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Everything posted by oblong

  1. He once did a bit about being told by a censor that he couldn't say "Midget". "You know, Midget is just as bad as the N word" "No... No... it's not. And you know how I know it's not? You didn't even say the N word. When comparing two words if you can't even say one of the words, then they are not equal". Of course his delivery is what makes it work so well.
  2. It's not working for me.... it looks like its doing something and it does highlight the rows. Maybe it's a browser setting. NOt too worried about it.
  3. Here they must have mated with the browns. And I think there must have been some mating with rabbits because I swear I don't remember squirrels jumping like that. Maybe it was genes of the black squirrels. I heard they are more athletic.
  4. John Mulaney. Legendary writer and evolved into stand up and has hosted a few times since.
  5. Unfortunately Ted, the loser has to keep you. Too bad you didn't stay there when you were known as Raphael.
  6. He's the new George Soros (you know the guy Elon Musk actually is). The right wingers are so dumb and demented and ignorant that all they can do is just bark people's names and they think that makes a point and makes it valid. Their brain cells are incapable of stringing together anything more than 4 words or 10 syllables. When they reach that limit they have to reset it with another subject.
  7. When ESPN got MLB in 1990 that was huge. Baseball on nearly every night? A daily "Baseball tonight"? It was heaven. Early on in the deal was when Fernando and Dave Stewart threw no hitters on the same night. ESPN showed both as it was happening. What a glorious time. It might have been one of those "you had to be there" kind of things considering how prevalent sports media is today.
  8. Did baseball reference get rid of, or change, the feature where you could highlight one row, then another, then you get the results/totals from all those rows and all in between? It's been awhile for me.
  9. product of University of Ligget. Our HS baseball team played theirs regularly. That's where we encountered black squirrels for the first time. It was an "east side" thing. Never saw them growing up on our side of town. Now most are gray.
  10. I’m sick of all the references to the 80 team by ESPN. This ain’t the same thing. So forced.
  11. Anybody who likes what they are doing is a complete failure of a person and a human being.
  12. LOL at calling him “the far left”.
  13. I'd be embarassed to say that.
  14. And for many of the elected leaders... they still have a problem voting for a woman. They saw Trump as a "strong" person (Man) and that overrode any feelings they expressed over Gaza. They used Gaza as a smokescreen. In many circles in that community it's still a very patriarchal way of life. Less so with the Lebanese.
  15. It is but that weekend is hard for us to do a trip up there and back. There's always something going on.
  16. In 3 years that will be footage of MAGA Cops parading around coffins of transgendered youth or "illegals". Same mindset. On the coffins the date is listed as "Date of Arrest".
  17. Interesting article. Blue Water traffic is up. If you are going to Toronto it's basically the same amount of time to go that way. Will be very interested to see how the GHB impacts this. It's a mile south of the Ambassador and with direct connections from I 75 to the 401 should save a lot of time for the trucks. I guess at that point the only trucks left for the Ambassador will be the Maroun owned. Our people there live not far from where the bridge will meet the 401 so it will save us time from driving through Windsor. Can't wait to run across that thing.
  18. "This guy is not DEI" Does that mean he's white?
  19. I saw a reel of a homeschooling mom taking her kids to a science museum where she was bragging and rolling her eyes b/c the "expert" there was speaking about dinosaurs and earth and "millions" of years when in fact everybody knows the Earth is only 10,000 years old. I read the comments to see if it was sarcams... nope. Lots of flag icons and crosses from people who know "the real truth". Multiply that by thousands and thousands and that's why we are in this situation right now.
  20. this admin caters to stupid people. It's a simple as that. Conspiracy believing numb nuts. It's no wonder so many home schooling religious moms fall for the RFK Jr bull****. They have low self esteem and need to find a way to make themselves look smart.
  21. My favorite Pat sketch was when George Wendt was the barber. Different prices for male/female.... "I'm sorry, I'm a little crabby.. must be that time of the month?" "oh yeah...." "Bills!"
  22. Hulu did that with me when they had the rights to a Red Wing game. I could not find it on my TV app. On my phone yes.... but not the TV. They were sending me messages via twitter. Then it got to the point where I could find it on the Samsung version of the App but not the app that's used through the xfinity box. Weird.
  23. To me it's a state issue. She has the power in her state to remove an offical in her state. "States Rights". If the voters don't like it they can speak at the ballot box. It's not an issue for Washington to concern itself with. Of course that's the logic in the old way of doing things. Today it's all different and the old rules don't apply.
  24. The in memoriam to jokes that didn't age well was really good too. Rewatched the Scared Straight again and in that sketch you get a sense of the perils of live sketch comedy. The audio wasn't great, maybe because the crowd was too loud but I had trouble picking out what they said. That's where rehearsals come in.
  25. me too... Bill Burr was on a show the other week, not long after the fires in LA, and said his therapist told him it's a way of blocking out bigger issues. Not sure if he was serious or just playing his bit but it makes sense. So he could blow off and be calm after a big thing, like his house burning down, "ah well you know... it's just stuff. we're ok. Good to start fresh ya'know" but then go ape **** when the toaster isn't consistent. You compartmentalize the big stuff but compensate by overreacting to the little stuff. My wife saw it and just looked at me....
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