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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. they put a graphic up today that showed the Tigers rank near the bottom swinging at the 1st pitch. When you are a bad offense, you should think about what being an outlier in any offensive category is telling you.
  2. Tigers won't be below 500 at 20 games out!
  3. I have to assume a lot of the biographical chatter will fade as everyone gets to know one another and it's all been said once.
  4. and if you look at the logic, once Iran sent Hamas into such an outright act of war against them, what practical difference does it make to Israel to do something that does nothing more than put them into state of war with Iran they are already in by virtue of Oct 6? I think we tend make more distinction between Hamas and Iran than does Israel, who sees Hamas as a direct extension of Iran. As the ineffective missile attack showed, Iran doesn't have capabilities to strike Israel directly that are more effective that what they already have unleashed in the form of Hamas so the idea that a more outright state of war between Israel and Iran would be any 'wider' than it already is more a Western Media concept than a reality on the ground.
  5. and if you want to go take a nod to Constitutional originalism, I'm sure the founders never supposed that in the rural and small town continental communities of their new nation, you would be particularly likely to find jurors who didn't know or had never heard of the defendents they would have to sit in judgement of. That should never be a criteria for a fair jury.
  6. and TBF, Manny Gonzales is terrible behind the plate today. Strike zone like the Grand Canyon. Have to totally disagree with Benetti thinking the automated zone will help pitchers. I would expect a discernible jump in BA across the league. Hitters know the zone. Take away their doubt about ball being called strikes on a day like today and hitter success rates absolutely go up.
  7. Zach having a very interesting day. Every which way but loose but he makes that catch.
  8. Carpenter only hitting greased baseballs today.
  9. Tork Ks looking for another perfect pitch.
  10. Israel has always said that if you kill our people, there is nothing we care about you hiding behind that will stop us from coming after you. This is a basic premise of the position they take in a hostile neighborhood. It's a piece of their deterrence posture, just like a Trident submarine is for us. We can express our own scruples about it but we shouldn't be surprised by it or think it represents any change in long standing Israeli policy.
  11. I think the the guys in the booth have decided they'd just rather not cover this game.
  12. Meadows with better ABs today but no cigar.
  13. Casey still fights it with men on base. Doesn't like pitching from the stretch?
  14. Mostly GBs. Rangers just putting the ball in play and letting good things happen.
  15. Tigers trying hard to give the run back.
  16. what was the predicted BA for that one? about .950?
  17. LOL - baseball. Tork and Carpenter crush the baseball. Team gets nothing. Walk, ground ball and misplay and they are on the board.
  18. and the year before - and that is where the bite is. In a randomly distributed world, half the teams in any given year should come out of the chute doing a little better than their long term average. Make some allowance for weather and all that but I'm waiting for the team to proves we are seeing noise and not trend.
  19. And I give him props for playing hard and not complaining, but yeah, the trade was a desperation shot that fell way short. The rest of the team was still too far away for Blake to get them anywhere meaningful.
  20. OK OK! I admit it, this has been the most enjoyable Wings team to watch since Dats and Z. 🙆‍♂️ Looking back the 'tease' was Lyon playing out of his mind for about a month that let us start believing the team was better than it is. I admit I got sucked into higher expectations even after posting in late Jan or Feb that they were way too dependent on what Lyon was doing and that he couldn't possible keep it up.
  21. I don't argue that a certain set of protocols have existed in the Western World about things that 'weren't done' because of a longer term realization that as bad as war is, things could be worse with no rules at all. The problem is that the your garden variety Islamic radical has already thrown all those rules out the window with the use of civilian terror, civilian hostages, non-uniformed combatants, human shield warfare, drilling military capability into civilian infrastructure, etc, etc. There is a paradigm in game theory where the best course is to hold to the rules when your adversary first violates them, but if the behavior continues, you win by meeting fire with fire. The US has pretty much always followed that course in wartime, so we are in no position to criticize Israel for doing the same.
  22. TBF, not only this spring. Greene, Tork, Rogers, and even Meadows were productive last season once they got on track. So there has been regression from a bar set last season, not just in ST. You can always chalk up a little bit to the transition from FLA to cooler weather - but it's pretty nice today - so we'll see.
  23. I think this is what they were thinking - some of the ballistics would get through and maybe Iran even thought the Israel would try to minimize that as it would be seen as Iron Dome failure. But I disagree that the embassy actually crossed any practical line in the light of Oct 7. It was basically a similar scenario to that we went to all out war in Afghanistan over. Oct 7 couldn't have happened without Iran. So from Israel's standpoint, they are already as much at war with Iran as they they could get. And the fact is that in terms of proportionality in this series, Israel remains the more restrained party. The embassy attack killed two civilians, the rest were military officers in an armed service actively engaged against Israel. Oct 7 casualties were mass and civilian, and the missile attack casualties would have been mass. Again, no moral or diplomatic credit to Iran for failing.
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