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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. Of course if you manage to stay in the major for 10yr you probably won't need that pension much.... The one that isn't on there is the education benefit for draftees - but I don't know if you even need to get to the majors for that.
  2. Should note that WCF's role at FoMoCo was never comparable to Musk's at Tesla. The operation at Ford was in Henry II's hands in the Pinto era. In fact Lee Iacocca was running Ford division during Pinto development, and was the main force pushing Ford to build smaller more efficient cars.
  3. yup. Shooting the key for him. That's really the story across the league for all these athletic kids coming in from one and done only half cooked. The ones that develop some shooting skills can go a long way.
  4. the 1st half was fun just to see KC get their hat handed to them after escaping so many games they could/should have lost this season. The 2nd half was definitely a snooze fest other than the Mahomes bombs at the end. I was at least a bit surprised/disappointed in Andy Reid though. He has one of the most escapable QBs in the NFL and hardly rolled him out or reversed or screened, or basically did anything to try to freeze the Philly D-line penetration. Maybe he decided they were too over matched for anything to work.
  5. Ha! But you can survive almost anything with the right genes. I had one grandparent that smoked unfiltereds until a death at 93 unrelated to smoking. The other side of the family lung cancer killed about 75% of the men long before 90!
  6. Do all the unpopular stuff you think need to do right up front and people will be made but will forget about it quickly enough. Advice that goes all the way back to Machiavelli.
  7. It's time to just move the decimal point over. One 'new dollar' to 10 old ones. Then the change in your pocket might be useful for something again. Short of that none of the current coins are worth the effort to carry them
  8. The ascendancy of football over baseball as the nation's primary sports obsession generally parallels the general collapse of civility in American society. Just sayin'........... That said, I'll be watching with some friends tonight....🤷‍♀️
  9. I'm sure the Wings wouldn't mind moving him, but I'd be surprised to get a useful starter back - more likely some kind of pick.
  10. Of course, at the rate the NFL is going, soon Spring Training will be starting before the Super Bowl gets played.....
  11. IDK, if has been reported, Miller was the guy who was bent on making like difficult for Pettersson, wouldn't it make sense that you want to see if Pettersson plays better (or at least shows some sign of rebuilding his trade value) with Miller gone? Or I suppose the other possibility is that if Miller was so much the leader of that locker room, that the rest of team is going to hold his trade against Pettersson and his situation in Vancouver just goes from bad to worse? In any case, if he's now made a reputation for himself as not being mentally tough enough, his trade value might be pretty depressed as I can't think of a worse rep to have in the NHL.
  12. The other funny thing is that the Yankees didn't even want Gleyber to go to 1st, they asked him to try 3rd, but now he's out to prove to the world (read "NYC") he's a better 2B than Chisholm. That could work to the Tigers advantage if he can actually raise his game. Hopefully Chilsholm plays well.
  13. This. To paraphrase - the best laid plans last until they get punched in the nose by a budget.
  14. The game was on in the background while I was in a group and someone noted they looked like they were getting tired in the 4th, - the rest of them weren't use to playing that much.
  15. they wanted a 1b could only sign a 2b. That's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.
  16. I'm sure they thought of it but Gleyber literarally won't play ball. ().
  17. Torres is the established hitter with a glove that really doesn't play at middle IF. If Keith's natural progression will be to 1st base 'eventually' say in his middle or late 20's, than Gleyber's progression would be to be moving to 1b now.
  18. Or established hitter with poor glove at 1st and decent 2B who improved over the course of the season at 2B at least until he proves he's 'outgrown it'. The fly in the ointment in the Torres deal from the beginning is Gleyber's unwillingness to at last try 1B. That is the most rational course of action for the Tiger team, and the fact that they signed a guy unwilling to do the best thing for the team is the thing that makes me regret the signing.
  19. IIRC Lange is supposed to be throwing bullpens by ST but still behind full participation—as per DetNews a couple of weeks ago.
  20. Yup. "A car that only produces water!" is a flim flam. Hydrogen as gasoline replacement never made sense for anything except maybe to replace diesel in heavy trucks or buses because the energy carry demand is just so large for a battery system. I could lay out all the thermo-dynamic constraints that show why it's a dumb idea, but the short answer is that there isn't any hydrogen out there now to use as fuel (water doesn't count, it's hydrogen that is already 'burned'), and making hydrogen for motor fuel is just a worse energy and economic proposition than charging batteries.
  21. not speaking about the Tigers in particular - just the general issue about how any GM has to approach the decision of how much future liability to take on for the sake of a short term boost. And I think an irony that the conventional take would be that teams are more likely to take that big risk when they are already good - a sure playoff team, and want to increase their chances of winning a series, when it's probably a more rational approach to take the risk to get into the playoffs. The number of wins needed to get to the playoffs probably easier to predict your chances for than your chance of winning a series once you get the playoffs. Short series are just so close to random.
  22. indeed. In the best of all possible worlds, you would always manage your team for most wins over infinite time - IOW never sacrifice two wins next year for one win this year. But I suppose in the real world if you know - for instance because you know your are going to lose critical FA's - that your probability to make the playoff is going to nose drive a year or two out, then it's a fair question whether you go for the one game in the current year because being two games worse in the following year doesn't matter. The problem is that in today's market, you aren't making those decision on a this year/next year basis, you are really making them on a this year vs the following 5-7 years, and putting yourself in a hole for that long almost never works well for any but the richest teams.
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