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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Ukraine bill passes House overwhelmingly. MTG folds like a cheap suit on threat to oust Johnson.
  2. this one going downhill inning by inning EDIT: Javy plays Prometheus on the DP
  3. hit the ball well in the 1st inning, got no BaBIP luck and since then can't do anything
  4. Olson doesn't hold the runner, costs him a run.
  5. ++++ I used to work at a small research arm of a medium small manufacturer. The owner kept his offices at apart from the factory where our lab facility was and we reported directly to him. I was sitting in his office one day talking to him and he placed a call back the plant for something and got the hold with music, which the plant manager had had installed without telling the boss. The boss was not amused. It was turned off that day. Small victory in a losing battle.
  6. Another Michigan parent probably going to jail... https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/gl.fcgi?id=torkesp01&t=b&year=2024
  7. Even with players moving around, they will eventually get to 'know' each other, but it will take longer. Wenceel did get into 16 ST games, but it looks like mostly in center, so possibly he had never played next to or had a called ball situation with Parker.
  8. This works. Iacocca's autobio was released in '84, Art of the Deal in '87. Ivana's divorce 1990. The wedding to Ivana in '77 had also been big deal in NYC.
  9. Greene, Tork and Carpenter coming around, Colt needs to be next!
  10. I would guess the CF experience worked against him in this case. Of what little OF he has played, he's played more center, so yielding is probably not a habit. But no matter - I don't care how experienced two OFs are, until they play next to each other for a while and learn each other's tendencies speed, call style, this kind of thing will *always* happen. There is a trust level that develops. In this case, Parker did pull off but Wenceel probably isn't sure and is still spooked. I'm just saying it's not really the players' fault when you put them in situations they've never worked through. And putting them out there may still have been what the team needed to do, that's not the point either. My point is just not to hammer the player for a confluence of circumstances that put them in a position where that kind of breakdown can be expected.
  11. Wenceel has played a sum total of 21 games in his career as a corner outfielder and certainly none of them were ever next to a CF with Parker's range. What do you expect to happen when you throw guys into fielding situations for which they have zero experience? Management is supposed to put players into a position to succeed. Putting a fielder into a game at world's highest level of play who probably hasn't had 50 lifetime chances at the position and expecting clean play is just ignorance. The team may have to put him there, and he may succeed there, but put the blame for the level of performance while he learns the position on the fly where it belongs.
  12. Volkswagen employees vote in UAW in Tennessee. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2024/04/19/vw-uaw-tennessee-vote/
  13. Ha! Maybe he missed getting the eyeball genes and the frontal lobe genes from the same set.
  14. Could well be. Of course we don't know much about what kind of terms they are on. Every coach and GM must talk about call-ups but Yzerman maintains such an opaque front that I guess the transparency to admit even the obvious is too far for him to go. SY is an interesting study. He has this kind of earnestness and approachability but it hides a very sophisticated ability to answer any question apparently thoughtfully without ever giving away a scrap of anything.
  15. I don't know what he's going to do with his life after baseball, but a brain with that kind of processing speed needs to find a worthwhile second career.
  16. I think Lalonde has a beef in that part of the problem on defense is that their puck pursuit needs an injection of speed/energy and maybe younger legs would be an upgrade in that direction. Young players make mistake that often lead very obviously to goals, but that can't be the only thing you look at because the goal that doesn't get scored because your player beat the opponent to a lose puck at the half board in the D zone is never tallied. OR, to accomplish the same thing, Lalonde has to get his players playing as mad as Scotty used to......😡
  17. IDK, Yzerman probably just blowing smoke at the presser -- love to bring back Ghost, Kane etc. If any of that happens there isn't money for anyone who's going to have impact. With Yzerman's FO we will know exactly nothing until it happens.
  18. one of the worst ABs we'll see from Riley.
  19. One might question the basic assumption that it is possible to play great team defense without letting players settle into regular playing positions. But if one did, they wouldn't be working for this FO.
  20. Tigers wasting a lot of good pitching already this season.
  21. Will Canha still be in the game when they come back from break?
  22. Sometimes you get a corner playing center and no-one takes charge. Perez had been playing CF in Toledo, he forgot to yield.
  23. Wenceel is going to turn him into Wally Pip
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