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Everything posted by oblong

  1. Figured we could use this to just talk about general Tiger stuff outside of a game thread... and anything else baseball related. Some movement in the development staff as the team let go a bunch of guys, Willie Blair/AJ Sager, and their Latin PD guy. Looking for a new PD director. Also, did you all see the Houston play the other day with the appeal? Sacrifice fly to right, runner scores, another runner advances to third. The scoring runner left early. As they appeal, the Houston runner breaks for home. The pitcher gets him in a rundown and tags him out. But then they lost their appeal opportunity. Houston traded a run for two outs. Genius.
  2. Can't decide whether to go to this game.... My tickets this year were paid for back in November of 2019.... it's like "Well I could go, but then there's $8 for parking, $20 for a few beers, maybe $10 on food.... dno't really need all those extra calories" Usually when I go it's as much to see my friends there that I sit next to but they all live in Canada as it happens.
  3. More than .500 I would like them to catch Cleveland and finish in second place.
  4. I am the same way. I don't want to concentrate or focus. I've started The Crown and it's interesting. I know some of it's bullshit but still neat to see the history and know that it's kind of like how it went down. If a series has hour long episodes that's about my limit. I don't understand these people who can binge shows all day long. Don't they have jobs or repsonsibilities? As for Wandavision I really liked the overall story arc. After I went back and watched Age of Ultron and Infinity War so I could focus on her and Vision.
  5. Have you watched the other MCU movies? I got into them last fall and it was an amazing experience. What I'm finding with their shows is it makes me go back and watch some of the movies again for bakcground, not that I need any reason to. Have you watched Loki yet? First episode is out. Takes place right after he teleports himself out in Endgame.
  6. I favor guys names Robbie. Although around the age of 12 I insisted on dropping it. My dad called me Bobby. At our wedding when my wife met a bunch of new people she picked up on how long people knew me by whether they called me Rob or Robbie.
  7. Yo
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