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Everything posted by oblong

  1. MLB’s actions against willie mays and Mickey mantle certainly look stupid now. I’m only 48 and already feel behind the times with crypto, NFT’s, gambling, and pot all being big only legal but mainstreamed. I’m not into any of it.
  2. We don’t know where the new variant originated. South Africa is where it was first detected and sequenced because they are doing a great job at those things. Since we don’t know where they begin trying to assign a geographic name is ignorant and inaccurate.
  3. I will point out that I have read that the problem with SA isn’t vaccine supply. They told the manufacturers to stop sending as they have too many. It’s vaccine resistance. Something like a 25% rate there. But I agree on travel bans. They don’t accomplish what the claim is. They are symbolic
  4. There is no solution until more people choose to get vaccinated and boosted. doing the masks was helpful as we waited for everyone to get a vaccine. Supply. Prioritization. Eligibility. Those are all non factors now. Are we backsliding even? When does fully vaxxed mean 3 shots?
  5. Happy Thanksgiving.
  6. Didn't they watch The Wire?
  7. Will the family be going to Mar A Lago? Probably the family of the killers will be going.
  8. correct. There's also room for old fashioned ball busting between sides. But someone showing up with guns blazing with no prior history posting... that's a sign.
  9. Why are there multiple charges for felony murder and aggravated assault per person?
  10. this is why "race is always brought up"
  11. But Sean Davis at the Federalist said...
  12. We heard more about Kathy Griffin's joke about killing Trump than we did about Paul Gosar's joke about killing AOC. One's a comedian. One's a member of congress.
  13. Washington Free Beacon did a 'major investigation' (their words) and discovered that Kamala Harris bought a $375 pan in Europe and spent... $600 in total on dishes. Good work there.
  14. Liz Cheney says hello
  15. Trump wanted to learn his secrets. He liked that bit about shooting people you suspect of being traitors.
  16. Let's Go Brandon
  17. People are mad at Chris Pratt. He's in the Mario movie but I guess not doing an accent. He also goes to church. The pastor of that church has some weird views but it's a mega church. They are mad at him for that. He has a new wife that had a baby and he thanked her for giving him a healthy baby boy. People are mad at him for that because he has a special needs child with his previous wife/woman and they saw that as a slight. As a parent of a special needs child I feel comfortable saying that's not a slight. It's annoying when people on twitter go nuts against actors entertainers for not agreeing with their worldview 100% as if they are Kevin Spacey. It's especially annoying because if they only knew how many of their favorites are sympathetic to people like Roman Polanski or knew about Weinstein's actions and did nothing about it... Pratt's Avenger co stars though are having none of it. They support him. If he's ok with them he's ok with me. I don't know where the line is where you shouldn't let personal politics interfere with who you enjoy being entertained by but this aint it. These leftist purity tests are tiresome. They should be better than the idiots on the right who will do things like boycott a business because an owner gave money to a library that once hosted drag queen bingo (This is a real thing by the way. The funny enough the business was Chick Fil A. The Evangelicals were fighting among themselves)
  18. I thought of him a few weeks ago. He split before the old forum went kaput I think.
  19. every so often I come across things that remind me of why I used to identify a certain way politically. This is one of them. These are the kind of people that tell Mexicans they want to be called Latinx, right? "deeply"
  20. Had no reaction other than fatigue to any of my 3 shots.
  21. It made him hit that grand slam later in the year
  22. My god… the replies.
  23. I do have a “beer wife”. Actually two of them. 😂
  24. He could have gotten off at the time if he'd have come clean and cooperated. Baseball wasn't out to get him. Pete was into some very bad shit and didn't want it to come out. He felt it was better to fight and play victim and do his auto signings at casinos and such. There's strong indications that Lenny Dykstra did similar things but he admitted to it and baseball worked with him. Don Zimmer too. Pete smeared Giamatti, Vincent... said he didn't bet on baseball, then it was baseball but not the Reds, but yes, it was indeed the Reds. Again... when an agreement is and the person agrees to the maximum punishment... doesn't pass the smell test for a guy claiming to be innocent. A guy on charge for 1st degree murder facing life in prison accepts a plea deal.... for life in prison.... it means he didn't want a trial and certain details to be exposed.
  25. betting on baseball and your own team as a participant is on the field and game for judgement.
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