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Everything posted by oblong

  1. What’s this Brandon stuff? I missed it
  2. What prompted you to get tested? Just curious. I wonder how many people get it and never get tested end just assume it’s allergies or whatever.
  3. I knew who he was because I used to have this “greatest home runs of all time” VHS tape. Made around 1990. One that they showed was Wynn hitting one in Corsley field out onto the freeway. It was that late 60’s era where video quality was sketchy.
  4. I just can’t believe that with our vax rate and now fourth wave that we haven’t reached a higher immunity. We saw big jumps in the tri county area the last week. Like 25%. Maybe that’s the final push?
  5. According to a chart I saw from him it’s about 25% breakthrough cases. hopefully we see a lot of kids get shots over the next 2 weeks and by Christmas things are better. Comparisons to last year mean nothing to me because last year we had restrictions.
  6. Went on a rabbit hole last night and found this one. Sissy sang the music for the movie and this confirms how good she is. Better still you got Levon on drums. The guy who played the daddy she’s singing about. Very cool.
  7. And they show us photos of empty shelves from when Trump was president as proof that Biden is worse.
  8. Didn’t they also go back and revise the Aug and Sept numbers? Any one else have those social media friends who claim to be non partisan yet couldn’t stop posting about the market gains when Trump was POtUs and just saying things like “hey… it is what it is.” Yet they’ve been silent the last few months? I have 4 of them.
  9. Did he have covid already? I initially thought he was being cute by implying since he had it then he was immune. Plausible deniability.
  10. That’s the GOP playbook. Make a reasonable charge. Play it up, exaggerate, and add on a lot of foolishness and other idiocy and when that is criticized play a victim on the reasonable issue to paint the critics as bullies.
  11. My buddy fist bumped Chris as he was walking off the stage that night. The official photographer got it and he was able to secure a print. Such a tragic thing.
  12. I suspect its because his voters don't respond to polls. They don't answer the phone, are unreachable.... whatever it is they use to conduct the research. They're off their grid of reachables. Just look at all the people in Dallas a few days ago waiting for both JFK and JFK Jr. You think those people will sit through a poll? What we've found since Trump arrived is 30% of our electorate are just brain dead rubes that will believe anything and are so far out there than you can't reason with them. We probably thought it was 10%. Much higher.
  13. I think funeral directors cringe at that much makeup.
  14. Yeah it is but I suspect the same people who won't get a vaccine won't take the pill until its too late. So it's good for us that are vaxxed in the chance, which looks more and more likely, that we do get it we'll have something to help. But since most of hte hospitalizations are unvaxxed I think their skepticism will just carry over to the treatment. There's been people all throughout this pandemic that even refuse to admit they have it while in the hospital getting treated for it. They think it's a conspiracy and they are being lied to. Even the families believe it.
  15. have polls been right since 2016? I'm not asking a rhetorical question.... just don't pay close enough attention anymore. Has the landcape changed too much that make them unreliable?
  16. the only C&C album I had was their "Greatest Hit". Still use lines from that today: "You drive just like Steve McQeen" "No man... I'm not into time"
  17. I have a friend who works for Harmon so I get my stuff from him. I have buds that are configured so that you can hear the music and words really well yet at the same time pick up any outside sounds. They don't look like air pods, sticking down your ear like that, just plugs. I also have a couple of wired sets that are bluetooth. The wires just connect the earpieces together. I actually prefer those as they are easier to keep track of. Like on an airplane I can just take them out and sort of tuck them in my shirt collar to stay in place. If I have them on and someone needs to talk I just take one out and let it hang there rather than take it out and then have to hold it.... My son has lost 3 pair of earpods. Because of the discount available to me they are really disposable. I can get an $100 set for $15.
  18. The things they are doing well now in the FO were put in place years ago. Brad Ausmus of all people talked about it when he left. He specifically said it will still take 3-4 years for it to come to fruition. It's not just strategy and philosophy but physical systems and databases that have to be built. I don't believe the Tigers in the DD era had any specific plan. They didn't set out to build around SP and a few big bats. DD saw a deal or a player he wanted and made it. Because teams have typically 5 SP then there's more of them to out there to acquire. A good 2B or 3B will cost more than a prospect no matter how touted they are. The lack of development hurt them because they had to sign guys like Fielder and VMart (his 2nd contract) and overpay for Zimmerman. I like to fantasize that the Tigers signed Beltre prior to the 2011 season instead of VMart.
  19. When the Mercury astronauts had their first press conference they were asked about the tests they undertook. John Glenn said it consisted of finding every orifice in the body and figuring out how big and how far things could go into them.
  20. I’ve had a cough for about 10 days… that Sunday when the weather turned. Not really a cough but minor congestion. My whole life I have woken up with congestion though. Smoking cigars doesn’t help.
  21. Same with. “She looked 18” jokes.
  22. Funny you bring that up. Listened to live bullet a lot 30 years ago and it came up on my playlist so I listened to the album again. Heard that and was shocked that I never gave it much thought back in the day.
  23. Bill Burr did a great bit about Thin Lizzy and The Boys are Back in Town.
  24. What's up with Larkin's absence? All Blashill will say is "personal reasons". That could be many things. Maybe he's drying out in a clinic somewhere? Heard the dude loves to party.
  25. We don't drink milk. Drives my mother in law crazy. She thinks its because we're some kind of hippies but I'm lactose intolerant and our kids never really got into cereal. So we don't buy it. When we need it for a recipe I get the smallest one I can find and we end up throwing it away.
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