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Everything posted by oblong

  1. I’m ok with the Brewers, Astros, Giants…. Even TB.
  2. We had potential for some tiebreaker games but the Yanks and Sox both won late in their games. A traditional set of games for the wild cards. Boston hosting New York and Cards at Dodgers. I got NY and the Dodgers.
  3. How many Canadian players who got the vaccine can’t play hockey because of the “side effects”?
  4. Wonder if his better stats has anything to do with defensive positioning with guys on vs no guys on? Just spitballing. I haven’t looked it up but they play him pretty far back with nobody on at the games I go to, where I get a full view of the infield from above. They know they can throw him out on anything. Maybe his approach changes with nobody on. Crush it for a HR or a double rather than just contact. He’s in danger of one day getting thrown out at 1B from the outfield.
  5. Yawn. We heard those tired comparisons 9 months ago and they are as stupid now as they were then. It takes a concerted effort to pretend they are the same. The goal was to interrupt the peaceful transfer of power, kill members of Congress if necessary, and cause chaos so that the dimwit Trump can be president longer. Sorry but anybody who likes that guy is a dipshit.
  6. It also makes me wonder how often that scenario has played out that people don’t even get tested. Would your friend have gotten tested with those symptoms if not for knowing of her daughter getting it?
  7. Is that The NY Times pitch bot?
  8. People that downplay January 6 do not love our country and what it stands for. It’s that simple. When that gets said it tells you everything about their political outlook.
  9. Will we see a repeat of the spring when everyone went down and we went up?
  10. Realistically what probably happens is he gets hurt and misses significant time the next two years and the point is moot
  11. He is either going to play baseball or go back to Miami where he lives. He’s not going to trudge around an MLB season away from his family unless he’s playing. Guys like Willie were ambassadors because they lived here. I doubt we see much of Miggy around town when he’s finished. The statue unveiling, “Miggy Day”, HOF, jersey retirement. That’s it. He won’t be coming to Tigerfests in 2045. These guys are already packed up and gone since the Tigers finish on the road. His flight Sunday is from chicago to Miami.
  12. I am reminded of the only neighborhood association meeting I ever attended. A guy got up and was talking about the new smart meters being installed and how dangerous they were. When nobody was getting into what he was saying he said “come on people… don’t you see this? It’s all out there on the internet”. This was in 2011.
  13. They can’t do anything with his contract without approval from the Players association. He’s due that money in 2022 and 2023 value. Any kind of buyout would have interest added which defeats the purpose. They would just release him or not play him. Hate to say it but the way he hamstrings the team is not his salary but his actual play. It’s fine now because they are building up. But if you need to win games then there might be better options at the plate. His current production is nothing remarkable. What he did in 2012 won’t help you win games in 2022.
  14. Today’s report is the first that has me worried for some reason. I know it’s only two days but I would feel better if we see some flattening. It’s been warmer than usual and I am afraid as we move indoors this trend continues. Time wise based on other waves we should start to see a decrease.
  15. I guess in MAGA world drug companies only make one drug
  16. No surprise there.... if you seek out the most unpatriotic people in our country the vast majority of them will be Trump voters. They seek something else...
  17. I remember in the pregame intros before game 1 of the 2006 WS I asked my buddy “are we really going to win the WS with Neifi Perez at SS?” Remember they put Guillen at 1B
  18. I've only see the headlines but I'd be curious to know the effects on vaccinated vs unvaxxed people... or is it not even necessary for vaccinated if they get covid?
  19. I predict the unvaxxed would rather take horse pills and gargle with iodide.
  20. I'll be watching Newark on HBO Max. Can't find time to get to a theater and when we do we still have to see Shang Chi.
  21. It’s like every meme I’ve ever read rolled into one.
  22. I don’t think they look at your card. All that stuff is logged into the system. I looked on my chart and it’s there and I never told my doctor. If these people go to the hospital they won’t be considered vaccinated…
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