I have one of those magnets on a scoping/extender type thing. Someting I got from my dad. Just don't know where it is at the moment. I'm going to tie a screw to a wire and see if I can figure that out. If it works and is a strong enoughmagnet then I will drill the hole and try it with the ethernet cable. Pretty sure I just need to drill a hole in the wall then a hole in the joist, there's already one there on the lower right of the picture. Then get it from one hole to the other.
This house had an alarm system at one time, two different satellite dishes and multiple cable providers. It's long been a weekend project goal of mine to get rid of it all. All the cable lines go directly outside into the box outside that has splitters and the line runs along the outside of the house with holes drilled into the brick into the room it requires. I cut the phone line as it was hanging very low over my patio. And I cut it as close as I could to the pole where the rest of it just hangs and is hidden in a tree. There's another cable line I don't like but there's no opportunity to do that and I'm not putting a ladder on the main line it connects to. I don't know how cable guys do that when they run it from the main line to the house. Is that strong enough to support?