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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Is he coming out for another inning?
  2. Jake can't buy a call. Rung up multiple times yesterday on close pitches, rung up today on close checked swing.
  3. Pretty funny that Monroe is talking about the Tigers offensive fortunes improving as they have stopping giving up so many strike ones and Tork takes a cookie right down the middle.
  4. Tigers are embarrassing the Rays tonight, and the Rays are not a bad team, but that's baseball.
  5. You can argue that if he had stayed healthy longer, his talent level was high enough to have matched Pujols - especially if he had stayed fit enough to stay at 3B longer. So it's a similar semantics discussion as in the Wings forum. Fedorov was probably the absolutely most talented hockey player I ever watched, but he didn't achieve a career that matched the absolute abilities he possessed by a large margin. Cabrera was the whole package as a 3b, soft hands, good arm, and that bat. But for all he did achieve in his career, he still fell far short of what his absolute talent level promised. And that is true of many players, but to me Cabrera is a pretty striking example.
  6. Ben hit his stride in one and probably the only short era of league history when his particular skill set could dominate a game. Pretty good luck for him.
  7. I suppose that's technically true but she's all over social media in the anti-Trump 'Nope' tee-shirt.
  8. sure - it depends on whether Maeda would rather not embarrass himself in front of Major league audiences. Here's hoping he has a good outing and makes such speculation academic.
  9. Forgot about Walker. He added value to his LB role by being a kicker as well. Outside linebacker is one of the harder places to stand out on a football field though.
  10. I suppose if he can't get himself lined out you start with the phantom injury charade we went through with Dontrelle Willis. Send him to the DL 10 days with arm strain, have him throw some bullpens to work on whatever, send him to Toledo for 3-4 "rehab" starts and hope he has it right, if not rinse, repeat with a couple of big league losses tossed in on each iteration.
  11. Lem Barney deserves consideration. Very dominant as a DB and dynamic as a kick returner. Best player on a decent team for most of his career.
  12. the draft of the UMich policy was positively draconian. They backed off within days based on the strength of the feedback about it. And I do give them credit for soliciting that feedback. Of course, that's no guarantee the revisions won't be as bad!
  13. Yes. This is the easiest one I think. Federov may have been the most talented player of all time in a red wing uni, but he wasn't the greatest RW of all time.
  14. Greenberg might have had ~25-30 more WAR if he had played the 4 yrs he missed.
  15. Does the NHL do any market equalization revenue sharing like the NHL (or even MLB a bit now)? - (I have zero idea.) I suppose a smaller end market doesn't have to be the only consideration if a league sees overall value in having a team there.
  16. ???? The university? or an unauthorized hack? I guess either way the story doesn't play well for Columbia. If the admin did it they were foolish not to announce in public that were doing it as a temporary measure to defuse things - who knows - maybe they did. Whole stories are seldom present in the twitsphere.
  17. We probably get conditioned by watching highlights - where the success rate is 100%, into forgetting that even for the best, hitting is a 65% fail endeavor.
  18. You can let her know some of us are holding out.
  19. IDK what it is, but for certain the boomers have not defended or passed on the 'western liberal enlightenment' world view that our parents generation raised us under. Maybe we took it so much for granted that we didn't think/know we had to. The 'greatest gen' did it for us all too transparently? Now we've leaving behind a nation with wide swaths of people who seem ill-equipped to manage or even function in a self-governing society.
  20. IDK how much prep draftee is going to/should focus on being compared to a college player. I guess if he were that would be a red flag to me. Also - The context is that Clark is a shoe nut - sort of Imelda Marcos of the Diamond set. He apparently has hundreds of pairs of designer shoes. So it's a hobby with him.
  21. Andy Griffiths probably invented this routine as a young stand-up, but the setup was a backwoods rube wandering into his first football game.
  22. That, plus the shorter religious history of the US plays a roll. The US was not dominated by the medieval Catholic Church and steeped in official anti-Semitic theology for a millennium. The religious backdrop in the US was/ mostly Protestant or evangelical, more generally Bible based, where Judaism is regarded more as inherited legacy. Shifts the worldview somewhat. You even have sects within US evangelicalism looking for the Jews to be vindicated and David's temple rebuilt as the precursors to the 2nd coming. Today's Jews/Israel are heroes in that scenario.
  23. How much is because school, because of fear from parents and students in today's environment, are afraid to challenge students with making them think about hard questions? When I was a teen, Vietnam and the Civil Rights movement were underway. I can remember sitting in mixed race classes in public HS and even JHS and being regularly being given assignments like 'defend a position of the Vietman War', or capital punishment, or having an open debate about 'X' and 'Y' have fallen in the water, who do you save - one is black/latino/Hitler/Gandhi etc, etc. defend your positions, then defend your opponent's. My kids are a generation out of school, but I know they were never challenged like that, and I tend to believe education in general can only have become more vapid since. I'm sure there are still teachers who try, they're ones we read about getting fired. How many of them are left? I have a book on the shelf, something about "the Coddling of the American Mind" - I haven't bothered to read it, already know the story.
  24. Meadows has to make an adjustment to the inside pitch. They are attacking him there and he's not coping - he's swinging and missing at balls inside and not doing much damage on strikes inside.
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