky to be at both games) JD's pinch hit HR off of Chris Sale in his first at bat off the DL Fister striking out X number in a row
  12. I'm not sure anything we saw from 2011-2014 could top several moments in 2006: 1) Magglio's home run 2) Kenny Rogers shutting down the Yankees in game 3 3) ALCS game 4 The post game celebration after the Yankees encompassed 20 years of frustration and losing seasons. Just a week prior the team collapsed against the Royals and lost the division on the final day and it seemed like a great season was being relegated to a flimsy wild card berth and a sweep against the Yankees, especially after game 1. I am not sure anything going forward will ever top that season and over time the WS loss to the Cardinals is longer in the memory bank. We had a sundae with no cherry is the way I view 2006. Would have been nice but not necessary to enjoy.
  13. and beat up police while displaying the "Blue Lives Matter" flag.
  14. So kinda rapey?
  15. I wonder what's different about those two from other federally elected officials in our history to the executive branch.
  16. You are right. We didn’t talk in the gun thread about a guy who didn’t use a gun to kill people. It’s not as controversial because Ron Desantis said it’s ok to drive cars thru parades.
  17. Fox News says that saying someone supported Trump is disrespecting them.
  18. Blacks also had their middle class area wiped out by I-375.
  19. Happy was the dombrowski word of choice
  20. That had nothing to do with player salaries. Owners figure out what people are willing to pay and maximize that value. Over time they got smart and realized corporations and rich people will pay a lot more than they had been paying to be entertained. Your neighbors would have been shut out even if players made $50,000 a year.
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