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Everything posted by oblong

  1. A stranger yelling and harassing you in the dark who is armed is a self defense situation. A person who initiates a physical confrontation loses the high ground on self defense when it comes to discharging their firearm in a lethal way. He’s exhibit A why more guns in the hands of citizens is a bad idea.
  2. It’s no accident that this only gets analyzed from the perspective of George Zimmerman. What about Trayvon Martin’s ? he’s walking back from the store and some guy starts harassing him and gets physical so doesn’t he have a right to defend himself up to and including lethal force? Or is that rule only for non blacks? Why is Zimmerman allowed to kill someone but Martin has to hold back? Lethal Force can be one punch to the face. Martin was defending himself. The law as you present it makes no sense. If I wanted to kill someone I could just pick a fight with them and wait for them to start hitting back, take some blows until it gets rough then shoot them and claim self defense. Yeah. Makes sense.
  3. So I can go push someone, get pushed back, then shoot him. Self defense. Zimmerman is a punk who has shown since then that he’s capable of murder. He attacked the kid and the kid fought back and the racist shot him in cold blood and Florida’s stupid law waved his ass. He is the one who deserved to die that night. Not some kid minding his own business.
  4. George Zimmerman saw a black kid and confronted him, started to get his ass kicked , then shot him.
  5. Speaking of roads... ever notice how people complain the roads are bad... then complain when they are fixing them? "I hate driving through Ohio... they're always doing road work" "Why can't MI roads be like Ohio?"
  6. Basically to be a republican you have to be mad that Big Bird told kids to get vaccinated and you have to believe that JFK Sr will come back and annoint Donald Trump president again and make JFK Jr (still here) Vice.
  7. the federalist though.... and what kind of "evidence" is required to to say Lets Go Brandon is MAGA version of Seig Heil? It's an opinion. Agree with it or not. That's how it works. You don't need evidence to state an opinion.
  8. I’m not suggesting it’s a bad thing to sign one of these guys and that it will hurt the franchise… just that I’m ok if they don’t because of the risk. If they get someone on a 4-5 year deal… then cool.
  9. No. Because then maybe they could have kept Scherzer. Don’t forget the money they paid to offload Fielder. The spending this team did to go for it resembled a degenerate gambler that figured they had no choice to go for it all at that point. It reaches a point where after you lose 3/4 of your money the final 1/4 is meaningless.
  10. I'm open to the idea that the badges being deactivated during a situation like this out of protocol... what if they were stolen? Maybe this is a way to protect the office itself and not the person, meaning if the VP was either a part of it or God forbid, already incapacitatd?
  11. It's the difference between politicians doing things for their voters vs playing a part in an overall Us vs Them narrative. The quacks are not concerned with actually doing anything. They just want to act out on a stage and be theatrical with the goal of winning the next election, whether it's 2022 or 2024. McConnell sees this as something they can sell their voters to ensure they win.
  12. Because of this I'm ok with no big long term deals. As a fan I'm tired of dead weight on this team. I'd hate to think we lose flexibility in the future with some great talent we develop or acquire because we have this anchor of bloated deals. We are like a young family that went into debt and about to get out of it but with the low refi rates considering taking out another loan against the house to go to Hawaii and a couple of cruises.
  13. Both parties are the same. I mean you have one wing mad a big bird. Another wing down in TX waiting for both JFK Sr and Jr. and the Gosar wing “joking” about killing another member of Congress.
  14. God wanted us to take it and we were superior to all of them. That’s what I was taught in my fundamentalist school.
  15. I would prefer someone under 70 but the alternative has to be a viable candidate among the dem caucus. Seems like everyone’s got a beef. It’s why I called Joe the Applebee’s candidate. Nobody’s first choice but in an emergency it will have to do.
  16. the problem is that plays into the "dementia" angle and "who is running the country" charge. Biden needs to show that he's the boss and the one doing everything. I think especially getting Obama out there plays into the criticism. Biden needs to project strength.
  17. Given the short amount of time we have to teach history which is more important? Ruby Ridges is 66 years old. George Washington is 289 years old. Which is more relevant to today's world?
  18. I think in general Joe needs to get out more. Seems like the only time I see him is he's walking to and from a podium and not taking questions. Not saying he has to do Trump style rallies but he should be out there more in the southern states where it's nice letting the country know he's the President. Use the office with all that goes with it, Air Force One, Marine One, The Beast (limo).
  19. What's the solution with CRT? Just not talk about race anymore? Pretend our history until the 1960's didn't happen with regard to how we treated black people? Because that's what they want us to do. Act like slaves enjoyed working for their master and that things were separate but equal and thats the way it's supposed to be because Bible.
  20. Imagine taking Clemens, developing him, and Sparky not having such a beef with HoJo.
  21. Ah. Hope it’s all good from here on out.
  22. What’s this Brandon stuff? I missed it
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