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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. sure, contempt of court is independent of the outcome of the actual proceeding. It would be unusual for certain to be acquitted and then sentenced for contempt, but I don't think there is any legal impediment to it happening.
  2. The challenge system is the way to go. I think the problem is that the K zone will get smaller and it will stress pitchers even more and that is probably not something they want to happen. So what do you do to rebalance the game for the pitchers a little if you take away the advantage they now have because hitters are kept guessing by erratic umpires? Or maybe you just let scoring go up. It's happened before. Nothing intrinsically bad about a 7-6 ball game.
  3. Cardinals are not a big running team, only 12 steals against 5 CS - tied for 4th lowest SB in the majors. If Kelly were to give it a go, StL is a better choice than KC. As it works out with Thursday on off day - if they DL Carson, Dingler probably only has to catch the one game of the DH. Jake got today off, if he catches one Tues and on Wed, he will get Thursday off, he can catch Friday, Carson could be off the DL by Sat. and you really haven't had to use Dingler again or push Rogers' workload. OTOH, if Kelly end up out for a while, Dingler is going to have to play a little and that's just the breaks.
  4. Good guys with guns remain no match for bad guys with the initiative: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/04/29/charlotte-shooting-police-officers-nc/
  5. He'd probably be willing but it's just a bad idea. Catchers didn't do DH's even in the bad old days. Maybe they want to wait until the last minute to see if Kelly can go - but the Hens are in Columbus so they can't wait too long to decide on getting Dingler here. Maybe Dingler travels up with Manning but they only make the roster move if Kelly can't go?
  6. Tomorrow will already be 7 days since Kelly played. Might as well backdate him to the 10day.
  7. future radar predictor map on Underground show a pretty short rain but between 8 and 9 which would still drive an almost 2hr delay.
  8. If you have a center fielder that is an idiot, it's coaching's responsibility to break him of his idiocy or not play him there, but if the OF is going to work smoothly the CF should make the call and the his corners should listen to him. Again - coaching. If the coach has an undisciplined low IQ player out there running over people, he has put his players in a position to fail and eventually there will be an error or worse a collision and injury but I'm not going to blame that all on the players. There are enough plays where no-one can make a call that are dangerous enough (Back in the day I had one pretty hard collision with a guy next to me on one one of those! - neither of us knew if we could get there - ankle sprain for me, worse for him), but it should never happen on a easy catch for either player like the one in question. and of course, if you are getting a lot of overlap on garden variety fly ball, take advantage and move your corners outward!
  9. The question that strikes me is the degree to which the currently uniformed voter becomes more informed as the election nears and whether the trend that the more informed voter moves to Biden holds for the 'recently informed' voter or not.
  10. Outfield communication is sort of a hole in the way baseball players train. The IF warms-up together as an IF. OFs mostly warm-up/practice shagging BP, but in my experience they aren't in their set playing positions and they are generally just be taking turns instead of working on their team work. So if two guys didn't play next to each other in ST, they don't have much an idea how they call, what each other they sound like, what their tendencies are. Which goes back to my original contention, Wenceel made the mistake - that is without question. If Parker calls it his only job is to get out of the way and backup - period. But that said, it's simply asking too much to expect communication to be effective between two people who may be totally unfamiliar with each other. It was a coaching decision to create a situation with a high probability of failure. Now it may have been a totally justified coaching decision based on who was available to play where, but you still have to cut the players some slack - they were put in a position to fail. Again, maybe that was necessary, but it does move a big part of the responsibility for the outcome off their shoulders.
  11. I blame software. No... really. In the pre IT era, if you designed a product and it worked, you pretty much left the design alone and as people wore out their old one they would buy a new one and you had steady sales. No problem. But SW doesn't wear out. So SW writers have to keep churning versions or go broke even if they add nothing useful. Net result is the idea of constant product change just for sake of change is embedded more into American business practice that it should be.
  12. I would have like to see Vierling get enough time at 3B to see if he improved there (he was pretty badly exposed on the lead off double yesterday!), but I don't think that is going to happen with the addition of Urshella.
  13. I though in the video it's pretty clear Parker had stopped calling and had given way, Perez just didn't know it. To the larger question, it doesn't matter if a ball is closer to the side fielder, if the CF calls it the corner is still supposed to get out of the way.
  14. It seems kind of absurd with all the special uni's they do in a year now that they don't have the ability to start slip streaming them in immediately, but of course it would be more obvious to fans that a change was being made to do it in season and that would be more embarrassing for the league, which is the best reason I can think of it's going to be a "wait for the off season" move.
  15. looks like it should be a television network logo. "Diamond Youth Undervision Channel"
  16. RE: Manu pick. The guy doesn't get that Holmes wants a winning team more than once. Manu is exactly the kind of investment that a strong existing roster allows the luxury of. If he is a good player in 2 or 3 yrs, Holmes will be a genius again.
  17. The WhiteSox losses had held the division under 500 as a whole until the this week - Central is now 72-68. And the O's may just have lost Kimbrel. /. ..pffffffft!.../
  18. It was classic unfamiliarity. Parker yielded, but Perez didn't know he had - at least not for sure. Whatever the signal was for "you take it" doesn't exist, wasn't established, known, heard, between them, and hearing footsteps he went gun shy at the last second. I could be quite wrong, but from watching games over the years, I've never noted much evidence that MLB players, ever, or often, counter call a ball - i.e. call to the other player to take a catch.
  19. The White Sox have only played 3 games against teams below 500 and won all three. They have room to normalize up. OTOH, the Royals are 5-10 against winning teams. Unfortunately, Cle is 11-7
  20. It's a shame that when Ibanez comes off rehab they are probably going to send him back to Toledo. Parker is too big an asset in CF and has been hitting the ball better than his results this series, and I'm going to guess the commitment to Keith is strong enough he'll get more run. Or they could surprise me and decide to ride a hot hand....
  21. A couple of the IF misplays were bad hops/bad luck. When you see an IF with his glove low and the ball hits him in the forearm as often as not he was positioned right and the ball came up - it happens. Colt and Javy each had one in Tampa. They have been sloppy but it looks even worse when they're getting bad bounces at the same time too.
  22. He is two years out so his command should be a little better than a guy who came back faster, but everyone is different. If the command does improve, he'll be a force - if not, he can still keep them in a game.
  23. Torkelson is going to scuffle until he decides to look outside for either the FB or slider and serve it into RF. He's looking for everything in and they are just pitching him away or off the plate inside and he's being totally mule-headed about it. The most obvious one was after he laced a ball down the LF line foul, you could have bet grandma's SS check the next pitch was going away - and it was 93, thigh high on the outer third screaming 'hit me' and Tork took it. You have to give an MLB pitcher some credit - he's not going to pitch you where you want it just because - you 1st have to make him pay for pitching it somewhere else.
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