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Everything posted by gehringer_2

  1. What a moran. Tom - you can write all the checks to do go works around the community you want to, there is absolutely no need to subject us all to bad basketball for that to happen.
  2. Lakeland scores 13 runs, Clark not in the lineup.
  3. Pens strategy was to rag the puck until Larkin and Raymond had to get off, and it worked. Wings just don't have a 2nd set of winning 3 on 3 skaters.
  4. Moving a game from a wet chilly day to a warm sunny one isn't the worst outcome even if it has to be as part of a double header. Later in the year when a reschedule is just a likely to end up in worse weather maybe push harder to play it, but with the Saturday forecast in hand it probably wasn't a hard call for Harris et al.
  5. And he trades for another old RH Dman and Edvinsson ends up there with him. 😠
  6. OTOH - You can guess the only thing they wanted less than losing the case was to win the case with a white majority jury. If you come at it from that direction, you can say they were in a lose/lose situation, but that still doesn't excuse the California Court allowing the trial to turn into farce, regardless of what other factors came into play. Also, I think almost oddly enough an inversion on what is current today with BLM. If OJ had murdered his black wife, maybe they are more likely to convict him. 🤔
  7. Better than a tanto in a linen wrapper I suppose...
  8. Keith has been quite the surprise at 2b, just because everyone seemed so skeptical. He seems perfectly comfortable, decisions are good, not forcing anything. I think 3b could still be a weakness if McKinstry ends up there against LHP a lot. He's not horrible at 3B but he's not really all that good either.
  9. Toledo now also with a Doubleheader Saturday. LOL - Will Toledo call up a pitcher from Erie while Det calls up a pitcher from Toledo (which we assume will be Manning...)
  10. But even then, the level of incompetence evident is probably enough to torpedo a roster even with two great players to build around. The Pistons are probably doomed until Gores sells or dies, just as the Lions were with WCF. Maybe the best we can hope for is that if he finds the team enough of an embarrassment, it motivates him to sell it.
  11. But the prosecutor's were also incredibly incompetent. Maybe in LA the idea of water falling from the sky is too foreign to keep in mind, but anyone who lives in non-desert parts of the world knows that leather gloves left in the rain shrink. If they had had any brains they could have blown up the whole Cochran glove shtick. Likewise not doing your homework on your own witnesses. Not to mention Ito letting the trial wander all over the place. I'd say the system failed as much as the poor jury. But the other lesson to take form the OJ trial is that sadly that kind of incompetence isn't that rare, and that kind of system failure leads to just as many guilty verdicts that are just as wrong.
  12. I'll go back to my earlier contention. I'm not sure they necessarily even did anything on purpose, it may just have been natural evolution in the manufacturing process toward greater quality control resulting less variability but at a higher average compression limit still within the spec. The problem is that they got all reactionary about it and refused to admit anything happened because they like the result (HR record chases). So now too many people in league management have staked their credibility on the denial that the baseball changed.
  13. He signs a QO, he still has the year to see if they get lucky on the lottery pick and he gets a teammate he thinks he can win with, then it's his decision to stay or go. It supposed to be a poor draft, but there are always surprises.
  14. right. My point just being that max physical effort is not the key in much sports competition. A basketball player doesn't generally hurl the ball at the basket, a successful QB doesn't make every throw at max velo. Baseball is supposed to be a skill game. Any hitter that swings as hard as he can on every pitch or makes every throw in the field at max effort is also going to find himself back in the minors - effort moderated by skill is a core of baseball performance. But somehow the game has allowed itself to evolve to where there is too much performance value in max effort all the time for pitchers as compared to command, sequencing, guile, and other less physically taxing aspects of the art. So it goes back to restructuring the game so that a pitcher that keeps hitters off balance and induces a lot of weak contact and picks his spots to throw gas, can still be just as successful as a pitcher that racks up a lot of K's.
  15. I'd be surprised if he does anything else. Cade doesn't strike as any kind of romantic who's in the game to help rebuild some team that doesn't know what they are doing just because they happened to draft him.
  16. And of course, widen the context and 'States Rights' still remains the clearest dog whistle ever for the white supremacy/nationalist types. So that's a twofer for Trump.
  17. Accountability is something we can only hope becomes a wider trend in every aspect of this society. It's been been on the defensive for a couple of generations and the results have not been particularly good.
  18. it's not *that* unusual. Every athlete in an endurance competition knows what it is to find a sustainable pace a step down from max effort that's going to enable them to win the most in the end. Not to mention if you define "best self" as the most winning overall, than you have to endure to be your 'best' self.
  19. the joy of small sample sizes. I think Tork's range issues last year were more bad habits that lack of ability. He has decent hands and it's not like he has any physical deficits in his lateral movement. He'll be fine at 1b in the long run. He can't start every season as hitter in June though....
  20. Didn't the NCAA deaden the bats a few years ago to cut down on the effective difference? In any case, Torks power is real enough, if fact if he'd trust himself he has plenty of power to the opposite field. He'd hit his HRs without selling out to pull the ball. I guess he got to the Tigers too late in Cabrera's career for that idea to rub off on him.
  21. FLA was about 50-60%, that's less darkness than a cloud so play on!
  22. A little more detail would have been helpful. Why would the NFL want to contact the USFL team? Would they sell a player to the NFL?
  23. It's not sport if teams refuse to compete, it's simply exhibition - Globetrotters/Senators. It's trying to win even when it doesn't make a difference. to compete for the sake of the competition, that makes it sport in the first place. Take that away and all you have left is an ornate manufactured 'reality TV' series.
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