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  1. That shot looked good to me in the end. It looked like the shot was off and his finger hit the ball after.
  2. Flagrant foul what a joke call or a clown call.
  3. That's what I came to ask.
  4. What are they lining up to do? What is a p u n t
  5. You beat me to it.
  6. Vegas called that foul.
  7. Play calling sucks. Run up the middle 3x and punt.
  8. Wow with this defense we are going nowhere
  9. Wow with this defense we are going nowhere
  10. Nice win this team is improving
  11. I still remember the playoff game Ewing went off on Detroit
  12. That first quarter doomed the pistons. At the same time better defense would be helpful 130 is a lot of points to give up in a game.
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