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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. I'm on the radio now and Scales and Dickerson claim Cora made the right signal and Tork didn't pick it up. He waves the trailing runner with one arm the other (according to Dan) was pointing at 3rd which means stop but they admitted he waits very late make the stop sign.
  2. I wonder what happened there. They used to have one of the best challenge teams in the league and now they miss so often it's almost embarrassing. Somebody hired away somebody or they went cheap on equipment upgrades or what?
  3. Yeah - I think sometimes you have to realize that expectancy tables are averages and sometimes you just are not facing an anything like an average player. Give up one and take you chances with the normal players.
  4. Well. Instead of a guy that throws to the wrong team, a guy who can't throw at all.
  5. DeWine said the state is making a driver's ed push in Springfield because a lot of the immigrants never learned to drive at home. You might call that the right kind of response.
  6. Bash was still completely incompetent in the interview. She gave him a complete pass on his repeating the false claim that the people in Springfield are illegals, also the 20K number, which is more like 12-15K.
  7. They used to let you watch one game on a trial without actually signing up (maybe still do?), which I did last season. But once you had done that if you went back to Apple TV for anything else you had to subscribe, and I never went there.
  8. ran away with it, 9-2 final. Gain no ground today.
  9. I've come around more to blaming bad relievers on the GM. If a guy is hazardous the GM has to get him off the team. There aren't enough roster spots to carry guys you can't use.
  10. Adley makes it a one run game. I think the Tiger BP is starting to get run down.
  11. How often can AJ work Holton without killing him. We’re going to find out.
  12. It’s just a terrible presentation. Hard to believe there is some sentient being deciding that is how to broadcast a ballgame.
  13. Yup. Ohio is a place where I can see large slices of the population getting silently pissed off and you won't hear a thing until 11/5.
  14. I probably didn't put that correctly - what I mean is that I don't want them signing pitchers to move, but pitchers to keep.
  15. big challenge next season will be to sort out all the arms. At this point, given that they are still stuck with Maeda, I don't want to see them bring in another reclamation product or 'innings eater.' if they sign a pitcher it should be serious multi-year signing of a #2/3 guy.
  16. I'm going to take Torkelson's single to right to keep the game going as a sign he's trying to become a smarter hitter. It doesn't seem like it but he's hitting 270, 780 OPS since his return. Hope not dead yet.
  17. scored just enough to be irritating.
  18. The jinx is Dickerson. It never fails he’s talking up a pitcher when he gets hammered, as he was with Kenya just now. 😵
  19. MLB hitters crack me up. They want to swing the bay so badly they are dead meat for a guy like Burnes that just won’t throw a strike if you don’t force him to.
  20. Burnes has Tork completely befuddled. Hot Tip: Just take everything if you get another AB against him.
  21. So why use an opener if you aren’t changing sides? Maybe Guenther later.
  22. Tork did it again. Took the 1st pitch cutter middle middle, swung at the second way off the plate, then can’t fight out of the hole. Stop it already.
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