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Everything posted by oblong

  1. I spent some time over the weekend reading the old 2016 Candidate thread on the old site.... the common thinking was "Look how stupid Trump is.... he's toast... Rubio and Kasich must love this...." Everyone just assumed he'd bail and call everyone idiots but the rubes out there ate it up and the other candidates didn't want to consolidate because they knew the winner of the GOP would beat Hillary. Then it was too late. Each party nominated the one person that could lose to the other one.
  2. Idiots. Covid was the #1 killer of cops. Not BLM. Not Colin Kaepernick. Something can protect them that costs nothing. But carry on as if your issues have nothing to do with race.
  3. preach on brother.... My wife's best friend is in LaSalle and hasn't seen her in almost 2 years. Can't wait to go over.
  4. Just a few days ago I was looking at old commercials.... saw one for a hover lawnmower called Flymo and looked it up... still available. Corey dinettes Pointe Dodge ("99 dollars down and $119 a month") and everyone's favorite: "We do good work!"
  5. who's going to be Neil Young and write a great song about it that produces even greater covers by the likes of DMB and Warren Haynes...
  6. yeah it was blocked by my firewall too.... when I got to my phone I could see the gambling website. I'm bummed to lose the history but oh well....nothing last forever... in the cold November rain
  7. there's a significant subset of GOP voters who think having to wear masks is about "living in fear" and "denies our freedom" and is "tyranny", yet they are just fine with kids having to do school shooting lockdown drills, metal detectors, etc. because the right to bear arms is "the price of freedom". So yeah.... people that are ok with that are bad people. People that dismiss things like Sandy Hook as just an unfortunate result of a good policy can suck the big one. They are bad people. Sandy Hook is the precise moment I shifted from the GOP because I learned they are ok with the slaughter of children as long as it means they get to accumulate all the firearms they want whenever they want. They just fucking brushed it off. Don't bother trying to engage in a gun control debate with me. I've heard it all before and nothing you say on the subject matters or changes a thing.
  8. aw man... I was reading through some old stuff and was going to do more of that this afternoon while in a boring meeting.
  9. It's all about the fundraising emails. Like the TV preachers all he wants is for vulnerable old people to send him money. When they do that they often don't realize they have to uncheck a box to make sure their donations are not reoccurring.
  10. Powell could have won in ‘96. Clinton was hurting someone like Powell would have risen above the Gingrich/Dole stench.
  11. knock on wood, but in MI the 7 day average is down this week. Lowest daily counts in 3 weeks.
  12. how is it racist exactly to criticize Herschel Walker for invoking a swastika?
  13. I don't watch Braves home games. I really dislike that team for some reason. Not just about The Chop. This series is one I have no interest in. I went to bed 4-4 and just now bothered to check to see who won.
  14. and there you go....
  15. Brit’s colleague at Fox, Tony Snow is someone I wish were still around. Obviously for his friends and family but to see how he’d react to this crap.
  16. Agreed. Which is why the length of this latest surge is puzzling me. We are almost 3 months into slowly rising cases. Who is left? Thursday and Friday numbers slightly below last weeks. A glimmer of hope for me that we are beginning to go down. anecdotally my wife says nearly every vaccinated patient she sees is J&J.
  17. The thing with that math though is there is overlap among those infected and vaccinated. How much overlap? Who knows.
  18. 1989 was the summer before I got my drivers license. I was 15 and past the point of “going out and playing”, we did more of our stuff later in the day by then. Usually just hanging out at someone’s house. I spent a lot of time that summer home during the day and watching the Cubs. When they won the division I felt like a Cubs fan. It was neat.
  19. It’s a racket. The candidates are trading fame. It’s make work. The point is to raise the 9 so you can pay the 8. Those people get cushy consulting gigs. Nobody cares. The fame of the candidate is used to raise money. It’s a ruse and they all are in on it. The politician is like a child actor where all the adults are getting rich.
  20. I will probably always wear one to the grocery store. Any place I am strolling and touching things. As much to avoid colds and flus as covid.
  21. I can still hear Skip Carey say the name “Jeff Blauser”.
  22. JD with a grand slam in the first.
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