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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. It's really sad Big Bob never got to strut his stuff on a better team. I remember watching him go against the best centers of his era and mostly outplaying them, but it never made much difference because the rest of the team was ...meh.
  2. Well, Frank Thomas scared the **** out of me as an opposing fan so if other fans remember Miggy that way, it's still something. 😟
  3. Those great Oiler teams were sort of different. IIRC, in terms of defense, guys like Coffey over committed a lot and actually gave up breakaways fairly often, but Fuhr was really good - esp against guys one-on-one so it never seemed to hurt them much, and if they gave something up they'd come back and outscore you anyway.
  4. This is interesting because I've read that Goff's coach at Cal came to give Goff complete freedom to make all the calls at the line because he was best QB he had ever coached at reading the field. Pretty clear how a guy might come to dislike a coach who didn't trust him to do what he knew he could and vice versa a coach not like a player who maybe couldn't hide that he resented his 'coaching'/'interference'!
  5. I did sort of like what Hunter said about he'd rather throw out the manager than the wrong player.
  6. no doubt it's a fault - a blot on his resume for sure. But If it works out for Lions I don't care if people keep thinking McVay is a genius or not 🤷‍♂️
  7. don't remember the view being particular bad at the metrodome (always a matter of what seats you have!) but yes it was dumpy, the sound was both deafening and completely unintelligible, and the bounce in the outfield made the game a joke. But it was convenient as the SO was working across the street.
  8. TBF, McVay has had enough success that he's shown he's not chopped liver either. Sometimes two particular people just don't work together and they are both better off to part company. Win-Win.
  9. This is a great discussion fodder question because we know both guys so well but can never answer the question with any certainty, but I'm sort of leaning toward Goff. Matthew has all that physical talent, and Goff has laid an egg in a game or two, but I've come around to thinking that Goff's decision making has gotten so good under Campbell that I'd take him where he is now over Matthew at any point in his career on the same team.
  10. Good idea I'd never thought of!
  11. I think since Benetti has joined the team he's raised the bar on all of them. We'll need to be more on the ball lest stuff doesn't fly over our heads.
  12. definitely. We've had some of our best days doing something on the fly when plan A fell through or just didn't look all that interesting.
  13. I would say yes. Pavel did have moves no-one else did, but the thing that separated Sergei was the combination of strength and speed. It was much harder to out-physical Sergei than Pavel. I think if you could have put Yzerman's competitive fire in Sergei's body you'd have consistently had the best player in the league instead once in a while. Though I'll admit, I think Pavel would probably be a more dominant player than he was playing in today's NHL, where there is a measure less physical intimidation than he had to face in his own era.
  14. Abbey is almost a throwback with giving her interviewees long segment to speak in detail. Needs to lose the eyelashes though......
  15. It did come after the Rays hit his catcher so the suspicion is understandable. Wentz's reaction looked exculpatory, but you never know.....
  16. wentz hits him dead center on his arm armor.
  17. Rays gave up 7 without waking anyone.
  18. Hard to miss wasn't it? FWIW, I stopped wearing one 30 yrs ago after an wrist injury and never put it back on. A phone in my pocket puts the time close enough not to bother carrying around a lump on my wrist.
  19. discussion about making a pitchers face batters from both sides to keep them from getting too comfortable is interesting. But I would think it had to depend at least a little on the pitcher's repertoire. I wouldn't think it would matter much to a guy like Skubal who is going to throw FBs and changes to the batters on either boxe, as compared to a guy that has to switch from throwing sliders to throwing changes when the batter is on the other side.
  20. considering how the conventional wisdom was that the Sox had a can't miss rebuild in progress pretty recently, this year is quite the crash and burn. EDIT: I guess the only thing that can be said in the PaleHose defense is that they haven't played a team below 500 yet.
  21. He's hunting the perfect pitch to get his 1st HR - it's inside his head now. But tonight not withstanding, he's holding his own.
  22. Tork's OBP over the last 15 games is 350. He still not going anywhere.
  23. Getting up there on time is one thing. Getting up there on time and not missing it pretty sick.
  24. Now they have to avoid letting the Rays BP off the hook with another run...Dumb rule.
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