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Everything posted by oblong

  1. Anora won big tonight at the Oscars. Sean Baker becomes the first person to win 4 academy awards for the same movie.
  2. This is a definite turning point. They got what they needed. God bless the people of Ukraine and God bless the people, many of them my friends and colleagues, in Poland. They're next. Today it's confirmed that Russia won the cold war.
  3. Livonia went 49-48 for Kamala... a margin of just under 400 votes. That surprised me but Rashida lost Livonia by just over 1300 votes. But anything south of Joy road and west of Southfield in that district is probably close to a majority or more of Arab/Muslim descent now. It's not just Dearborn. Now Garden City.... that went 53-44 for Trump and Rashida lost 49-43... but that is a small number of voters. 13-15K total vs 61K in Livonia.
  4. When you are that wealthy you aren't attached to people. He can get another fiance.
  5. aren't people just going to then buy it on March 1? I see it as just a shifting of purchases around.
  6. You don't have to give these people a seat at the table, they don't even want one, but the ask is to not mock them or scream in their face. You say "Yeah, he's a bad guy. Welcome to the party. Here's more information. MTU is right. There are people who are not engaged like we are in this. We go after dems for having purity constests and compliment the GOP for "coming home to vote". This is an example of that. You need their votes. It might make you feel good to say I told you so and **** off.... but where does that get you electorally? What is the goal? To scream or to win elections? I've blocked and snoozed a lot of liberals b/c I don't need a daily 4 page rant from Heather Cox Richardson or Occupy Democrats to tell me what I already know.
  7. Anybody have experience with dash cams? I was thinking of getting one. No particular reason for it and I know very little about them. I don't drive that much but I thought it would be fun, especially on road trips.
  8. Yes totally. As you like to say, twitter is not real life. And "winning" arguments on TV talk shows or even debates only gets you so far. Real life isn't The West Wing where the best and most solid argument wins out.
  9. Maybe.... Johnny doesn't want it? The article I read made a point to mention who each personality was employed by, whether the Tigers/Ilitch Holdings or FanDuel so I wonder if it's just a logicstical thing where they decide the # of slots and then people will apply for it.
  10. has anyone let JEff Bezoz know about this 'free market' thing?
  11. There's just so much to watch it's hard to keep up. I spent the last month or so on Severance so we're caught up on that. But we only have bandwidth for about 90 minutes a day. And my wife has this strange unspoken belief that it's not ok to watch TV before 8 pm. SHe thinks it means we're being lazy b/c "there's always something that could be done". I don't get it.
  12. Unforgiven for me closed the book on the Western Genre. I know Tombstone came out later and is beloved but to me it's kid of hokey and unserious. Hackman is a certified legend and titan. French Connection had always been one I wanted to watch and I finally got to it a few months ago. The Conversastion is also on my list. When Poitier died that left Gene Hackman as the oldest living Best Actor Winner. That title now goes to Bobby DuVall
  13. The government does good things when they make my daughters asthma meds but to hell with everybody else’s kids.
  14. I assume that in terms of pecking order TV is higher than radio when it comes to analytical work so it can be looked at as a promotion and acknowledgement that he's good at it. The first time i heard him I assumed it was someone from another market filling in. He was that good. Like he had been doing it for a long time and he mixes in good analysis as a former player without getting too technical. You could tell he was a thinker and he can express it.
  15. It also has a special appeal to certain evangelicals who believe in separation from "the world". What they mean by that is the world is a godless place and "worldly things" is a negative connotation. Think of the folks in Footloose. That isolation leads to this. "Well if that's what they are doing then it must be sinful" is a common reflex.
  16. Those poor kids I have a friend who owns a pediatric practice. She chose to accept unvaccinated kids b/c not many others around will and she wants to help the kids and they deserve care even if their parents are stupid. I advised her to make clear to the parents that her acceptance of the kids in no way means she's anti vax or whatever and that she strongly encourages all the vaccines. She took that advice. Some parents left after that. They thought she was "one of them"
  17. I just made a “Mr Potato head! Back doors are not top secret” reference yesterday.
  18. Logic is not maga strong point.
  19. Especially that awful greenish yellow on the cinder block walls. Looks straight out of some mid century government office. All that’s missing are steel desks with folding chairs. The park is 25 years old now and it’s time to upgrade some of the visuals. The displays look faded. Even the signs giving off the section numbers. You could do a lot without spending too much. For example here is what I saw in Tampa at Steinbrenner field.
  20. It's not a coincidence he's making a fuss about the "stranded" astronauts on the ISS. They are not stranted. They are not stranded. But saying that makes Boeing look bad so it's good for business. Yes, there was a "failure" on the part of Boeing but that's why they did waht they did... to test. When you test and find something, is it a failure? No. You are investigating and learning. And guess what? There's a space station you can dock to and be safe while you learn, instead of trapped inside of a Gemini Capsule in orbit wondering if you can get home (Gemini VII for those who want to learn) That's why Neil Armstrong of all people became an astronaut in the first place. It wasn't to be a hero or legend or to get to do things others couldn't. Not an ego trip. He was a scientist first and foremost and spaceflight was a discipline he could do so he wanted to learn. It's why he almost immediately went back to university to teach.
  21. I never watched The Wire but when people talk about the best shows ever it seems that it's always Sopranos/Breaking Bad/The Wire. I finished my rewatch of Better Call Saul. As I said I thought it was a lot better the second time around as I knew the overall arc but I forgot a lot of the smaller details so it felt fresh. The stuff at the end though was boring to me, when we get to Gene and he's working with guys setting up the scams. It didn't interest me. The Howard thing was just as shocking and in some ways worse b/c you knew what would happen. Really that was the end of the show as that is when Jimmy and Kim split up and Jimmy became full blown Saul. No need to linger on at that point as it wasn't about Saul Goodman being Saul Goodman, but about how Saul came to be. But the scene with Carol Burnett where Jimmy/Saul/Gene is appraoching her after she outs him and he's got the phone cord and wrapping it around his hand... that might have been the most chilling in the entire BB universe. What would he have done if she didn't have her medic alert thing? We never saw that character kill. Would he have?
  22. I wonder if $200M incluldes the inclusion of the Home Plate Club they are doing this winter.
  23. Well I mean they’ve got a bald eagle as an avatar. That tells you all you need to know.
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