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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. If you have a RH batter with a reasonably high OBP against RHP, you do want to put a LH batter behind him to optimize his chance of going 1st to 3rd on a another base hit. Most managers like alternating right and left hand hitters, so that sort of leaves you with a preference to go RH in the lead-off spot and then LH in the 2 hole - but if your LHH is you best OBP by a significant margin (often true), he's still your lead off hitter. The overall is probably too close to a toss-up to worry about it a lot.
  2. this is the reporting. Ironically, it's only the easy throw that he can't control, it wasn't much of a problem when he was at short.
  3. Got the MLB survey today. Under the "What one thing needs to be done", I wanted to lead with 'Fire Angel Hernandez' but settled for "deaden the damn ball".
  4. Always a good day to beat the Twinkies!
  5. sure, that works. Duality is maybe the oldest recurring theme in human history.
  6. ASIP reference as lost on me as GGD on Monroe. 👴 ( I got to know a some Millennial music as a parent)
  7. the juxtaposition of those two word fails to register for me....
  8. IDK if I see it as necessarily thin skinned, it could as easily be trying to have some fun with it - Red Pill/Blue Pill, Yin/Yang they rested him today - and got shut out. 😱
  9. I miss that this mess at Columbia isn't happening on Lee Bolinger's watch (he got out last year). Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.
  10. Colt looks OK with the glove, I see whether he ends up a 2B or 3B as a secondary issue to whether he can get his bat going!
  11. There is no athlete more stubborn than an MLB hitter. The ump has rung up Jake three times on a close pitch, Jake still thinks he is going to get the call.
  12. Can't command the zone as a hitter if you can't protect it.
  13. There has been a lot of oil money sloshing around Edmonton since the tar sands development began, which has helped them punch above their weight. That is probably going to change in the near future.
  14. of course the worse your bad hitters are, the more the differential by denying them ABs grows!
  15. If I had a nickel for every too close to take pitch the Tigers have already taken today.... Team needs to stop trying to walk its way to victory and try doing some hitting.
  16. The question for Quebec City is always how much of their potential fan base the Habs already own.
  17. Missed this one a couple of weeks ago. Grandparents this time. https://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/2024/04/boy-was-shot-killed-with-gun-found-in-grandparents-home-state-police-say.html That's about 8 lives ruined by one bullet and an idiot that had to have a gun in the house.
  18. So Israel contented itself to blow up an Iranian Russian s-300 air defense unit to show Iran they could leave it defenseless against the F15s that might have been following behind.
  19. Yeah - he's gets a -1 WAR today. But another game there for the taking that they didn't.
  20. I'm not sure Monroe knows what he's talking about. Backups are by assignment - Colt probably went where he was supposed to. You don't make it up on the fly and there is no way Colt can know where a missed throw is going before it's missed.
  21. yeah - that was an absolutely terrible AB. It was like he decided he really wanted to hit one that was a foot outside - just to prove it?. They weren't even pitches with big break. Ober started them outside and they finished outside.
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