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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. If I told you on opening day that the Tigers would have one 900 OPS hitter on May 18, how many votes would have been Wenceel Perez?
  2. And no rhythm. I was hollering at the screen for him to jsut slow down on that last pitch...
  3. Moreno needs to buy the ump dinner for that single.
  4. they've had some tough plays, but still, so far in this series the DB OFs need clown music.
  5. they are going to turn Perez around. Hopefully a mistake - for them.
  6. Kelly gets jammed and fights it off. Tie game.
  7. What possible thought process could have led to Keith thinking he was going to get a FB on 0-1? They are going to have to resign themselves to hitting a pitchers pitch early because he's not making many mistakes.
  8. Their proposal to change that dumb rule has been stuck in the league office all season.
  9. both guys pitching well, but still, you have an ump giving away 6" outside again and it makes it almost impossible for the hitters if the pitchers are even close to good.
  10. It's just not that hard to let people be. It's a bit odd historically - the original of the three 'Abrahamic' religions doesn't proselytize at all - Jews have never been interested in forcing other people to convert to Judisam, though they will welcome you if you do. Christianity and Islam both missed the boat on that part of the inheritance.
  11. I will come back again to the campaign money issue. You've always had venal, self-flating, ambitious people run for office, but when they had to do it by actually working for their their district, it keep them pinned tighter to doing useful public service. But with the way money and politics and corporate PAC support works now, you get the same venal, self-inflating, ambitious people, and all they have to do is appeal to Rupert Murdoch or Charles Koch or whoever is willing to write a 7 figure check. (you used to be able to put unions in the list on the other side, but they just don't have near the clout they used to). That sort of removes the brakes on the taxi of state.
  12. I guess I don't even care if a person want to say in public that Vatican II was a heresy (I see you Ross Douthat!), you cross the line as soon as you project that you are judging or invalidating someone else's choice for themselves, whether you do it for religious grounds or atheistic philosophy grounds. You can tie this right to what is so wrong about Alito on the SCOTUS (and Scalia before him, whose son was an RC priest IIRC). He seems to think his view of proper RC/Christian history and culture should have some currency to decide what other people do with their lives. If he wants to live that life, fine, but leave it at the courtroom door or find a new line of work for the sake of the rest of us.
  13. We've had a few sane repubs convert and few of the more out there repubs leave - so you get what's left...🤷‍♀️
  14. that is almost certainly true - weight is the #1 indicator for knee damage. It's funny how he persuaded himself he had to stay heavy to hit for power when his power was fine when he was a younger thinner player. I don't remember what year it was he did lose some weight - then he didn't hit real well coming out of ST and said he had to put it back on for leverage!
  15. right, that's what I meant - it's all the same in BR. I guess what was different was to compare Cabrera to Kaline. Al talked about everything running down to where he just couldn't push himself through another spring training - so it was kind a natural - 'now you are too old' which every player will face. But Cabrera had one particular part fail when all the other stuff could have still been working, and yes that does happen to a lot of guys, but it's still a much sadder/tragic (to me) case than a guy who is 35+ and can't see the fastball any more anyway. So just the perception of it.
  16. fair point - one of the news transcripts attributed it to AOC but that's certainly questionable.
  17. Actually didn't AOC call MTG "baby girl", that's a pretty good slam, though maybe not in MTGs exurban neck of the woods.
  18. I can cut people a little slack around Thomas because he had honed the act of the aggrieved black man to an art and was able to take in a lot of people with it - but it shouldn't have taken too much of his record on the court to prove to anyone that he is a hack and a schill for his various sugar daddy business 'contributors'. There's the ignorance part I guess. With Alito, there is less excuse, he has been a small minded off the wall medievalist, royalist nut job from day one.
  19. Or change the process. It was sort of telling to hear Hinch praising the team approach and having it be in contradiction everything Tork said the team preaches. But that's cool, I'm always happy to take practice over theory. But I would guess from all the chatter in the booth about the statistics on first pitch strikes that they picked that up from from Hinch pregame and that maybe it means the team has realized that in the ebb and flow between the objective of trying to make pitchers throw more pitches and pitchers thus striving to throw more 1st pitch strikes, the world has shifted so it's time to revisit. The one issue with being data driven is the need to remember the data is always the past, so you may end up behind the curve when things change. In baseball you are not always measuring a static system - the underlying conditions that create some of your data can change because it's present tense decisions of players that are creating the data sets, and those are subject to change/evolution. The best launch angle to hit a HR doesn't change, but player tendencies do.
  20. I'm embarrassed for the Tigers for any out of towner to see one of those.
  21. LOL - I think Parker has had a fire lit in him.
  22. Ibanez, Vierling, Urshella can all hold down the defense at 3rd - at least well enough not to hurt. But as McKinstry just demonstrated, it would get painful if McKinstry plays many innings at SS.
  23. I think at the end of the 3rd, Nelson was over 70 pitches and Skubal was at 34.
  24. what I look for is whether there they are actually doing something different, and they are not letting too many called strikes go by. Now quite possibly tomorrow the DBs will decide not to throw so many 1st pitch strikes and the chess match restarts from a different board.
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