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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Heaven forbid as a lawyer they have to work a case involving murder, abuse, or other mayhem. They'd be far too upset to make it to court. Maybe at Columbia they only teach Real-Estate law.
  2. who is getting to vote? I'm not particularly excited getting into the weeds of Brown's org chart. The vote goes to the "Corporation", whoever that is. But Brown's endowment committee apparently proposed divestment a couple of years ago and the U Prez would not submit that to whoever the "Corporation" is so you may have a 'one-of' situation at Brown. I would guess that at a place like UM, it's a Regent's issue and only a Regent's issue. They pretty much set their own agenda - though probably based on what the admin asks to bring them in a given month. And I doubt a vote by group as narrow as the Regents at UM would satisfy many protesters - and practically speaking, with an issue like that if they were of a mind to do it they already would have.
  3. because most schools with major money in endowments don't want to give up investment decisions to anyone for anything - it could cost them real money and real money speaks louder to TPTB than foreign policy politics!
  4. Bringing Danielson to the Wings without a year at GR would be a first for SY, but there's a first time for everything!
  5. I'd like to take some comfort in that except that his infield fly ball rate is really high and those outs aren't bad luck - they're soft contact outs. Parker is hitting under everything - extremely high fly ball rate, low GB rate. Could be he is late, could be he needs a mechanical adjustment to raise his swing path.
  6. I think it's pretty simple. He has to stop hunting inside when the book on him is to pitch him outside because he won't swing there. I don't really see any complexity - if he won't swing at outside strikes, he will continue be called out on them or end up down 0-2 where he's reduced to guessing on off-speed. If he were trying to cover outside and missing, then you have a mechanics/coaching issue to work through - but seems he can hit the outside pitch when that's his focus. He's letting the perfect be the enemy of the good, or of success at all for that matter.
  7. MTU, you've read my mind, I was going to make a very similar post. Protest has to be directed at something where there is some prospect of actual leverage or at least some 1/2 way concrete outcome to have any value, otherwise it's just performance. Civil disobedience has to be violation of unjust laws to be meaningful, not just vandalism against the nearest University Library - what's the point of that? The historical truth is that protest against the War in Vietnam never moved the public or US Gov because of the war itself, it was eventually opposition to the draft that did because it was US kids being impacted. And this isn't even our war or our people. They'd have accomplished as much by writing their Congress critters and letting them know their votes are at stake because beyond that the larger public doesn't care about these kids or their views the way America cared about the targets of discrimination in our own society or the American boys dying in Vietnam. The attempts to draw parallels to those movements is just a miss. And of course letting blatant anti-semitism and Hamas sympathizers into their midst nullified what little interest there was in paying attention to them.
  8. We don't want perpsective, we want CLICKS!
  9. Elections in the US, elections in Israel, and elections in Gaza.
  10. interesting. I haven't noticed much shift in google search results - maybe a windows vs linux thing? Does it help to turn off all the 'ad personalizations'? in Chrome? I also delete everything except cookies at the end of every session and periodically purge all the caches (other than cookies) that google doesn't clear even after it tells you it has has from the Chrome browser 'settings' page. It really mind boggling how much stuff google stores and how many places they hide it to make it harder to stomp.
  11. At one point last season before he broke out of his funk, Hinch opined that Torkelson had 'too many voices in his ear'. Given the tiger hitting coaching by committee approach can that have improved? I don't know that the fix is that hard - swing at more strikes is a pretty simple place to start. You are probably correct it is mostly between his ears. He can't not understand that he is constantly behind because he is taking too many strikes early. And it's not like his zone judgment is deficient. Just swing the damn bat when the ball is in the zone.
  12. true, but this is where stats can tell a story. The tigers have one of the lowest 1st pitch swing rates, and they have one of the worst offenses. Correlation doesn't mean causation but it's always good place to start looking!
  13. just to take this a step further - how many post games have we heard with a Tiger pitcher or catchers telling us about how "well the slider was great today so he threw that a lot" or "Skubal was pin-pointing his FB so we were working inside", or "we thought he was looking off-speed so we went after him with hard stuff". All decisions made on the fly in the game based on what a pitcher had and what the catcher and pitcher were seeing in real time. I don't think a team has any hope offensively if they think they can preprogram what their hitters' approach should be going against a certain guy. You can tell them what to be ready for, but they still have to react to what they actually see. You can't listen to your own players describing how they drive the game with real time decisions and then dismiss that the other team's battery isn't doing the same thing - that they are more locked into their tendencies than your own players are or that they don't see when a hitter is taking an 'approach'.
  14. actually I not sure I like that thinking at all. You can't sell out for an approach *before* you see how the other team has decided to pitch you. The great Al Kaline, who knew more about hitting than I believe anyone in this Tiger FO does, was adamant that you had to set your approach based on what you recognized the pitcher's approach was in that AB. If the Tiger org preaches to hitters that they have to control ABs in that sense, I would go so far as to call it a fundamental misunderstanding of baseball. The pitcher *always* has the initiative - he has the ball he picks the pitch. Batters must react to what a pitcher is doing, they cannot control it and if you go into a game with idea that you are going to do a certain thing and the pitcher has a different idea - you have just set yourself up to fail. Hopefully that isn't what he means.
  15. I actually did hear Hinch "admit" in one of his recent pressers that the working counts does have to be balanced against giving away strike one, which I thought was a non-trivial concession in his mindset, but that doesn't mean the communication to his hitters has changed. And TBF, Tork was a huge walk guy in college, and maybe it's just his "go home to momma" approach when he struggles to take more pitches as opposed to an older wisdom that you have to swing your way out of a slump. But you'd hope coaching could drive him toward better and not worse approaches.....
  16. I agree he gives away too many hittable strikes. He said he sits on the FB "100%" but he sure lets a lot of decent ones go by for called strikes.
  17. True - Perez could easily go 0 for his next 20. I just looked up that McKinstry is out of options but given that he's not exactly lighting it up either they not be at that much risk of losing him if they tried to get him back to the minors. I don't think Keith is going anywhere. Meadows is clearly a prime candidate - his K rate is too high and he's hitting a ton of pop-ups - (under/late on the FB?). OTOH -the D is real and the power is also real if he starts catching up just a little more.
  18. He's had 100+ AB this season. It's been obvious how he is being pitched and he's not adjusting -either won't or can't. Depressing either way. And really, it is not can't. Taking strikes is a always a choice and Tork is taking too many.
  19. Statcast spray chart for 2023 says he hit 6 HR to RF so there is no reason he should be such a pull happy guy. The two choices would seem to be either he is dumb, or he is doing what the Tigers have encouraged him to, either overtly or subconsciously. I take no position either way. Spray Chart
  20. Not even sure what the point is of building a ball diamond with a house taking up half the outfield.
  21. Yup. Hurts is sort of in a class by himself as an athlete. In all the years I've watched the NFL Hurts is the only QB I've ever seen run down and make a TD saving tackle on a CB from behind after he threw a pick. But just because he is a unique athlete doesn't necessarily mean he's going to be a uniquely valuable/consistent QB over time.
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