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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I'm a little skeptical Malloy's profile is going to play in the majors. His value depends too much on his walk rate and MLB pitchers just are not going to walk him at those rates, regardless of how good his eye is. If he develops the power to get some of those walks back because pitchers are afraid of him, that can work.
  2. But they don't need to save him now for Ukraine and they could have put this statement out before the vote but didn't, so I'd guess they negotiated something else they wanted out of him to make their support 'official'. Maybe something obscure or procedural in which case the odds are good we may never know what, if anything, it was.
  3. It official. Dem leadership goes on record that they will turn back any motion to vacate from MTG. I wonder what they got from Johnson in return? “At this moment, upon completion of our national security work, the time has come to turn the page on this chapter of Pro-Putin Republican obstruction,” the Democratic leaders said in a joint statement. “If she invokes the motion, it will not succeed.” The statement was issued by Representatives Hakeem Jeffries of New York, the Democratic leader; Representative Katherine M. Clark of Massachusetts, the No. 2 Democrat; and Representative Pete Aguilar of California, the chairman of the Democratic caucus. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/30/us/politics/johnson-greene-jeffries-democrats.html
  4. LOL - site is acting crazy. Was going to post this - told me it wouldn't let me, then when I refreshed the page iy had actually posted twice but you had already posted in the meanwhile answering the question. Hunter Wendelstedt must be moderating....
  5. a lot of guys complain they can only be their best playing everyday. Jake doesn't complain, but he seems like a guy it may be true for.
  6. Lange getting back into the hunt as as alternate pseudo-closer
  7. When teams have good years there is usually some player or two that come out of nowhere to give them a boost. Maybe the Tigers have found theirs, or maybe once he is scouted his run will come to an abrupt end. In any case, so far he's giving them a tougher decision to make when Urshella comes off the DL.
  8. Yes - Minneapolis for sure.
  9. Tyler Holton the first reliever going into the tank hard for the season - or maybe that honor stays with Lange - even though he's sort of righted his ship.
  10. With the bill against the Chinese ownership of Tik-Tok, the funding for Ukraine, and the Trump prosecutions, events are certainly driving Russian and Chinese disinformation and dark money efforts to meddle to whatever highest gear they have. You don't have to be a conspiratorialist to understand that has been SOP in Xi's and Putin's playbooks for years now. Various prosecutions and a lot of journalism have put this all reliably into the public record. Putin doesn't even bother to deny it. How much effect they have is always debatable, and they try to slipstream their support into strengthening indigenous movements that they find useful, but they're in there trying with background money and support.
  11. And it strikes me that at his point, they have crossed over into sabotaging whatever legitimate cause they may have had. This protest movement has moved so far over the top that it's made itself the issue and it strikes me that any/all legitimate criticism of Likud settlement policy and Netanyahu's conduct of the war have being pushed completely out of public consciousness, the exact opposite of what worthwhile protest is supposed to achieve. And I don't think these people understand how civil disobedience works as a protest tool. Civil disobedience worked in the US Civil Rights movement and for Gandhi in India because unjust law was preventing discriminated against groups from doing things they should have been able to do, thus in doing those things they broke the law, and forced morally corrupt prosecution. Or even in Vietnam protests where kids forced the system to arrest them to induct them into the Army. Privileged kids just breaking trespass law and destroying university (public) property nets them liability for prosecutions that are just, completely appropriate and will be/are widely supported by the public.
  12. Interesting stat they displayed in the game - Tigers were leading or tied for highest line drive rate in the majors. The crew was touting that as good news - to me it's just as likely another symptom of a team that *in general* is trying to be too selective/not swinging at enough strikes. High selectivity is great against bad pitching, but I've felt for a couple of seasons now a Tiger weakness is that they struggle more against good pitching because the are too unwilling to hit the ball where it's pitched.
  13. correct. They are playing the best team they have but it's not playing all that well.
  14. Back in the day, the word was "dilettante"
  15. Meadows hit two fly balls today - one was 360 ft. Terrible approach.
  16. almost rather see Lange than Miller so far this season - almost...
  17. LOL - if he tries to throw Melania under the bus, the bus for sure is going to end up in the ditch.
  18. I think pitching heavy wins period. The question of holding up is all about the high injury probability and nobody seems to have a handle on that. I have to wonder with all the sci/tech this this org is bringing if they are just doing it 100% cynically, teaching guys to max out regardless of the consequences, or if and how much they are mixing in a component of trying to figure out how to keep guys healthy. On one hand, the conventional wisdom is that injuries are tracking up in the pursuit of veto and there is no question the Tigers pursue veto - OTOH, there has been a fair amount of reporting that the Tigers pursuit of veto is largely around increasing leg drive, which in theory at least could give you more velo with less arm strain. I guess we find out how many guys are still standing come August!
  19. Like the man said, "...if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, you ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow."
  20. maybe the most impactful thing the Judge could do would be put him in an ankle bracelet and not let him leave Manhattan - no golfing - no campaigning.
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