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Everything posted by oblong

  1. false equivalency. Very. If you want to compare AOC to someone, compare her to Liz Cheney. Both are on the extreme of their sides. The difference is the dems are not voting to not refer to AOC as a democrat and kicking her off committees for her beliefs. MTG is not just a right winger. She's a whack job. There's no comparison to AOC. I used to say that being a Republican didn't necessarily mean you were a nutcase. But as they push aside the non nutcases it's becoming harder to say that. It's a requirement it seems to be a member in good standing. Those aren't my words, it's theirs.
  2. I missed the part where Whitmer blows off vaccinations, denied the right to local jurisdictions to enforce mask mandates, and also made a point to say vaccination requirements were wrong... other than that you are correct I guess.
  3. In Bouton's book he played with Morgan in Houston after he was traded there by the Pilots. He referenced a story where Pete Rose was thrown out sliding at the plate. He came back to the dugout and said "If I was black I'd have been safe." Morgan said "If you were black you wouldn't have needed to slide"
  4. She's got more cahones than any other member of the GOP. If she's not a Republican then Tom Brady is not a quarterback.
  5. “Brian… your dad works here?”
  6. Funny but this year I have noticed at Tiger games it seems like a bit of a rougher crowd hanging around. Some new places opened up over the last few years. Just a scene of fast cars, loud club music, people waiting to get in and milling around the sidewalks. And greektown is turning into a place you don’t want to go past 9 pm. For my whole life until about 8 years ago that was pretty much the only place in the city you could go to. Every weekend there’s something that goes down.
  7. Funny you bring up the Gluten thing because this morning on the news they had some health doctor that runs a food business and she pointed out all of her plant based/vegan food also contained many gluten free options... and I'm thinking "those things have nothing to do with each other". Gluten is not bad for you. Something that's gluten free is not healthier unless you have celiac's disease. To me it's just an offshoot of the Atkins. Yes, dont pig out on bread.
  8. Thanks. With 4 shows to choose from I decided to pick the last one. I was booking the fanclub presale during a meeting and had great seats but lost them as someone asked me a question. So I got some 7 rows further back but at 1/2 the cost. Oh well. The pandemic altered their schedule and no shows planned for Detroit this year so this is my best chance.
  9. I'm going to surprise her with the trip. I had casually mentioned going to see them that weekend and she said "yeah, sounds good". I worked out arrangements with my other son and mother in law to take care of my other son that weekend. Hotel wasn't expensive at all and I got the flights for free with my miles. Definitely go to the museum as when we came there before with the kids that wasn't something they wanted to do. Will spring it on her Friday morning to pack up, our flight leaves at 1. Masks don't bother us at all. Was just curious on the situation there. Sounds like it's stricter there than here in MI.
  10. wow. I ordered an audio cable last week. One of those things I would have gone to Radio Shack for. I am working from home and like my TV on and wanted to wire it up to my small speaker next to my desk. Supposed to get it Saturday, got an email it would come on Sunday. It did. Then on Monday I got another one, the box was all smashed up. That went into my tub that has tons of old wires/cables in it that my wife wants me to throw away.
  11. yeah I have been. My routine with working from home is to put on Fox 2 News in the morning and leave that on for company. They covered it quite a bit as Breaking News. That's great.
  12. Nope... none of that. My wife barely makes it past 10 pm. We won't be pulling a Risky Business.... I want to hit up Buddy Guy's place but with the band that's in town that we are going to see it might be super crowded as they have a tendency to make appearances there after their shows during their Chicago Residency and the fans know about it. A few years ago when they did that Buddy got up and was playing with Susan and he asked her "Where's that fucking Husband of yours?" "He's back on the bus counting the money"
  13. We are staying at theWit which looks like it's right across the street.
  14. For my Chicago peeps.. what's it like there? I'm coming in the last week of January for the weekend to see a concert. Staying downtown next to the Chicago Theater where the show is. Flying into Midway Friday afternoon and will just spend the weekend downtown hitting up the typical tourist places before the show Saturday night. Are people masking everywhere and is it required?
  15. I hope he opts out as that means he probably had a good 2 years and at that point let someone else take on the risk going forward.
  16. I've only seen it once on the corporate side and it was in someone's Teams profile. But I wasn't sure if it was solely about gender preference or just a clarification because some of these names are hard to figure out if they are international. Is the idea that if you do not specify yours that you are a bigot?
  17. Someone I know went to Germany and that’s how it was there. Nobody is really requiring it in the states. Maybe a store here and there and some schools and most doctor offices still. At least in the Detroit area.
  18. I didn’t know what this was about until now. I just heard rumblings about her trying to sound french. I ask just said “the infrastructure bill” and noticed I said “thee”. I believe I say it like that for any instance the word after starts with a vowel. this has tan suit written all over it
  19. With regard to MI’s numbers there was some kind of error on Wednesday which showed a dramatic drop and those cases were made up on Fridays totals. overall though I don’t really know what else there is to do but just accept what’s going to happen and hope vaccinating kids has a big impact. Masking is sporadic and I am thinking at this point does it matter? If 1/4 of people at any given time in a mall are wearing one then is it even effective? im starting to see places in doors ike sporting events and concerts where nobody has a mask so… is this it? It’ll be what it will be. Not sure waiting it out will take place. India has gone six months after their huge delta spike and that surprised me. Do they have immunity ?
  20. The 83 Tigers won 93 games. Third most that year.
  21. Ted Cruz was publicly more upset about Big Bird urging kids to get vaccinated than he was about Donald Trump calling his wife ugly. That tells you what you need to know. Nothing else is required. He’s a spineless cuck.
  22. Their ideals are so appealing they need to fix it so they ensure election
  23. I'm not an expert in legal matters.... but if the jury were to come back with a guilty verdict could this judge throw it out? Or tell them to go back and delibarate more until a not guilty verdict is reached? I am not certain that's out of the question of happening.
  24. People are flush with cash from stimulus money and just general savings from working from home, lockdowns, etc. they are spending money and that’s increased demand and you add in worker shortages it’s a perfect storm.
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