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Everything posted by oblong

  1. me too..... the old rules don't apply. It's like watching pro wrestling now because no matter who is better in the end it's fixed.
  2. There'd be more cases of this happening if there were cultural negligence. This AD was fired from a previous job for gun misfires so obviously he's got something going on. There's thousands of movies that were made where guns were used and only twice that we know of did anyone get killed. I don't count the guy who shot himself with a blank in this analysis. Did the production company go cheap and hire an inexperienced armorer who assumed if she gave it clear to the AD then she did her job? That's another consideration.
  3. I ran into him at Lowe's once....
  4. a friend of mine went through this over the summer. Family history of it. They saw something they didn't like, did a biopsy, came back ok but they said she was at increased risk due to the results... so she had a double mastectomy. Afterwards they did find cancer in what they removed. She was going back and forth about whether she was making the right decision and that confirmed it.
  5. and old man's shoes
  6. I believe the banning wasn’t over Trump stuff but his dismissal of Covid as anything seriously.
  7. She got what she deserved. More should have suffered the same fate. And Kyle Rittenhouse should be charged with murder. Only an idiot would think otherwise.
  8. I like how shooting someone who is climbing through a broken window and trespassing on federal property despite numerous pleas and demands from authorized officers to protect that property is called “firing into a crowd”.
  9. This was the guy who handed Baldwin a loaded gun and told him it was cold.
  10. that legitimized him to the ignorant as if he were some tycoon when in fact he was just a guy living on credit and a brand name.... then you throw in the extreme hatred of the first black president and you have a perfect mix of toxicity. the mid terms of 2010 did a lot to set the stage where we sit today.
  11. Comparing a case where a cop breaks into a woman's apartment and immediately shoots her with a case where a woman is among a mob storming a federal building against the directives of officers is... something.
  12. LOL... Brianna Brown is an actress from General Hospital. She was shot?
  13. The overriding question is why would someone put a round unless its specifically needed?
  14. "But it goes to the schools"
  15. I read some articles and learned that a movie set firearm caretaker is called an armorer. It’s a legit career in the business. The armorer for this movie was new. Her dad was a famous stuntman and armorer. She was recently on a podcast talking about her new career and how important it was. Also a hot and cold gun refers to any ammunition, blank or real. Same with the term “live”. Blanks are given the same precautions as bullets. Baldwin was told by the person that gave him the gun that it was cold. I have seen people suggest that actors check too. I don’t know about that. Sure some may be able to and will do it but I don’t see it as their responsibility. Do they check the brakes and steering on cars they drive. There were also reports that crews alerted the production company to two other firing incidents. Somebody was sloppy. It wasn’t an accident. It was negligence. The industry has established precautions and given the prevalence of guns in movies it sounds like the standards work. I know of 3 incidents. This one, Brandon Lee, and another guy who shot a blank at his head not realizing those are dangerous too. The force and small particles…. That’s why blanks and live and handled the same.
  16. Is it true the winter meetings have been cancelled ? Tweet I saw thinks it’s lockout related. Maybe just covid precautions and they don’t need to gather to do their job?
  17. The MLB
  18. Oh… do that’s the reason. Not that the claims were invalid. You didn’t move the goalposts you took them down.
  19. The ruling wasn’t about the law itself but rather the procedure. from the article: But Genetski did not allege that Benson's directive "caused him to accept a signature that he believed was invalid," according to Murray's decision. The judge didn't rule on whether Benson's directive violated state election law, but did say the directive violated the Administrative Procedures Act, the process that must be followed when an agency creates new rules.
  20. Quit bringing facts into it.
  21. This was one that got the gang riled up. But of course.
  22. “Claimed”. That’s not fact. People can claim lots of things. Yes the poll watchers were not allowed in because they were already an excessive amount of other poll watchers already in there. This bullshit was already hashed out as complete nonsense by the court system. This is the best you got? It’s weak. You and Rudy and the stripper, errrr Escort that was an election IT worker, errr, I mean an election screen glass wiper person, can go find an audience of gullibles because the courts said you all are full of shit and lawyers are in trouble over it. Pick better battles.
  23. I was amazed, not really considering who it was, at the suggestion that we stop counting votes on election night. Like that was ever the rule. Especially in the black communities. Again… not really.
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