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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. what on gods green earth was Tork looking for? 93 mph middle middle and you get rung up?
  2. Yeah - this used to be SOP, but it's not in Hinch's playbook. Apparently out of fashion, but the force at home is sooo much easier for a catcher than a tag play. I wonder how much the difficulty of the latter leaks into thinking about playing for the former. And of course turning the 5/2/3 DP is not beyond the defensive talents of either of the Tiger catchers.
  3. Context: This was not the general graduation event - which is tomorrow at the Big House. Many schools/colleges within the U hold their own because they want the smaller ceremony. Today at Hill would either have been the Grad school ceremony (AM) or school of music(PM), which were both scheduled for Hill today. It will be interesting to how far things do or don't get tomorrow.
  4. The problem is that you get what you measure. The political system is conditioned to look at GDP, and things like QE can keep GDP churning up, but GDP is a crappy measure of the nation's economic well being because all the money flowing to the 1% (more like 0.1% even in the case of QE) drive aggregate numbers up while the majority of the population is losing ground. That's been pretty much the story since Reagan and took a turn even worse after the 2008 crash. Biden is the 1st admin since 1980 that actually has people trying to formulate policy differently, and he's trying to do it in the context of a gridlocked Congress - so they're stuck mostly doing infrastructure and tinkering at the margins on issues like non-compete agreements, etc.,
  5. Another game with a stupid huge strike zone. Really ready for ABS.
  6. The was a column in the NYT today about the Fed's efforts to unwind QE. It's going to take years to do without messing up markets. And it was pretty much a failure anyway. It bid up equity prices in a big way, and contributed hugely to the growth of house flipping and income disparity, so if that's all you measured success by the financial types can say it was roses....didn't do squat for the majority of the country.
  7. the Hicks testimony is probably won or lost with the jury based on which side avoided having her in tears. Defense loses.
  8. "Don't you feel repression just Closing in around? No, the campus here is very, very free..." --Robert Lamm
  9. They need to add "All the women leave Texas" to SNL's Washington's dream.
  10. hard to imagine what Silver is thinking - how do you not suspend a guy for throwing a ball at the fans? Shouldn't even be a discussion.
  11. Have my doubts. Malloy is kind of a one-trick pony. He has this fabulous MiLB walk rate that inflates his OPS, but he is only 280 minor league hitter striking out nearly 35% of the time so far. Once you take away the walks that he won't get form MLB pitchers, and find some place to hide is D, I'm not sure you have a valuable Major Leaguer. Hard to know what Perez will look like in another 100 AB, but for now he is a better bat to ball hitter and plays some D. That said, I do think Malloy's MLB prospects would increase materially if they brought the challenge system to MLB and his good zone judgement weren't so subject to being foiled by the typical MLB umpire's daily strike zone eccentricities.
  12. another example of grifters seeking each other out. At this point if you are a reputable firm, do you want Trump as a client?
  13. Meadows is the candidate to go down. He needs to get K's under control and fix his swing path to get the ball down. Those are good MiLB assignments - at least for as long as Perez can hold onto a gig. If Perez falls off, then you evaluate which of he and Meadows is doing better at that point. Keith is also scuffling horribly - 2/45. But his K rate is under control - his xBA is 245 and his BaBIP 190 so he has had some pretty terrible luck. I think he is less in need of some obvious fix that needs space to work on the way Parker is. The question with Keith is whether he pulls out of it before his confidence goes into the death spiral.
  14. True - capital losses are tax deductible, political contributions are not.
  15. If Labour wins big how long before we start hearing about Brentrance?
  16. Could be worse, at least we still have a Military age population. China's and Russia's are both collapsing and Russia is killing off those that are left as fast as they can. One of the reasons that is almost never talked about but which I believe has to be a serious constraint on Xi. What kind of casualties can the Red Army sustain among all those only children before every mother in China is in Tianamen square? How much does Xi want to find out?
  17. It's a lot easier to critique other people's decisions than your own...
  18. There is always talk in big cases about "one juror", but it's not actually as easy as it's made to sound. You have to find the person that goes for one of your arguments, but that's only step one, you have to pick a person that goes for your arg and then stands up against the other 11 of his/her peers who become family for hours every day for weeks who are telling him he/she is nuts. It's actually a pretty tall order to win on a single a hold-out. You're more likely to need two or three to stand together to up your odds of hanging a jury.
  19. I hope that thought has crossed SY's mind. He keeps his real thinking so well hidden you can't take very much from what he actually says. To listen to the post season interview you'd think he want to bring every back and he loves all the current players. We know that's smoke, and that's about all we do know.
  20. A setting to suppress video results would be nice. Of course the number or Youtubes is probably growing much faster than the number of new text based sites so seeing a lot of them in search results is probably to be expected.
  21. Even at UM, where there have been, there is no voice that speaks for more than a small number of students in such a polyglot assembly. Just as an example, there was a lot of press about the Graduate Assistant strike at UM - but I don't think a class was missed in the Engin school as Engin grad students weren't interested - they're in a very different situation than Grad Instructors in the Lit School but you'd never know that divide existed from the reporting to the outside. These institutions are so big and varied within they are more like little countries with just as many competing interests.
  22. He's got a point there. Of course, those $$$ also make it an interesting question whether any student paying full tuition is actually going to be expelled. 🤔
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