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Everything posted by oblong

  1. One of the home playoff games last year was the same night as red wings opening nignt. I think it was game 4.
  2. I have a hard time believing that people who confirm the likes of Hegseth and Gabbard and eventually Bobby Jr will do anything down the line. If the House flips they could impeach him a couple more times but I don’t see the senate flipping in ‘26 and the Senate, I don’t think, is required to have a trial. His people can break the law but the FBI won’t go after anybody. The US atttorneys won’t investigate. Judges won’t be able to stop everything and trump will just pardon people who do break the law. All norms are gone.
  3. Don’t act like you knew
  4. The only reaon you criticize Harris or whoever for Bergman not signing is if he’s not offering a fair contract. Which we have no way of knowing. You can’t force a player to sign a deal. You don’t just pick them off a shelf like groceries.
  5. No class. No dignity. Trump and the GOP are an ashtray full of cheap cigarettes used condoms
  6. Mason is a youth hockey name.
  7. You are wrong.
  8. What definitive information from a birth certificate will satisfy this requirement? Are you aware that biologically it's not a 50/50 choice? What about those kids? They can't play sports?
  9. that's because he's a cuck.
  10. What's the enforcement trigger? Can someone just say "Hey, I think that person is trans...." Is there an inspection? Is it the honor system? I know lots of "husky" girls who could beat the crap out of me in sports. Would they have been asked to show their goods to some creepy pedo religious person?
  11. yeah we know the GOP loves their little girls
  12. I read an article around the time of one of the big jackpots advising you on what to do if you win it. You need lawyers, accountants, financial advisors, estate planners... probably more people to watch them... heck I'd want security if I had to go public. I don't want any of that. Nothing I could get in material goods or experiences would make that worthwhile. You just trade one job for another (managing your money). Then everybody knows you as "the guy that won all that money" and they'll resent you even if they say they don't. If I were given the choice of something like "Here's $50K a year, tax free, for the rest of your life that will increase 3% a year" or "Here's $500 million". I'd seriously consider the first option.
  13. I don’t think they signal anything to the beat writers. Either way.
  14. Remember when Obama called out the SC during his SOTU about this and Alito mouthed "that's not true". It caused a fuss. First for him supposedly breaking tradition by going after them. Then for supposedly being wrong. I think at that point they decided the Justices didn't need to attend but some do as a token representation of that branch. I'm sure at the time I was calling Obama lots of names. Imagine... the horror of a President personally attacking someone in an official capacity, rather than on a campaign trail. We need honor and dignity. Can't have some guy going off half cocked like Jerry Springer. right, national review?
  15. oblong

    MAP PR0N!

    Venezuela is closer to the US than it is to Mexico.
  16. My gut tells me is the Tigers made what they think is a fair offer and Bregman doesn’t want to come here. It’s not so much about his perceived value of himself but rather enticing him to sign here in particular and Harris is not playing along. Like a Pudge Rodriguez situation in 2004. I’m indifferent on signing him.
  17. If it were ever appropriate to use the C word in congress I can’t imagine a better example.
  18. I'll throw this in here since it's about money. Saw this question on a reel: Would you rather take $1M right now, tax free or flip a coin for $1B? For myself, I'd take the $1M. I don't need a billion dollars and all the hassles that would bring my way. That's not how i want to live. With a million on top of what I have I could live a comfortable life the rest of the way but not be enticed to be stupid about it. To me the spirit of the question is about you personally, not what the "smart" move is. If I were 20, I might answer different. But for where I am in life, 51... I might be in a position to retire right now if I had that.
  19. The Democrats wanted to visit but they kept getting cancelled by the organizers.
  20. Not sure I can stay up for the third so a couple more would be nice.
  21. If you are feeling brave come to Dearborn and go into the great commoner or Brome and ask the owner how he feels. He hosted Trumps campaign visit. My mayors been quiet.
  22. WHy HASnT ScOTTy BoY doNe anyTHINg? Hair
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