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Everything posted by oblong

  1. I have absolutely no problem wearing one if asked or required. None. At the hockey game we were pretty much walking around or sitting in our seats, nobody really around us. I had a beer so I wasn’t going to put it on and take it off all the time. My point was I guess it’s more of a peer pressure thing. If nobody else is going to wear them then I won’t.
  2. When it comes to masks I’m getting to the point where I will go with the flow. At the hockey game we had ours but didn’t wear them. We went to Henry Ford Museum this morning and had them but it was nearly empty and nobody but staff had them on. As we started to leave we noticed more people with them on in the long hallway so I put mine on. Dropped wife at target and after a few minutes I went in and out mine on. Went to a wedding tonight in a giant tent. Not one mask. big test will be next month going to a concert at the magestic. They are requiring proof of vaccination. I’ll just go with the flow.
  3. I think we are in the endgame. I’m not sure any restrictions in place now are really hurting anything other than international travel.
  4. I went to the hockey game last night. I’d say 97% of people didn’t have masks on. It was listed as a sellout.
  5. I was at the game and haven’t felt that much energy there for a game ever. Larkin probably gets suspended for that.
  6. So your litmus test on whether something is credible or not is dependent upon feelings towards Trump. That’s interesting because my litmus test on intelligence is their feelings towards Trump.
  7. I don't think managers by themselves can suspend players.
  8. I loved Peter Greene's callback in The Usual Suspect when he meets the guys and throws the bad coke back at them and says "Feed it to the gimp"
  9. Tony LaRussa can… well… bite the big one to be diplomatic
  10. My predictions are shot. If ATL holds on then I only have two teams left, Astros and Giants and I picked Milwaukee over TB in the WS. might place some bets hereafter. Wonder if I should use betrivers?
  11. I’m a big fan of AJ Pierzynski’s work in the booth. He brings good insight.
  12. Superman, Jon Kent, being bisexual, is the type of trolling I enjoy. I love seeing mid 50's white men get their shit stained tighty whitey's in a bunch.
  13. The president treated a health crisis as if it were a financial crisis without realizing the financial piece would never resolve itself until the health piece did. His idiocy with conspiracy theories and not using his bully pulpit to reign in the crackpots killed people and made a whole lot more sicker.
  14. Trump didn’t do shit for the vaccine’s development.
  15. I also remember TFG making fun of people, including Biden, wearing masks. I also remember him making secret service guys drive him around in a car when he had COVID.
  16. "Anyone know of a good contractor that's good but cheap?"
  17. I'm not a fan of rewriting rules due to extreme examples. Kind of like "We have to make the standards extremely high beause there's a 1:15M chance of possible fraud. Nobody's going to start throwing balls over the fence. If they think that happens then they will say the fielder had 'posession' and that means the runner advances 2 spots from where he was when the fielder touched the ball.
  18. What's the numbers look like with 2 outs and the runner presumably going on contact? Is it cool to have a rule based on # of outs like that? I'm not sure.
  19. Best part of working from home is not having to listen to Lions fans in the office on mondays. this is one of the things that will change. No more “water cooler” talk.
  20. Once I saw the rule as written it seems clear cut.
  21. What laws? Electoral laws meant he never should have been on a ballot. I guess I don’t understand your point. People here are saying Trump’s got a very good shot at reelection or whatever you’d call it and you appear to agree but want to throw out some “but..”. After the polling disasters we saw in 2016 and 2020 I don’t have much appetite for political analysts who think it’s still 1996. I’ve unfollowed Nate and the 538 crew and a few others. I don’t think they know what they are talking about.
  22. Trump got 9M more votes in 2020 and almost a point higher of the share. the 2020 election was pretty much as close as 2016. After 5 years of utter bullshit and 2 impeachment’s…
  23. I’m very picky on that. It’s hard to find gym shorts in my size, XL, that do not touch the top of my knee. I hate that. They gotta be about an inch above my kneecap when standing. Most I can find fit like Fab Four basketball shorts. When doing things like lunges or burpees I am always paranoid they will catch on my knee when moving.
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